Sasori sighed. He needed to clear his head. He walked off the path and into the small forest. There was a secluded lake with its own dock there that only a few knew about. He usually went there when he needed to think.


"SASORI!!" Deidara was running around, looking for Sasori. He had to be around there somewhere. Dammit!!


Sasori entered into the clearing. He already felt calmer just by looking at the sparkling lake surface. He took off his cloak and put it down near the start of the dock, he didn't want to get water on it just in case. He gave another sigh and walked along the wooden boards of the dock, sitting down on the very end.


Grrr. Dammit, Sasori had to be around here somewhere!!

Think, Deidara, think!!


If I were Sasori, where would I be?

Deidara shut his eyes, trying to focus.

Let's see…the Art Studio? No, Sasori only went there on Saturdays and Tuesdays…

The House? No. If Sasori felt like he had earlier, he wouldn't want to see Deidara…

Wait…Wasn't there that lake that Sasori usually hung out at? But where was it!?!

Sasori had taken Deidara there the first month he had come, but that was it…Oh yeah! It was in the forest right near the Hall of the Great Three. That was just there!! He started to make his way through the trees.

Deidara's mind just suddenly screamed. 'DANGER!!!'

Deidara knew he had to find Sasori quickly.


Sasori heard a creaking noise. That can't be good. Everything happened in a second.

The boards bellow Sasori suddenly gave way. Sasori crashed into the deep water. He instinctively started to swim upwards. Suddenly one of the other boards fell off the dock, slamming onto Sasori's head. Everything went black.


A voice was calling out his name. Am I dead? He opened his eyes suddenly and coughed up some water. He was trying to calm his breathing. He looked towards the person who had been calling to him.



Sasori felt a pair of arms suddenly wrap themselves around his neck and a pair of lips on his own. His stared up into a familiar pair of blue eyes for a bit before closing his eyes and returning the kiss. After a bit they pulled away for air. Deidara rested his forehead on Sasori's, staring into his muddy brown eyes.

"What happened?"

Sasori's head was aching dully.

"The dock broke and you fell in. I saw your cloak and the broken dock and jumped in to save you, un."

Sasori sat up, also bringing Deidara into a sitting position on his lap. He nuzzled his head in the crook of the blonde's neck, making a content hum sort of noise. He pulled away quickly when he noticed how cold Deidara was.

"You're soaked, brat!"

"Quote: 'Jumped in to save you, un', un."

Sasori sighed and moved Deidara off his lap, standing up.

"Take off your cloak; you will catch a cold like that."

Deidara nodded and slipped off the soaking red material and watched Sasori pick up his own one, which was dry. He walked back over to where Deidara was and to the blonde's surprise, put the dry cloak on Deidara. Deidara blinked at him as Sasori sat back down.

"Deidara. You're the most important thing in my life."

Deidara crawled over to Sasori and pushed him back down. He pressed his lips down on Sasori's for a few seconds.

"Well, you're the most important thing in my life, un. We share the cloak. You know what Sasori? You're a bastard, un."

Before Sasori could reply, Deidara had already kissed him once more.

"You're a bastard for not telling me we were engaged."

Once more, before Sasori could respond Deidara had already shut him up with a kiss.

"You're a bastard for getting me pregnant."

Deidara kissed him once more.

"You're a bastard for not being there when I woke up, un."


"And you're a bastard for doubting that I loved you."

As a full stop, he bought Sasori's lips into a passionate kiss. Sasori kissed back, slipping his tongue into Deidara's mouth and starting a battle of dominance.

"I'm sorry for all those things…except getting you pregnant. No way am I going to give birth, Dei."

Deidara gave a pout.

"Yep, definitely a bastard…"


"Why I'm in love with you I will never know, un."

"Shhh, enough talk, Brat."

Deidara gave a light smile, noticing his own bird signature on the red head's neck, and rested his head in the crook of Sasori's neck, taking in the scent of his Danna. This felt just so damn right. Because it was just so damn right.


