A/N: This is a fanfic I did for SeSa. Please comment and rate :D

The Howling Cat Bar wasn't unusually crowed for this time of year. College spring breakers flooded by the dozen to Panama city for the 3 B's; beach, booze and babes plus the famous Wet T-shirt contest. No, it was a normal spring break at Panama City, the only difference was that in the middle of the bar were a bunch of guys in their late twenties huddled around pouring pitchers of beer into a funnel; hooting and howling.

In the middle of the crowd, sitting on a chair, tube in his mouth and chugging the beer his buddies were pouring down the funnel was none other than Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. Chugging the last of the beer Tony took out the tube, threw his hands up in the air and shouted "Spring Break!" The boys cheered as Tony stumbled off the chair, a silly smile plastered on his face. He stumbled across the bar room, pushing past people until he almost ran into the wall, stopping himself only with his hands. "See I'm acting mature and not making a fool of myself like Kate thought I would," he slurred as he regained his posture, looking up at the wall.

As soon as he saw the pictures on the wall, his smile was replaced with a goofy grin, "Wet T-Shirt Hall of Fame", he mumbled as he skimmed the pictures of the beautiful women until one in particular caught his eye. "Kate?" In the picture before him was his partner Kate Todd, standing in the middle of a group of boys, her white t shirt soaking wet and a flirtatious smile on her face. Squinting his eyes he studied the picture, something seemed vaguely familiar about this picture but he just couldn't put his finger on it. Tony looked beneath the picture to were a plaque with the date was engraved and plastered onto the wall.

Suddenly pictures flashed through his head once he saw the date. Spring Break 1994. Wet T-shirt contest. A sexy brunette all soaked with water. Him making his way over to her. She winked at him, he flirted. A shaggy hotel room, the lights dimmed as they made their way to the bed, their lips never leaving each other. Her hands through his hair, his hands lifting the shirt over her head. Her hands clawing at his button up shirt until it was lying on a heap on the floor. Bodies pressed together, hot sweaty skin sticking to the sheets. Their breathes labored and heavy. The sweet smell of sweat and sex lingered in the air. Their hands exploring each others bodies while their tongues explored each others mouths. She screamed his name and he moaned hers. Katie...or was Caitlin.

DiNozzo snapped out of his day dream when he remembered why the picture had looked so damn familiar. It was the spring break of 1994, he had been drinking with his buddies when he saw the gorgeous woman across the room. They had clicked right away, and she had made that spring break the best spring break he ever had. They were in love, he knew it and she knew it. Words didn't need to be said as they spent the whole week together. When Spring Break ended they both parted promising to write to each other and call as much as possible and as soon as they both graduated they were going to move in together. They kept in touch for years but suddenly the letters came further and further apart until they stopped all together. Tony could still see the letters in his mind, how she signed them with a heart and her initials; C.T. C.T, Caitlin Todd, Katie...Kate.

Realization hit Tony, and it hit him hard. Its not everyday that you find out that the love that got away is now your partner at work. The world around him spun and not because of the alcohol, though that did have something to do with it, he wondered if she knew, if she remembered him. Quickly he grabbed her picture off the wall and pocketed it before he called out to his buddies and staggered out the door. He needed to get back into his hotel room and figure out what he was going to do next.