Title: Pandora's end

Character pairings: Usual, perhaps hint of heijixshinichi, kidxshinichi if you squint

Summary: A simple Kid heist takes a turn for worse when suspicious people in black makes their debut. Something is wrong, dreadfully so. Fate moves and alliances are formed. The final showdown with the organization has just truly begun.

Disclaimer: Own nothing... Don't sue me kay?

" Double bells that ring alike

For A TIME of APPOINTMENT have arrived

Gentle lady I greet you hence

Before day comes and star descends

- Kaitou Kid

PS the odds are higher "

Mouri Kogoro read out the latest Kid heist notice that was sent to the Suzuki Cooperation. "Kind of romantic ne? Double bells sound like wedding" Ran commented, dreamily. Conan rolled his eyes. Again?, he sighed inwardly but still a small smile played one his lips. Perhaps this time, a victor would finally emerge between the two.

"Gentle lady? Is there a jewel called that? " Mouri asked the young secretary of Suzuki cooperation sitting on the familiar couch of the Mouri Tantei Office. "There is not gentle lady jewel. Kid is probably referring to the Gem Torendi. Currently it is on display in Osaka's diamond festival. "Osaka?" Conan asked in surprise as a familiar image of a dark-skinned male came into mind. The pretty female nodded.

"Ja this notice was sent to Osaka?" Ran questioned. "Yes indeed, the Osaka branch of Suzuki Foundation received it yesterday. They immediately forwarded it to the main branch at Tokyo. Since Mouri-tantei is well-known, the director asked me to enlist Mouri-san's help." Tanada-san flashed a warm smile. The case was won. The next day, Conan and Ran found themselves on the express train to Osaka.

"Oi Ran-chan!" Kazuha's voice rang through the crowd at the platform. "Oh Kazuha-chan, how have you been?" Ran greeted. Mouri stifled a huge yawn after a long night's mahjong as expected. Conan followed behind Ran. "Yo Kudo." Hattori bent down and patted Conan's head like a little kid. That's one irritating guy for you, Conan thought.

"Here ya have th' Osaka diamon' fest." Hattori gestured to the crowded building, luxuriously decorated with carpets, chandeliers and of course exquisite diamonds from collectors all over Japan. Rich bastards, Conan thought as he observed the multitudes of overly well-dressed people walking in the hall.

"Nakamori-keibu?" Mouri Kogoro exclaimed in surprise. "What are you doing here? Aren't you in charge of Tokyo?" "This is KID heist. Of course I'm here." Nakamori replied. "This time, for sure, I'll catch Kid!" zeal fire burning in his eyes. And you brought the entire taskforce too? What a man. Conan thought as the familiar faces of the taskforce showed themselves surrounding a jewel box.

"Oi! Raaaannnn!" a high-pitched voice called behind them as the ojou-sama announced her arrival. Oh man, another irritating person just appeared. Conan had half-hoped that Sonoko wouldn't be here but it's Sonoko they are talking about, what would you expect? Ran went over to Sonoko. Kazuha followed suit, leaving Hattori and Conan at the jewel box, a little private time.

Gem Torendi sparkled under the lighting. The jewel looks expensive alright. It was small and delicate looking. They listened in to Mouri and Nakamori's conversion over the jewel.

"Gem Torendi? So this is the target? Gentle Lady. Gem Torendi. Gentle lady." Mouri said as began to think.

What a lame pun. Conan and Hattori had immediately noticed.

"Yes. This gem is from England. One of the most captivating gems. Under different lightings, the gem turns different colours." Nakamori-keibu explained. And then, he went into a string of expressive adjectives and speech about capturing Kid.

"Hattori" Kudou asked, snapping Hattori out of his thoughts. "Double bells... Does this festival have some bell ringing ceremony or something?" Hattori shook his head. "None t'at I know of.""So we still don't know when he's stealing it?" Kudou asked. "Nop' but somethin' bugs me about the ' a time of appointment'…" Hattori added. Kudou nodded silently.

Chapter end - 7:11 pm 4/1/10

Author notes:

The code is real though. Anyone wan try crack it? Haha.

It should give you a date and the time of heist.

PS is a hint for you all.

Pls r&r.

First DC fanfic.

mata ne?

Shiroi Mi