"We, the Great Three, keepers of Peace, Ancestors of the Original Great Three who sealed the Planet Alliance, are here to join the two of you in Partnership. Sasori Akasuna, of Sunagakure, and Deidara Iwa, of Earth. Do you agree to the sealing of your bond, which will then become unbreakable."

Sasori just nodded.

"I do, un." Deidara had been waiting his whole life to say those two…three words.

"Then, by the power we three hold, we seal the bond between you two. May your bond never break, in this life and the next. The Great Three have spoken, therefore it is done."

Deidara felt the mark on his neck tingle for a few seconds before returning to normal.

"You may go now. Thank you for your lives."

Deidara blinked at them.

"It's a manner of speech, Brat."

"…I knew that…un…"

Sasori chuckled and grabbed Deidara's hand, leading him out of the golden hall.

Tsunade gave a chuckle.

"This is the most eventful Partnership ceremony since Pein claimed Konan."

Pein just shrugged.


10 months later.

Sasori kissed Deidara lightly on the cheek. They were in a hospital on Sunagakure.

Deltoid children usually take 11 months until they are fully developed enough to leave the mother (or in this case, father). Though since Sasori and Deidara's child was only half Deltoid, it would take only 10 months to develop. It was custom for the mother to choose which of the three planets to be born on. Deidara had decided on Sunagakure, since it was Sasori's home planet, so that was why they were there.

Deidara had given birth the day before, but the couple had yet to see their baby. Deidara was worried that something had happened to them, while Sasori was trying to comfort his blonde partner.

"Its okay, Dei, they told us that everything is fine."

"Couldn't they at least tell us if it's a boy or girl, un?"

"Its okay, Dei. You did great yesterday."

Sasori nuzzled Deidara's cheek lovingly.

"Yeah…But don't even dare get me pregnant again and your gonna get castrated, un."

"…Fine…" Sasori once more kissed Deidara, this time on the lips. They were cut off from their kiss when the doctor entered the room.

"Greetings." The doctor was holding a bundle of black blankets. Sasori stood up, the doctor approaching him and offering the bundle. Sasori took it and moved a flap of the blanket. A warm smile lit up on his face. He sat down on the bed and placed the bundle into Deidara's arms, once again kissing Deidara on the cheek.

Deidara blinked down at the little face, which blinked its big baby blue eyes back at the blonde.

Sasori looked at the doctor.

"It's a healthy boy."

Sasori nodded and looked back at Deidara, who had a look of awe on his face as he continued to stare at the little baby boy.

"I will leave you three alone."

"Thank you."

The doctor gave a smile and left the family.

Sasori looked back to Deidara and their new born son.

"So what do you want to call him, Dei?"

"Ryuusei, un."


"It means 'Shooting Star' in Japanese…" (A/N Thus the title 'SasoDei Shooting Star'!!)

"Our son. Little Ryuusei, our little shooting star."


1 year later

Ding dong.


Hidan opened the door, suddenly going silent.

"WHO IS IT!?!"

Hidan ignored his partner and just continued to stare.

"Hey, Hidan, un!!"


Before the zealot was a familiar blonde, a man with flame red hair, and in his arms was a little boy with blue eyes and hair almost as red as the guy holding him.

"Yeah!! I said I'd visit, un!!"

Hidan suddenly lunged at Deidara, bringing him into a hug. Deidara smiled and pat Hidan on the back.

Sasori stared at them for the first minute of the hug, before turning to the 1 year old in his arms out of boredom. He bounced Ryuusei up and down in his arms and smiled at him.

"Hey Hoshi (star), don't you want to be held by mummy?"

The little child smiled and clapped his hands.

"Mummy!! Mummy!!"

Ryuusei was more intelligent than any one year old earthling, even if he was only average as a Deltoid and he already knew a bit of English.

Deidara pulled away from his best friend and gave Sasori a half hearted glare, while wearing a smirk. Sasori smirked back.

"I didn't say anything."

Deidara rolled his eyes and took his son from Sasori.

Hidan burst out laughing.


Deidara stuck his tongue out at Hidan. Ryuusei on the other hand pointed a small finger at the zealot.


