A/N: Thanks to everyone who read my story. If its a bit to scrappy...you have my sincerest apologies *cough* I hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh and this is going to be a rather slow developement story, since I don't believe someone can change from a niave boy into a battle hardened warrior overnight. ^^ Enjoy ladies...and gents



Once they landed again in the middle of a magnificently decorated sitting room, Harry stared. "Bloody Hell!" the nearly identical girl in front of him was more elegantly dressed than Isolde, and that's saying something.

"Oh Maria, you're here. Potter, meet my twin, Maria Swift. She'll be around."

"U...um nice to meet you." He stammered out, holding out a hand for her to shake, trying to stare only at her eyes and no where else.

Maria ignored the offered hand `Do I really have to play nice? Isi?` "This is the boy wonder? You've got your work cut out for you then Is, I'll see you two later then." She swept out, sending an incredulous look at Harry along the way, making him glare.

`Not really, but I'll prefer not to listen to him rant about you. Have fun with the boys Mari`


"She's my twin Potter, so shut up. Now c'mon, we need to get you cleaned up." Isolde replied, striding confidently towards a side door, leaving Harry to attempt to catch up with her.

"Where are we going?"

"Your room. Where your clothes are already laid out for you. We will be introducing you to society as my guest. My rather gullible hopeless guest."

"W...why?" As they entered through a simple yet sturdy door and he stared. His room resembled the Dursley's living room, but bigger. It was painted in a cool blue with silver trimming along the edges. A splendid four poster king sized bed decked out in warm navy blues and soft silver stood proudly towards the left of the room. A huge sized mahogany desk was on the other side of the room with a silver laptop and mouse. A huge floor length walk in closet was situated a few paces from the bed. Made up of what appeared to be dark mahogany wood. Oh his bed was a rather formal outfit, black tuxedo pants, white collared shirt, black tuxedo jacket and a pair of leather ankle boots. "I'm wearing that?" Harry asked, more than a little bit incredulous.

"Yes. Now hurry up and get changed. Bathroom's over there. Chop chop." She ordered as she sat daintily on the edge of the bed.

Walking into the bathroom with the clothes carefully held by on his arm he nearly dropped them in his shock. Isolde and her family have got to be richer than the Malfoys. This is bloody amazing. The bathroom was decked out in warm to dark blues with a spa, two persons shower, porcelain sink, crystal studded mirror and about a hundred different knobs to press for each particular type of water. Quickly changing and wearing his new clothes, he had to wonder, how the heck did they know what size to buy?

Standing in front of the sink, he attempted to brush his hair in a semblance of hair, not that it worked. Maybe Isolde could fix it for him? He thought as he walked out of the bathroom towards Isolde who appeared to be talking on her mobile to someone important. She did snap it shut the minute she saw him and stood up.

"Hmm...much better Potter, your hair though needs some work." As she worked his hair with a comb and some gel, he stood silently and still, listening to her talk, "I just got off the phone with Logan, he's co-ordinating this...gathering. A few things you need to know about us, there are gifted and non-gifted. The gifted are those like you and me, who control magic and stuff. Non-gifted are what I believe you call muggles. Everyone here know about our extra abilities, but because you are a guest and new, you will not be required to show off yet. One particular fact you must know about me and my family is that as far as the world is concerned, we rule them. No not as in king and queen, but more in terms of wealth and political influence. So if anyone asks you too many questions just say no comment or some shit kay? Try not to stray too far from me or Maria. We're done." She stepped back and observed her handiwork, then shaking her head; she reached forward to unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt. "Much better. Take a look."

Harry stared at himself in the mirror. His hair was done up in small spikes that actually looked good, and the unbuttoned buttons gave him a less awkward look. Overall, he'd like to think he looked good, and if he was attending the Yule ball dressed like this, he was sure most would be staring.

"Like it eh? Let's go, try not to fiddle." She walked down the corridor again, Harry by her side as she crammed some last minute information into his head. "Don't talk until I tell you so. Do not lose your temper or glare at someone no matter what they say. Attempt to look more confident. As far as far as everyone else is concerned, you are my guest, so you are automatically better than everyone else, ok? Got it?"

"Yes." He nodded determinedly, attempting to look more confident and stopped glancing at everything else that may have caught his fancy.

"Good. We're here." She murmured quietly, as they stood together in front of an elegant white double door with what appeared to be platinum and gold engravings upon. Isolde nodded once at the guards who opened the doors and the next person announced them.

"Presenting Lorelle Isolde Swift, favoured daughter of Jasmine Crystal Swift, twin to Maria Lilliana Swift, leader of E5 and her guest, Harold James Potter, gifted with the art of magics!"

Isolde walked forward and down the stairs, head held high and gently guiding Harry down with her as the crowd as a whole murmured about the unknown teenager. Those who are aware of Isolde's brilliant manipulation just smiled vaguely and skilfully changed the subject. She led him to two seats at the large rectangular table and gestured for him to sit down next to her.

"Harry, my mother, Jasmine." She pointed at the gorgeous looking woman sitting at the head of the table, long black hair and ice blue eyes. Well it was obvious where Isolde and Maria got their beauty from.

"A pleasure to meet you Mrs Swift."

She laughed softly, "The pleasure's all mine Mr Potter and please, call me Jasmine, Mrs Swift makes me sound old."

"And that's my father, Jonathon." Isolde was quick to point out the guy sitting next to Jasmine. It was a shock for Harry to meet Jonathon's cold emerald eyes. Everyone here looks so cold upon first glance he mused as he shook Jonathon's hand.

