A/N: Ok i just saw the last episode of Blood + and i couldn't get the whole show out of my head so i decided to write a short begging to a story. Also there aren't that many fanfics for blood+ its just such a good show i don't know why there aren't more oh well here is another on to had to the pile. Please take the time to review! I really appericate the feedback!Thanks------ Evil

Chapter 1

"I will kill you Sister…. The sister I never wanted" Diva screamed and started charging.

We ran towards each other this was the last blow …. One of was going to die tonight…. She plunged her sword in my stomach I stabbed her in the shoulder. Diva stepped back and pulled the sword out of her the wound already started to crystallize.

"Diva …. I…" I ran to try to hold her together her left arm feel off and shattered. I put her on the ground next to her children.

"My babies …I love you "she started to tear holes in the sacks that held them. " I'm sorry I won't be able to see you grow up …. Goodbye" moments later her face turned to stone. I felt to the ground and someone caught me … it was Haji. I just started to cry in his arms after a few moments I made my mind up as to what the fate was of the babies.

"Kai … this is goodbye" She held the blade above one of the babies heads.

"No Saya don't" He ran towards me but was stopped by Haji.

"I have to kill them ….. and then I will kill myself …. To save everyone …. "

" Saya stop …. Haji tell her to stop this I know you love her" Kai yelled in Haji's face.

"I just follow Saya orders whatever she wishes I wish for her al.." Before he finished Kai slapped him.

"You love her to much to let her kill herself!" as he said that Saya looked up to see Haji looking at her. As he slowly walked to her he confessed her true feelings

"This is the only time I will ever disobey you but … Saya I have loved you and will always love you since the moment you smiled at me I knew I love you … please live for today and live for tomorrow. You can finally have the life and family you always wanted" He held her in his arms he put his face next to hers and kissed her cheek.

"I will live as long as I can be with you " She kissed him and it felt just like the first time we kissed those few years ago but better. The babies started to giggle. Sai picked one of them up Kai grabbed the other one. We had to leave I could hear the planes flying overhead. Solomon ran out from the tallest balcony to the group.

"Nathan is dead" he said next thing I knew was Amshel was blocking the exit.

"You aren't getting away with Diva's babies" he bellowed

" I won't let you take them away" I grabbed my sword and charged to him but midway Haji pushed me out of the way I heard them run into a wall. Kai grabbed me I turned to haji he was pinned to the walk by Amshel's hand.

"HAJI NO!" I scream and tried to run to him but Solomon and Kai grabbed both my arms.

" Saya…. I will always love you "then he was gone part of the ceiling had collapsed on him.

" HAJI !" Solomon yanked me through the door and into to lobby and through the front doors I could feel a wave of tears in my eyes but I was forced to keep running. Then across the street I blacked out as the bombs were dropped. Last thing I remember was Haji's words echoing through my head and his face keep flashing in my mind.