I didn't do an intro to the last chapter... I hope you all realized that it was in Kurt's POV. It was pretty obvious... In response to SweetFame, it will all work out, I promise. Yes, I know Kurt isn't supposed to know how to do anything but I needed to incorporate him being a typical teenaged boy in some way. You'll see. I have a plan. :) Nothing is going on with Finn right now so this chapter is in Puck's POV. I need to finish up this scene with them before I can go back to Finn's plot line so forgive me messing up the POV flow. So here is chapter 13, my present to you. I'm writing this instead of reading some of the 300 pages of The Grapes of Wrath that I'm supposed to have done for Tuesday. Just a warning, this is a lot of filler, so there is a lot of dialogue, but this chapter is crucial to the plot line, trust me. Once again, I, sadly, do not own Glee; however, I'm going to take a road trip this summer to LA to kidnap Chris, Cory and Mark. :D Oh and thanks to Open Office's word finisher thing, every time I type "coc", it comes up with the word "cocksucker". I hope my parents don't go to use my computer without asking me first.... Review please!
Bitter, warm semen filled my mouth. I pulled away from Kurt and he knelt down so that he was on the same level as I. He took my face lovingly in his hands and, for a second, I thought he was going to kiss me. Then, I remembered that my mouth was still full of his cum. Suddenly, a slightly evil smile spread over his lips, his cheeks tinted pink from his orgasm. My beautiful angel was not nearly as innocent as everyone thought. "Swallow." I gulped it down, a slight blush spreading across my cheekbones. I wonder how good I was. Obviously, he enjoyed it, but you never know with him. He's a good actor. He could just tell me that I was really good, but he's probably had better. Wait...has he ever had one before? Was I his first? Oh man...pressure.
Kurt put his hands on my chest and pushed me back so that I was sitting on the floor instead of my knees. He crawled into my lap and put his arms around my neck. He smiled sweetly and gently pressed his lips to mine before pulling away and putting his lips to my ear.
"You're such a good little cocksucker, Noah." I growled and pushed him off of me.
"Now you're just being a bitch. Don't make fun of me. You know that was my first time." My face was bright red at that point, but I didn't care. There was no way I was his first. He was being way too condescenteding. Wait..Is that even a word? I think I've heard Kurt use something like that before.
Kurt crawled back over to me tried to kiss me again. I pulled away and he ended up kissing the bottom of my jaw. He put his hand on my cheek and attempted to pull me back to him. I fought against him, putting my hands on his hips and pushing him away.
"Don't be a jerk, Noah. I'm just kidding. That was my first time, too." I stopped struggling, but kept my hands firmly on his waist. He leaned forward and kissed me suddenly, taking advantage of my momentary loss of focus. The kiss was sweet, not forceful. It was reassuring. "I'm not trying to be mean, I promise. This is new to both of us; I just have less..newness...to deal with than you. I love you, Noah. Relax."
"So..I did good?" I looked at him eagerly. I knew I was being pathetic, but I needed to hear him reassure me. I needed him to tell me I did a good job.
Kurt laughed quietly before kissing me softly again. "Yes honey. You did good," he murmured against my lips. I smiled, proud of what I had just done. I pulled him back into my lap and kissed him again, deeper this time, but not rougher. Our kisses were still sweet. I told him everything in that kiss: how much I loved and needed him, how much he meant to me, how beautiful he was, everything. He wrapped his arms around my neck again, only to blush furiously and withdraw them from me.
"What's wrong, babe?"
"Nothing." His blush said otherwise. "I just forgot about something."
"Wha- Oh." I smirked as he adjusted himself and zipped his pants again. He returned his arms to my neck when he was finished.
"Now, where were we?" He kissed me softly. I pulled back slightly and put my forehead against his.
"Right about here." I leaned back, pulling him with me. We were laying on the floor now with him on my chest. He looked up at me, resting his chin on my chest. "What are you thinking about, beautiful?"
"How I feel like a princess." He blushed and looked away from me while he spoke, a sweet smile spreading across his perfect lips.
"Why do you feel like a princess?"
"Because I get my Prince Charming. Just another step towards my happily ever after." I chuckled and pulled him up so that I could kiss him again.
"Hey I have another question." Kurt raised a sculpted brow as a response to keep going. "How did you know what to do? You know, to help me with....that. I thought you had no idea about anything." Kurt turned tomato red and looked away from me. He mumbled something softly. "Babe, you're going to have to speak up. I'm right here and I still can't hear you."
He looked me straight in the eye and took a deep breath before speaking again. "The internet is a powerful tool." His voice was completely serious. I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing, causing him to turn even redder.
"Wait, like porn? Christ, Princess, I didn't think you were the type to watch that."
"Yeah well, you also assumed since my voice was higher than yours, my dick would be smaller. And 'Princess?'"
"You don't like that?"
"No, I do. It's cute."
"Well then. Don't complain. You just got yourself your first pet name from your boyfriend."
Kurt smiled and leaned up to kiss me again. "You're adorable." He settled back into my chest and I sighed contentedly. I wrapped my arms tighter around him, pulling him closer. I planted a kiss on the top of his head, breathing in the smell of his hair. He smelled like coconut milk and something flowery.
"Well, you're perfect. Hey, what's the word for talking down to someone?"
"No like, the tone."
"Oh. Condescending."
"Shit, I was wrong."
"I thought it was 'condescenteding.'" Kurt pulled away from me and sat straight up. He looked like my improper word usage had scandalized him.
"That physically hurts me, Noah. How can you not know that word? It was the only way I talked to you for the past three years." I blushed and attempted to pull him back down to me. He resisted, but only for a little while. Not long after I started trying, he gave in and snuggled back against me. "I guess I can forgive you this one time."
"Thanks baby." I kissed the top of his head again and he giggled. Suddenly, I found myself yawning, completely exhausted. "I lo- *yawn*- ve you."
"I love you too." Kurt pulled away again, only this time, he stood. He held out his hand to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet. He wrapped his arms around my waist when I began to sway. "Come to bed. It's nap time." He walked me over to my bed and pulled back the covers for me. After I was curled up in bed, he crawled in and snuggled into my chest, his arms wrapped around my waist. "Good night, Prince Charming."
"Night, Princess." Within seconds, I was out.