A/N: Sorry this update has taking FOREVER to publish but I have been swamped with school, friends, life and horseback riding. But it is up now and I have two more chapters written up and they should be published by tomorrow evening...that is if I get the two papers I have to write out first. Anyways, here it is...enjoy :D

"Flight attendants please prepare for landing." The Captain said over the intercom causing Tony to drift out of dreamland. Slowly he opened up is eyes, blinded momentarily by the fluorescent lights.

"Ugh..." he moaned as he shifted around in his seat, causing Kate, who was sleeping soundly on his chest, to shift and bury her face deeper into him.

His sleep dazed mind had completely forgotten the events of the last twenty-four hours which is why he was confused to see his partner cuddling up on his chest. It took a few minutes but just like in the Howling Cat Club images from yesterday drifted into his head. Smiling, Tony looked down at Kate thinking just how lucky he was to have a beautiful woman lying on his chest. Leaning over he kissed the top of her head, breathing in the sweet scent of her shampoo.

Kate stirred feeling Tony's hot breath on her hair, she smiled into his chest, taking a deep breath of her own. "Mmmmmmmm" she muttered as au du Tony filled her nostrils.

"Morning Katie Pie," Tony softly murmured as he ran a hand through her hair, "have a good nap?"

Slowly Kate shifted her head so that it was no longer on his chest but on his shoulder, causing Tony's arm to snake around her waist and his hand rested on her outer thigh. "Mmmhmm, though I am probably going to need a massage later," she whispered letting her hand fall onto his, her fingers dancing on his much larger ones. "How about you?"

"You made it comfortable," Tony said affectionately. He flipped his hand over and intertwined his hand with hers.

Tony and Kate jerked forward as the plane wheels hit the hard pavement of the runway. The lights in the cabin brightened as the Captain came over the intercom again, "On behalf of the flight crew, we would like to thank you for flying with us this morning. Welcome to Washington D.C. The current time is 4 AM and the air is a bit nippy around 55 degrees."

"Looks like we're here," Kate sighed as she stroked the back of his hand.

"Yeah...too bad."

"Tony, just because we are back doesn't mean any of this -" she held up their hands for emphasis, "has to change. We just still need to be professional at work, thats all." Kate raised their hands and brought them to her lips, softly kissing the back of his hand.

A reassuring smile passed over Tony's face as he let Kate's words sink in. It had been almost twenty-four hours and Kate showed no sign of regret. A cell phone rang somewhere on the plane, causing Tony's mind to make its last transition into reality.

"I should probably call McGee and see if we are still needed in the lab tonight," Tony said as he let go of Kate's hand and started digging in his pocket for his phone. Getting ahold of it, he quickly flipped it open and turned it on.

"Make sure its your phone this time," Kate joked as she turned to face the window, a small fun smile plastered across her face.

A few beeps and cursing that followed caused Kate to turn around and stare back at Tony that was staring down at his phone. "Tony...honey. You okay?" Kate placed a tender hand on his shoulder, her faced masked with genuine concern.

"I just got a text from McGee. Gibbs wants us at the lab ASAP." Closing his phone, Tony shoved it back into his pocket and stared at Kate, letting her face soothe him.

"Well...we did know that we were needed at the lab today. Look on the bright side, at least we slept a bit on the flight."

"I know. I just hoped for a recap of yesterday..." Tony whispered, sliding his right hand up her left thigh.

Kate's breath hitched, "Tony, I don't want to go into work either right now but crime and murder don't take time sleep." She placed her hand on his cheek, cupping it and stroking the faint stubble that has appeared since last night.

"Neither do we." Tony mutter as he tilted his chin downwards.

"Hey...hey...look at me," Kate lifted his chin so that she could look into his eyes. " The sooner we solve this case, the sooner we can go home." Kate whispered slyly as brought his face to hers and gave him a soft kiss.