Chapter 19: Home


"Lizzie? Are you alright?" Matthew asked, worried.

Lizzie looked up from her plate. She managed a small smile in an attempt to cover up her momentary distraction.

"Yes of course… So uh… you met with Will?" She began to pick through the mound of chips.

Even if Matthew found it odd he said nothing. He continued. "Yes. I presented our team's proposal to him and Richard Fitzwilliam. I must say, he wasn't what I expected."

"Will? Why? Did he say something?" Suddenly she was very interested with what Matthew had to say.

"That's it. He seemed preoccupied … He didn't say much. He asked a few questions but that was it. I thought he'd want to know where his money was going."

"He's like that most of the time, so I hope you weren't offended." Lizzie felt the need to explain. After all, if there was one person who knew all about having a wrongful impression of Will Darcy, it was her.

"So you and Will-?

"Tell me about your stay in Morocco-" She suddenly blurted out.

She no longer wanted to talk about Will especially about what they were to each other. Her feelings… yes, her feelings for him… like her messy plate of fish and chips… were in disarray. He hadn't called since the night he dropped her off after the ball. She felt something was wrong but she didn't have the courage to call him and ask. They were having a great time that night… she was enjoying his company, thinking that being with him was not at all bad as she initially thought. But after they met Matthew, Will just closed himself off. Could it possibly be about Matthew? Was Will jealous? No he couldn't be…

Lizzie tried to pay attention to Matthew… but she couldn't help it… Will was in her mind and it seemed he'd be there for a long, long while.


Georgie stopped mid bite when she saw Will enter the kitchen still in his pyjamas. She immediately dropped her toast and looked at her phone. Her eyebrows creased in confusion. She looked back at Will who was pouring himself a cup of tea.

"It's Tuesday." Georgie said in a matter of fact tone.

Will sat on the nearest chair and reached for the paper. "It is."

Georgie's brows creased further- if such a thing was possible.

"Are you sick?"

Will drank from his cup and said no.

"Then what are you still doing here? You should be in the office telling Rich to do his job."

"I'm going to Pemberley."

"WHAT?" Georgie pinched her own cheeks, stood up and jumped until she was breathless. "Huh, still here. I'm awake. This is reality. WHAT IS HAPPENING WILL?"

"Nothing. I just decided to take a few days off from work."

"Why on heaven's shit would you do that? You've never done that for the last what? Nine, ten years?" Georgie asked as she sat across her brother.

"Language G."

"Yeah… Yeah… answer me."

"Between the American deal and the ball… I didn't have much time to rest. Everything's in order. I see no reason not to take a few days off."


Will sipped his tea, calm as you please.

"Did something bad happen between you and Lizzie?"

At that Will stopped for a second.

"Ha! Something did happen! Tell me!"

"Nothing happened G. We're fine."

"I'll call Lizzie to confirm that." Georgie immediately grabbed her phone.

"Please don't." Will dropped the paper and looked at Georgie. "Georgie please… just this time… let it go."

Georgie stopped at the sight of her brother's expression. He was begging. Will had never begged. She knew right then that whatever was happening between Will and Lizzie, it was best that they handled it themselves. She nodded.

Will stood up and kissed Georgie at the top of her head.

"Thank you. I'll see you when I get back."

Will began to walk away. Behind him, Georgie shouted "Make sure you fix things with Lizzie or- Wait you have no other choice- I'll accept only her as a sister!"

And with that Will allowed himself to smile for the first time in days, even if only for a fleeting moment.


Lizzie found herself walking in Covent Garden after lunch. She just came from the agency to talk about her next assignment and since she was not in a hurry, she thought it best to walk for a bit. She's not cooking dinner anyway since Jane's not coming home that night. She had been staying at Charlie's since Sunday, only going home to grab some of her things. Lizzie's happy for her sister. Charlie's a great guy and he and Jane were, for the lack of a better term- a match made in heaven. She smiled at the thought of angels singing floating around the pair. It was crazy just how perfect the two of them were together. But with thoughts of Charlie inevitably came Will. She still hadn't heard from him. The previous night she overheard Charlie talking to Will on the phone when he came to pick up Jane but she left before Charlie caught her eavesdropping. She felt pathetic afterwards and to be honest a little miffed at Will. She went to sleep determined not to fuss over the fact that he hadn't called.

But fate seemed to be taunting her when she found herself standing in front of Cote, the French restaurant where she first met Will. She suddenly remembered how well they got along then. Conversation flowed freely. Will was open. He smiled and talked and argued with her- and then he kissed her right at that spot by the lamplight. Then of course she couldn't forget what happened that night… that perfect evening they shared together. Sure, they were both mildly drunk but she was conscious of what she wanted and that was to spend the night with Will.