"A pleasure sir."

"Mr Potter." He nodded once then returned back to his conversation with the guy sitting next to him.

"My siblings, George Daniel." The brown haired guy Jonathon's talking to smiled briefly at him then went back to chatting, sporting the same brilliant emerald eyes as his father. "My sister, Juliana Reina." The gorgeous black haired, warm emerald eyed girl who smiled brilliantly at him before going back to her conversation. "My younger sister, Crystal Daisy." The cute dark blond haired, fair skinned child sitting one seat down from Juliana, smiled at him before talking once again with a boy who looked a lot like her. "And Crystal's twin, Jason Benjamin." Who sported similar dark blond hair and bright blue eyes as his twin, gave him the thumbs ups with a cheeky grin and then drifted back to chatting with Crystal.

"You have a lot of siblings, although I don't see your twin."

Isolde laughed, eyes twinkling with amusement but before she had a chance to reply, a cold voice cut in,

"Brilliant observations skills Potter. I'm sitting right beside you." Maria drawled, causing Harry to give a small start, turning to stare at her in shock.


"Oh very eloquent. At least I made my appearance here, I'm going out with the girls, you coming Isi?"

Harry turned to stare at Isolde, hoping she wouldn't ditch him on his first night in this strange place and almost as if his wish was heard, Isolde shrugged lightly.

"No, doubt it, gotta make sure he'll be alright first, you guys going to Sins?"

"Uh-huh, well I'm going, love ya." And with that Maria swept out of the room again, many pairs of interested eyes following her.

"We'll stay for another five minutes and then we could leave as well, god knows I hate these functions." she told him in a low voice, smiling prettily the entire time.

"Um...ok." Why is it that every time I'm around them, I become so uncertain? He wondered to himself, but one thing was for sure...if those two came to Hogwarts, a lot of the girls would hate them. Who knows, maybe they could put the Weasels and that Granger back in place.

He focused solely on eating, watching Isolde at times, wondering about her name. Lorelle Isolde Swift, so why did she introduce herself using her middle name and not her first name? Which did she prefer to be called?

"C'mon Potter, lets go." Her voice so close to his ears gave him a start, much to the amusement of her siblings who was all laughing softly at him.

"Go on Harry, you'll have to get used to Elle startling the shit out of you at the most annoying times." The elder girl teased with a wide smile lighting on her face, Juliana something.

"It's hardly my fault if some people are so oblivious Rei."

Rei? Oh...Reina. "Um...yeah, ok, coming." He muttered, blushing slightly as he followed after Isolde, storing her nickname into his mind. He could feel the stares burning into his back, he wondered if he would be able to make any friends here aside from the Swifts.

They reached his room in record time, "Ok Potter, go in, get changed and I'll be back in 10 ok?" without waiting for him to respond, Isolde walked down the corridor, leaving Harry standing rather stupidly before he walked into his room and headed to the closet.

There were clothes for every occasion; casual, sporty, formal, dressy, school, dates, outings and more. After sometime thought and questioning, he finally decided on a pair of comforting looking jeans and a dark blue shirt. He spent the rest of the 10 minutes snooping around his room, looking this way and that.

Ten minutes later Isolde strolled in his room without knocking, looking like she didn't have a care in the world dressed in a form fitting pair of skinny jeans and a loose fitting white singlet. "Maybe you should lean towards lighter colours until you regain a tan Potter? C'mon, we're visiting the gym."

"This is your house?"

"Forgetful much? I did say we're visiting my house earlier this day."

"...You have your own ballroom?"

"We're rich Potter if you didn't get the memo, and here we are. Our indoor gym."


"The outdoor gym has too many people right now, and I wanna train you alone for now."


He walked in and gaped, weight machines, exercise bikes, treadmills, step ups and more were all there. Doors leading to different rooms and he stared at those that were already there.

One guy walked over, "Heya princess, gonna join us? You're welcome too Potter."

"Not today babe." They kissed. "I wanna see what he can do first. See you later?"

"Definitely." The unknown guy smirked, nodded at Harry and then went back to join the boys lifting weights.

Isolde and Harry walked into a smaller room at the far end of the gym where a few simple machines stood.

"C'mon start stretching Potter. I wanna see how much you can do."

Four hours later, Harry was officially exhausted and all he wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep. Isolde had made him lift weights, run on the treadmill, work on strength and endurance build up. Then he also had to work on his accuracy and dodging. He was now officially exhausted.

"Alright Potter. That's enough for today, lets go back to your rooms." She finally said, stepping off the treadmill she was running upon just before.

"Yes! Uh I mean, sure."

"Give it up Potter. Think you can walk back without collapsing?"


The walk back to his room was torturous, although he was definitely surprised to find that he wasn't as exhausted as he first thought. He actually made it back without collapsing after all…not that it lasted, considering he collapsed onto his bed the minute he stepped into his room.

"Geez Potter, you big lump. You really do need to exercise more. Breakfast starts tomorrow morning at 7. I assume you don't need my help to get undressed?" Isolde asked, sarcasm dripping off her tone. Almost as if she was channelling her twin right then, or so Harry thought.

"…mmm I'm fine." He muttered into his pillow, wishing she would just leave so that he could get undressed and then sleep. A few more minutes of silence had him wearily lifting up his head to turn and stare at his closed door. Too tired to care whether he might have offended her or not…he slowly dragged himself to his closet and changed into a pair of boxers, slipping under the covers and gratefully closed his eyes and slept, never once noticing the intense pair of blue eyes staring at him from a shadowed corner in his room.