A/N: Whoa two chapters in two days .... go me! Well this the last chapter for a little while i do start school next Monday so i will have less time to update and i have two stories already going but this story is just being put on hold for a while so no fear people! Until i finsh on of my other stories are when i have some free time which i probably will i am only taking 6 classes this term and i have two each day expect Fridays and one class online so i will have a little more free time in past semesters so you are in some luck! So hopefully you guys won't have to wait too long. So here is chapter 2 Please take the time to review i would love to see people actually reading/ liking my story till next time !----Evil

Chapter 2

It's been a month since Diva and Haji died and that's about all I can think about. Especially Haji … why couldn't I tell him how I felt sooner… I thought as I was laying at in my bed. I was too weak to get out of bed most of the time so Julia would give me blood transfusions daily at home. Kai spent as much time as he could with me we are trying to re-open the restaurant too. But the times Kai was working Solomon would come sit with me. When he is here even when I am sleeping I can feel his presence. Sometimes I can hear him say things like "I love you" …"I will always be here for you whenever you need me". Today was another one of those days.

I opened my eyes and once they began to focus it was Solomon sitting next to my bed holding my hand. As soon as I sat up he kissed my cheek.

"Glad to see you are finally awake my darling" he said as he was pushing my hair out of my face.

"How long has it been?"

"You have been sleeping almost 2 days for some reason the days you sleep are becoming shorter, Julia can't explain why this is".

"Maybe the transfusions are having better effects on me" I started to get up from my bed and Solomon walked aside me until I got down stairs of course Kai was cooking. Solomon walked out the front door as his cell phone was ringing since Diva was gone he had no reason not to live a normal life he decided to come live Okinawa nearby, he was trying to open a business.

"Hello Saya, I see you are finally awake are you hungry?" Kai asked from behind the counter.

"Can I have some eggs and some bacon please?" I walked and got on top of the stools on the nodded and threw some bacon in a pan and I could hear the sizzling as soon as the bacon hit the pan.

"Saya, Tonight it the official reopening of the restaurant and guess who is allow to come?"

"The babies?" I answered.

"Yeah Julia is bring them tonight and she said they can finally come home for awhile."

"That's great I can't wait to see them"

"Do you want to name them tonight? I know it might be hard for you but they still need names" He put my plate of bacon and eggs on the bar.

"I know they do but it was just too painful for me to even hold them I'm sorry I have been so down these past month.. I just miss him that's all" even thinking about his name made a lump in my throat.

"I know I miss him as well as Riku and Dad but we just have to make our own family now" He spoke as he held his pendant in his hand.

"I know Kai I'm sorry"

"Hurry up and eat your food before it gets cold … I did slave away making it"

"Oh shut up "I slapped his hand and he jumped back. Then I started to eat and this food was great after two days of not eating.

" Saya there is something I want to ask you. I have been thinking about this since Riku died… well I think you should change me "he asked me I could tell me was serious about this I put my fork down as I listened to him speak.

" I know you don't think you should I can understand you trying to save Riku but now once you go into your long sleep I will be alone for the most part and I don't think I can handle such a long time without my only family left so please hear me out".

I looked down at the wood at the bar and folded my arms. "Why do you want to live forever just because Riku would have if he wasn't killed?"

" No Saya I just want to be around to protect what's left of our family and that includes you. Being human I am so fragile.. I could have saved Riku if I wasn't human."

"You have to understand it's not a easy process I will think about it and give my answer tonight" I stormed out of the Restaurant and ran as fast as my legs would carry me until I couldn't run anymore. Then I found a bend and just cried because I couldn't hold it in any longer. Then I felt a hand on shoulder I turn to see it was Solomon he sat next to me and I he held me for a long time until the sun was setting.