And now she thought they were on their way back to reclaiming the effortless feeling of familiarity of their first meeting, but then she was proven wrong. However, instead of being pissed at Will like last time, now she resented herself.

Her phone's vibration took her away from her reverie, answering the call she sadly noted was from Jane.

"Hi Jane, what's up?"

"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?"

"Aside from sleeping? Nothing much really."

"Want to come for dinner? Charlie's cooking and he made a bet that he makes pasta better than I do. I need to win so I need you to bet on me."

Lizzie's mind immediately went to Will. "Is he coming? Of course he's coming. He's Charlie's best friend for crying out loud! Even if a ridiculous spaghetti bet won't deter him."

"Uh… who else is coming?" She asked, not really thinking of anything else.

"You know what I'm not sure yet. Charlie said he'll call some of his friends. Why?"

"Nothing… just curious." She lied. Will is coming. He'll be there. We'll be able to talk.

"Hmmm. So you coming?" Jane asked, unaware of her sister's warring thoughts.

Lizzie answered. "Yeah, sure, what time do you need me there?"

"Seven sounds good?"

"Yeah. OK. I'll see you then."

"Thanks Liz-bear."

Jane ended the call. Lizzie stood before Cote as she peered through the window, at the table where she and Will had their first dinner together.


Will is at the stable feeding his thoroughbred, Atticus, while thinking of Charlie's call the earlier that day.

"When are you coming back?"

"Uh… Thursday? Maybe Friday. It depends. Do you really need me there?"

"Yeah. I need you to bet on me, man, I can't lose to Jane."

"Isn't that a bit juvenile? You're both on the wrong side of thirty to be still doing that."

"All's fair in love and war, Will, and this is a little bit of both."

"Sorry Charlie, I can't, I'm already on my way to Pemberley."

"What's up with that anyway? Rich bolting off from work I wouldn't question in a million years, but you?"

"I told G the same thing. I just need a break."

"What a shame. I'm sure Lizzie's coming tonight. You'll miss her."

At the mention of Lizzie's name, Will suddenly looked away, like how he would if he was in front of Charlie.

"Still there Will?"

"Yes. Hey Charlie, I have to go. I'm running low on petrol. Just call me if you need anything." He lied.

Will immediately ended the call. Charlie hadn't called him since. He wanted to go and see Lizzie but his head kept saying otherwise. She might bring that doctor… Matthew what's his name and he just wouldn't know how to act around them. He feared he might be rude just like how he always was with people he didn't like and Lizzie would hate him for it.

Truth be told, Matthew hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, if it weren't for his own personal doubts regarding Lizzie's feelings for him, he would've found Matthew a nice enough guy. When Matthew presented his plans for the medical mission in Africa, Will thought that the doctor had a very well thought of proposal. He spoke plainly without a care for platitudes or praise. Will liked that in people. He had enough of people kissing his ass all his life and he found out that those were the people he should look out for. But with Lizzie in his mind, Will treated Matthew with coldness that he knew the man didn't deserve.

"I'm mad, right Atticus?" Will asked the unsuspecting horse. Atticus neighed in response.

"Talking to horses now are we?" Martha Reynolds came in bearing refreshment.

Will opened his mouth to speak but immediately closed it and just rubbed his neck, suddenly conscious.

"Caused me a shock when you arrived, honestly. I thought you were your father's ghost."

"Sorry Mrs. R."

"Care to tell me why you're really here?" The old lady inquired.

"Everybody keeps asking me that." Will returned to feeding Atticus.

"Yeah well, it's the question on everybody's mind, I dare say. Can't really blame them you see."

"I suppose so."

"Is it about that girl of yours?" Mrs. Reynolds inquired, her eyes not leaving Will.

Will stopped and looked at Mrs. Reynolds.

"You couldn't hide anything from me dear boy. I've known you since you were this little." She demonstrated with her hands.

Will had to smile at that, even a bit.

"See, I was right. It's Lizzie eh?"

Will looked up at Mrs. R. Surprised that she knew Lizzie's name.

"Georgiana talks a lot and she's been telling me things and sending me pictures. She's a beauty, your Lizzie."

"She's not my Lizzie Mrs. R… and wait, G has been sending you pictures?"

"Yes. She gave me one of those smartphones. To be honest I only ever learned to open the stuff she sends. I'm still no good with making video calls or whatever you young ones call it… Here."

Mrs. Reynolds took out her phone from her apron's pocket. She swiped and pressed seemingly knowing what to do and then handed the phone to Will when she finished.