Hidan stopped laughing and gave the 1 year old a glare.


"Oh yeah, come in, sorry if it is a bit fucking untidy."

"Who was it, Hidan?"

"Hey, Deidara, you remember Kakuzu?"

"Course, un!!"


Deidara waved to the brown haired man.

"Long time no see!!"

"Yeah, un."

Deidara and Sasori sat down on one of the couches.

"So, introductions are fucking needed!!"

"Oh, course, this is Sasori, un."

"Ah, the Red head who slept with ya then you were supposed to be fucking engaged!! So you two finally come to fucking terms?"

Both of them nodded.

"And who's the little fucking Einstein?"

"This is Ryuusei, Hoshi for short."

"Ryuusei? Shooting Star? Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning something about a shooting star. So, is he your little baby?" It was supposed to be a joke.

"Yes, he is our son." Sasori said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh, well, did Deidara fucking give birth?!" Once more, supposed to be a joke.



"So, Hidan, un. Are you and Kakuzu lovers or just room mates?"


Kakuzu put an arm around Hidan.

"Yep, even if my little zealot doesn't want to admit it."

Hidan gave a small grumble.

"Why don't we go out for ice cream, un? I haven't had one in over 5 years!!"

"Wow. That planet must be fucking hell!!"

Sasori blinked at them.

"I didn't think it was possible, but you use more slang words than Deidara!!"

Kakuzu and Deidara laughed while Hidan just glared at Sasori.


"Thanks for everything Hidan!! We promise to visit every year, un!!"

Deidara waved goodbye to his friends.


Hidan and Kakuzu waved back at them.

"Wave bye bye, Hoshi!!"

"Bye bye!!" the little one year old waved back before Deidara returned inside the ship, the door closing behind them.

Deidara watched through the window as the ship took off, watching Earth get smaller and smaller.

"You see this, Ryuusei? This was mummies when he was a little baby!!" Deidara held up a little stuffed owl. It was one of the things which Deidara had wanted back from Hidan, along with his old clay pouch, a jewellery box which had some of his mother's old jewellery in, his father's old pocket watch which still worked, his phone charger and a photo frame of both his parents holding him when he was just a baby.

Hidan was a good friend for not selling anything and also keeping it from getting ruined by mould and dust. Ryuusei took the stuffed owl and smiled at it, clearly amused. Deidara gave a warm smile and sat down in the co pilot seat, smiling at Sasori who was flying the ship.

"You're a better pilot that I thought, Danna; at least you didn't crash this time."

Sasori gave a smirk, looking at Deidara for a few seconds before turning his attention back to flying the craft.

"That was because I ran out of fuel. I was supposed to be going to another planet but I took a wrong turn. I took my chances and luckily I crash landed on Earth."

"I wonder what would have happened if you had actually gone the correct way."

"I'm happy I didn't, or else I would have never met you."

"Yeah, un. What about if I hadn't been out for a walk? Or if Konan had erased my memory? Or…or…I don't know, un." Deidara sighed and nuzzled his face into Ryuusei's hair.

"Well, we got together in the end, and that's all that matters."

"Not in a million years did I picture my life like this. On a space ship, with an alien who I love and am married to, holding my son who I gave birth to. I seriously didn't see it coming, un!!"

Sasori and Deidara laughed.

"I didn't picture myself flying back to Amegakure, from Earth with an alien who I love and am partnered with, who holding my son whom they bore. Point is it happened."

Both of them laughed once more. Deidara bounced Ryuusei up and down.

"It's an owl, Hoshi, un. It goes 'Hoo Hoo, Hoo Hoo'."

"Owl!! Hoo HOO!! Hoo HOO!!"

Ryuusei started to giggle and hugged the stuffed owl tightly.


Sasori looked over at Deidara and Ryuusei. He gave a soft smile. Both of them were now fast a sleep, Deidara cuddling his little red haired son, and Ryuusei cuddling the owl. He turned back to the controls, still smiling softly.

"I may not have pictured it, but I'm more than glad it happened."

The End.