A.N: This fic came to me when I was listening to Lily's Allen song It's Not Fair after the episode with the medical conference and the dance! So it's been on my computer for a while, but since we have to wait too long for my liking for a new House episode I've decided to post it. It's not a song fic, the lyrics just inspired me!

I know some of you will say that this is not the way House would ever act, but people this is fanfiction and I need some Huddy so … Feel free to let me know what you think about it. I wanted to write some smut but since I don't think that high of myself as a writer I decided against it. Maybe if you ask me really nice there will be a second chapter with smut. It's up to you guys.

Also, I know the title sucks but I couldn't find anything to go with the plot.

I don't own anything, so don't sue!


She's not getting any.

It had been a week since they had come back from the medical conference and both House and Cuddy had not spoken a word about what had happened during their dance nor had they said a word about Lucas.

House had meant what he said about Lucas, he was better and more reliable for Cuddy. He wanted Cuddy to be happy and if that was with some other man, then so be it.

Of course Wilson kept bugging him about it and about the fact that he was just giving up.

"That's nothing like you House." His friend had said.

"Just leave it alone, will you Wilson?" He had replied. Wilson had not mentioned it again, although he really wanted to.

House had turned back into his usual self. He had a patient almost as soon as he had been back and couldn't find out what was wrong with him. So House did all kinds of tests, skipping queue's by changing patients files knowing all too well that it would piss off Cuddy. The weird thing was though that he hadn't really seen her at all this week, not even for yelling at him because he wasn't doing his clinic hours.

This strikes House as odd and if he was honest with himself he missed Cuddy yelling at him. That was why he pissed her off all the time, just to get a rise out of her because he loved it and the yelling was better than not seeing her at all. At the end of the week he couldn't take it anymore and went to Cuddy's office.

He entered without knocking and found her sitting at her desk. Her head shot up when he entered but she quickly looked back down at the papers in front of her. Not that she was interested in them. They had been lying in front of her ever since she had arrived that morning, but she couldn't focus. For the entire week she hadn't been able to focus on work.

First of all, there was the medical conference and what had happened with House, then there was Lucas.

Lucas was a nice, young, good looking reliable guy. Yet he was very selfish when it came to the bedroom. The entire time they have been together she's never had an orgasm. He on the other hand… He didn't need much to come. Their sex didn't even take 5 minutes. Okay they have a lot of foreplay, but even then it's just him and that's it. So she fakes the entire time or goes to the bathroom to finish herself off. She had thought about leaving him, cause seriously who wants to stay with a guy that doesn't even give his girlfriend a real orgasm, but then she remembers that he's nice, he treats her with respect, he tells her his real feelings, he calls her just to tell her he loves her and ask how her day is going, he's …

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she saw a hand waving in front of her face.

"Are you even listening?" House asked her.

She looked up at him with an annoyed look on her face.

"What?" She asked not bothering to answer House's question.

"My patient has pancreatic cancer and I want to do a brain biopsy." He replied with a sigh. She hadn't heard a word he had been saying and he was getting really annoyed now. He had figured out what was wrong with his patient that morning but he just wanted to fool with her and see how far he could push it before she snapped at him.

The answer she gave him was not what he had expected though.

"Yeah okay, go ahead." She replied before going back to a staring contest with her stack of papers.

House just stood there looking at her, his eyes narrowed. He wanted to grab her shoulders and shake her, wanted to yell at her, but he restrained himself and balled his hands into a fist. Never had he physically hurt a woman and he wasn't going to start now. Especially not her.

He did, however, grab her chair and spun her around facing him as he had been standing beside her. She yelped and looked at him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?' She yelled at him, pushing him away from her as he was leaning forward. He stumbled backwards a little but kept himself upright.

"Are you going crazy?" he hissed at her. "My patient has pancreatic cancer," he said pointing to the area on his body and then continued, "and I want to do a brain biopsy." He pointed to his head. "And you're okay with that?" he finished.

She stared at him not knowing what to say.

"You know what, never mind!" He said and turned away from her, limping towards her door.

"House." She said as she stood from her chair. He turned towards her as she was slowly approaching him.

"Is this how it's going to be now?" He asked with a pained expression on his face. "Cause if I had known it was going to be like this I would have never said anything."

She hadn't said a word, but was now in front of him. House looked down on her as she was smaller than him and waited for her to say anything. When she didn't he turned around again and opened the door ready to step out of her office.

What she said then made him stop dead in his tracks and spin around to face her once again.

"I haven't had an orgasm in over 3 months!"

His eyebrows shot up into his hairline and his mouth fell slightly open. That was certainly not what he had expected. And he didn't really care about that, that was not something he wanted to know. Not since she was with Lucas. He really didn't want to hear about their sex life, or in this case lack off. So he got a hold of his emotions and gave her a nice comeback comment.

"Wow, that is sad! You're seeing a guy who doesn't even know how to please his woman. That's really, really sad Cuddy!"

Cuddy narrowed her eyes. "Do you know how to please a woman?" she asked him angrily. She could've slapped herself when she told him why she was acting so weird, but she was horny and frustrated and he was there to vent to. And let's not forget her feelings for him.

He smirked at her and leaned forward, close but not to close. "You know I do, Lisa."

He let her name fall from his lips and she gasped when she heard it. It turned her on and took her back to their night in med school. The night where he had decided he wasn't going to call her, but he was going to visit her the next morning had he not been kicked from school. The only night they had shared. But what a night! He definitely knew how to please a woman.

She couldn't take it anymore and closed the gap between them. She felt him respond to the kiss after the shock wore off and he opened his mouth and let his tongue find hers.

'Luckily the blinds are closed.' Was all she could think before she fully closed the door behind them, turned the lock and put her arms around his neck to keep his head close to hers. When House realized what they were doing he gently removed her arms from around his neck and stepped back, as he was trying to catch his breath.

She too was panting, her chest going up and down heavily.

"What?" she asked with a confused look on her face. She had felt him respond and could clearly see the evidence of his arousal in his jeans, so why was he pushing her away.

"We can't do this." He replied.

He wanted nothing more than to take her right then and there, but he knew it would be wrong, he knew that guilt would get the best of her so she couldn't go through with it and he didn't want to face her rejection once again.

She moved her right hand to his face and let her left hand trail up again into his hair gently massaging his scalp. He unwillingly closed his eyes at the sensations she was evoking in him.

"You're right!" she said and gently kissed his lips. "Let's go somewhere more private." She kissed his lips again.

He stepped back again and shook his head.

"No Lisa, we can't …" he trailed off. "I can't do this. If I'm doing this I'm not sharing you with anyone else. I couldn't stand the thought of us together and you going back to him afterwards." House told her in all honesty.

She studied his face and knew he was serious. And she knew he was right. It wouldn't be fair to him, and it wouldn't be fair to Lucas. She had to make a choice.

"Okay." Was all she said. "Okay?" he asked with a confused expression.

"If you're serious about this, about us," she gestured between them, "I'm willing to give it a try."

A small smile formed on his face and his eyes sparkled. She had missed that.

"But if this is one of your stupid games House, I swear you'll regret the fact that you ever hurt me and you'll never find work in this country ever again." She told him, a serious look on her face.

He smirked at her. "I love it when you get all angry at me." But turned serious again as he stepped closer and cupped her face in his hands. "I'm not playing a game Lisa. I really want this, I'll just need your help every now and then to not mess this up!"

Now it was her turn to smile. He leaned in and kissed her again.

"I'm going to leave now, let you get back to your paperwork. And I'll see you when you talked to him!" he said before kissing her on last time as he then turned around and left her office.