Will scrolled through the pictures, mostly of Georgie and Rich doing funny faces during the ball, but what caught his attention are the pictures of him and Lizzie. In one, he was whispering something in her ear. Lizzie had a smile on her face, her eyes bright with mirth. Will remembered this moment. He made a passing remark about Caroline looking like a frankfurter shaped disco ball and Lizzie guffawed moments later. He loved seeing her smile… loved being the one to make her happy.

The last one was taken right after the party as it seemed like everyone was gone… only he couldn't remember this moment. He knew he sat down and perhaps dosed off. He was tired of greeting everyone that night… of seeing Lizzie with Matthew, but he was alone then, he was sure. So he couldn't believe it when the picture clearly showed his head resting on Lizzie's shoulder. Her face was turned towards the top of his head… part of her lips grazing his hair.

"You've been keeping a lot from me Will. Should I be preparing for a new Mrs. Darcy?"

"No… It's not like that Mrs. R… it's not like that at all…"

Will still couldn't tear his eyes off the picture. His mind reeling from conflicting feelings- doubt, hope, love…

"Well that says otherwise. Don't doubt it for a minute."

Mrs. Reynolds walked towards Will and rested her warm hand on his cheek.

"I believe she'll make you happy Will… and you do the same for her from what I saw. So why not take the chance?"


Lizzie went home to change into a dress, Jane's gift from their last shopping trip together. On her way to Belgravia, she thought of what she would say to Will… she realized that perhaps it was time that they settled their undefined relationship. What were they really? Friends? More than friends? Friends who are attracted to each other but were too socially inept to deal with it? She sighed. Feelings are the most difficult thing in the world. Put a tyrant before her, she wouldn't even flinch, but feelings? And for a man who had been making her insides squirm in a good way for the past several weeks? Forget it. Her mind just went under.

She arrived at Charlie's townhouse five minutes past 7 o'clock. Charlie welcomed her with a friendly kiss on the cheek while holding a wooden spoon on one hand.

"Jane just went to the loo for a minute. Come in, come in."

Lizzie stepped in warily, scanning the marble decorated foyer for any sign of Will.

"I'm afraid it's only you for the night. Will's in Pemberley. Caroline doesn't care to go without Will. Richard has a date. Georgie has tickets to see Mumford and Sons with her friends and Charlotte is well… I think Jane said she hates Italian."

"She does." Lizzie said, more like an after thought.

"The pasta is nearly done so why don't you-" Charlie rattled as he turned around on his way back to the kitchen.

"Will's in Pemberley?" Lizzie suddenly found herself asking. Charlie turned around to face her.

"Yes. He went this morning. That's their estate up in Derbyshire…" Charlie clocked in Lizzie's puzzled expression. "You didn't know?"

"No…" Lizzie recovered and managed a smile. "But it's good he's having some rest. He definitely needs it."

"Yes… he said the same thing as well." Charlie replied, a bit unsure. Thankfully, Jane walked in right that moment.

"Lizzie!" She ran towards Lizzie to give her sister a hug, then she turned to Charlie and said… "Your sauce is drying up, sweetie."

"Oh sh-" and with that Charlie ran back to the kitchen, wooden spoon up in the air.

Both Jane and Lizzie had to laugh at the sight.


It turned out Charlie makes a mean plate of meatball spaghetti. Jane was so disappointed she lost the bet saying that it felt she was betrayed by her own flesh and blood.

"But his was really better Janey."

"Told ya." Charlie kissed Jane's temple and then raised both his arms in triumph. Jane still looked annoyed.

"For a heart attack you mean. You should've seen how many kinds of dairy products he put in that missy."

"But I like cheese… and cream… and milk." Lizzie whined.

Jane pouted and slumped on the chair like a little girl.

"So when do I get that massage?" Charlie asked Jane, his face only a few inches away from her.

Lizzie raised her hands in mock surrender. "Preferably when I'm not here."

Charlie suddenly stepped away, his face flushed. Jane hit him lightly on the arm. Lizzie began to gather her bag and jacket determined to give Jane and Charlie their couple time.

"Now that my duty is done, I'm leaving. Thank you for the tasty food and the wonderful company."

"You're leaving?" Jane asked, slightly disappointed. Lizzie nodded.

"I have a few prints I want to get done."

"I'm coming home tomorrow, let's do lunch? I'll cook to remind you of my greatness and to bring back honor to my name."

"Ha. Sure." Lizzie stepped forward to give Jane a tight hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow. You too Charlie."

