Disclaimer: I do not own Pretear or anything like that though I totally wish I did.

Chapter 1: He loves me, He loves me not

Should I tell him how I feel? Or would that just end with a new princess of disaster. What should I do? Himeno thought to herself as she paced back and forth in the garden at her family's mansion. She had moved here after her father had remarried. But what if he doesn't feel the same way? What happens then?

"Darn it! Why can't I make up my mind!" Himeno yelled. After hearing Himeno's little outburst from his shaded little spot by the tree, Sasame decided to say hi, "Can I help with anything?"

"KYAAA!" cried Himeno, "you scared me! Sasame, what are you doing out here in the garden?"

"I enjoy looking at the flowers and it's usually quite peaceful. What about you, Himeno?" Sasame asked. "What are you doing out here with that gloomy look on your face? Is there anything wrong?"

Himeno blushed. She didn't want any one to know about her feelings for Hayate until she was able to make up her mind about whether to tell him or not. "N-no! O-of course not! Why would there be anything wrong? I feel great!"

"I see. Well then, I had best be on my way. It is getting rather late. But remember that if there is ever anything you need to talk about, I'm all ears." Sasame smiled at her before teleporting back to his home in Leafonia.

"Whew! That was close." Himeno realised that it was in fact getting dark and started to head back towards the house. She was starting to get comfortable now that things had settled down.

She would see Hayate every once in a while and they would talk but she was still debating whether or not to tell him. She didn't want to ruin the easy going relationship they had but she couldn't stand the thought of not being able to spend the rest of her life with him.

Between arguing with him all the time and fighting against the princess of darkness, she had fallen in love with Hayate. She didn't know what to do anymore.

Maybe if I just took a trip away from home for awhile I'll be able to think clearly. This way I won't see not only him but anyone else I know either.

She decided that it sounded like a pretty good idea and decided to take a trip to a hot spring for the rest of the week. So that night she packed up some clothes and set off on her trip the next morning.

As she arrived at the onsen she was starting to think she had made a mistake. She was already missing Hayate and it hadn't been but a few hours. It's true that she didn't get to talk with him often but she saw him frequently throughout the day.

The hot spring she had picked was gorgeous and had excellent food. This was where here father had taken her mother on their honey moon all those years ago. She was starting to get a little lonely.

Maybe I should head back, she thought. No, I will leave once I have sorted things out. She had made a promise to herself that she wouldn't leave until then. She decided to go for a quick dip. As she leaned back against the edge, she felt her body slowly starting to relax. She started to go through the pros and cons of the situation. She mentally made a list.

Pros: he may like me, it could improve our relationship, I could finally be truly happy for once, and have an additional member to our family. Cons: The earth could be destroyed, he may not like me, I could become the princess of darkness.

Well, she thought, if I prepare myself for his rejection before hand, I may be able to prevent myself from becoming the princess of darkness.

After a few more days of careful consideration, she chose to tell him how she felt.