"Wait I'll call for a cab." Charlie left the sisters in the dining hall. Lizzie and Jane moved to the sitting room. There, Lizzie noticed the pictures displayed on a table.

Charlie with his family and one with him and Will from their days at university, both wearing lacrosse uniforms. They looked so young back then. Jane noticed Lizzie.

"Charlie told me they were thick as thieves back then. It was before Will's father died and left him in charge of the company."

"I see." Lizzie stared at the picture. She realized that contrary to many people's beliefs, Will managed to keep some of his youthful cheerfulness alive. She saw that when he was with Georgie… when she was with him the first night they met.

At that moment, Charlie walked up to them. "I wish Will could've come… I still have no idea why he went to Pemberley all of a sudden. He likes to keep mum on things, that one. Anyway, I'm really glad he's got you now." He said, staring pointedly at Lizzie.

Jane looked at her sister, waiting for her reaction but Lizzie just didn't know what answer to give.


That night, Lizzie couldn't sleep. What Charlie said about Will was running through her head… that Will kept his feelings to himself… that he had her. Was she supposed to do anything? Should she wait for him to ask? But as Charlie said, Will wouldn't say a word. So what will she do?

Thinking kept her up for hours. Finally she fell asleep but was restless through most of it. She woke up tired and in a haze. After three cups of tea, she made up her mind.

She had to know.


Will took Atticus for a ride early in the morning. Pemberley was most beautiful at the break of dawn when the sun cast its first light on the greenery laden with dew. It was just what Will needed to clear his head but after two hours of galloping around, Lizzie was still occupying his thoughts.

"She's really more headstrong than you Atticus. I think I'm fighting a losing battle." Will said as he caressed the thoroughbred's neck affectionately.

"Come on, let's go home and have some breakfast. What do you think?"

Atticus raised his head. Will smiled and pulled the reins. Off they go.


Lizzie felt her lungs had been ran over by a horse when she saw Pemberley- no one could fault her, the house was overwhelming at first sight and much more so up close. Its grandness easily dwarfed her black rental car which looked like a speck of dust when seen in the middle of the vast estate. She had to stop in the tree-lined path by the lake to take in the view and to calm her beating heart.

"Holy mother of- he lives here? Who is he, the Prince of Wales!?" She exclaimed, incredulous.

"This is a bad idea clearly." She muttered, about to step back in the car to leave only to see a man riding a horse galloping towards her.

"No… he can't possibly be…" She said, eyes fixed on the man on the horse.

But of course, it was Will.

Lizzie might have muttered an expletive when she realized the fact. But then maybe it was meant to be. After all, she drove to Derbyshire in an ungodly hour to talk to him.

To Will, seeing Lizzie standing by his lake seemed like a dream. He hadn't had any breakfast… and he hadn't slept well in days. Surely it wasn't her. But as he drew closer, her face became clearer… the perfect arch of her eyebrows… her eyes mirroring the color of the lake… and her lips slightly opened apart.

She was here… in Pemberley… in his home.

Will saw the momentary panic in her eyes but he was relieved that it seemed she wasn't running away. Once he reached her, he immediately stepped down from Atticus and approached her. Lizzie walked forward to meet him halfway.

"Hi." She started. "Your house is beautiful." She added looking away. What a stupid thing to say. She mentally berated herself.

"Thanks." He replied, his eyes never leaving her face. "What are you doing here?"

Lizzie looked back at him, at first unable to hold her gaze but she took a deep breath and began to talk, this time, her eyes fixed on him. Will noticed that she was wringing her hands.

"I came to ask you something… now I realized I should've just called but then again this is better left said face to face… Why haven't you called since the ball? Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong? You were so quiet when you dropped me off at home… I didn't know what to think. You're messing my head Will Darcy and I hate it."

Will was stunned. He never expected her to say that. Lizzie took his silence as a sign to continue.

"Look, I know I was out of my wits for a moment that night when I saw Matthew… He's a friend from way back… OK more than a friend but we're just friends now. And you… you…"

Will's heart swelled. He took a step towards Lizzie and grabbed her face with both his hands.

"You-" Lizzie muttered, almost breathless. Her eyes met Will's. His were stormy blue.


And then no one could tell who went for it first but soon their mouths were locked together, tongues clashing. She snaked her arms behind his neck while standing on her toes. He lifted her off the ground… but in terms of feelings, they both soared.


I'm back! I'm sorry for the delay. I have been working on this whenever I find the time which isn't really that often. We're heading towards the end and I promise it will be sweet and hopefully worth the wait. Thanks for the kind messages! I have no plans of abandoning this story, maybe just find more time to actually write it. Your reviews are welcome as always! See you next chapter!