Disclaimer: I still own nothing. The great SM does, however the storyline and a character or two is all me.
A/N: No, you are not seeing things. I have actually posted the first chapter of the sequel to A New Love. I need to thank my super bestie and beta Cullen818 for helping with this chapter. She is my rock when it comes to all the craziness that goes on in my brain. I love her and I couldn't have done this without her. So without further ado, I give you the sequel. Enjoy!
It had been seven years since the last time any of us heard from Edward or Alice, and honestly I couldn't have been happier. I loved my beautiful wife and very spoiled and talented daughter.
Charlie and Kate moved a few days back to a little remote town about eight hours from us. Bella missed her father so much that every time I was near her, I had to send her some soothing vibes because her emotions were almost unbearable.
She was heartbroken that he left; she thought him being immortal would mean they would be together for all eternity. What she failed to realize was that he wouldn't want to always live with her. Emmett and Sarah were traveling again and I wished they would come back soon.
Sarah seemed to be the one that was always able to soothe Bella when I couldn't. Katrine and Bella were nearly inseparable, but some days it would seem as if they couldn't stand to be in the same room. Carlisle walked into the living room and sat next to me.
His presence startled me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at him. He was feeling nervous and extremely anxious. Two very rare emotions for vampires. I arched a brow at him, hoping he would explain his emotions.
"I have to tell you something, well show you." He pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to me.
I looked at the post mark, but there was no return address. I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. I recognized the handwriting immediately.
"When did you get this?" I asked, not yet reading the note.
"It came in the mail today; I was unsure if I should just tell everyone at once or let you read it first." He sounded almost defeated.
I eyed him for a moment before turning my attention back to the letter. I read it quickly and then thrust the letter back into his hands. I jumped up and began pacing. Why? Why now?
I didn't have long to ponder my thoughts or the letter before Bella, Katrine, Anastasia, and Payne all came down stairs. They all looked to me and Carlisle and were radiating concern.
Carlisle stood, "Would you all please come and sit? I need to tell you something." Everyone walked into the living room and sat down. Bella eyed me curiously, but I never ceased my pacing.
Carlisle faced them and took a deep breath. "I received a letter today and I think it's important that you all know what is in it and who it is from."
He paused for a moment and I could feel the anger building in me. He placed a hand on my shoulder to halt my pacing, and I looked up at him. He gave me a pleading look that clearly meant he wanted me to take a seat. After a moment of staring into each other's eyes, I finally relented and sat next to Bella.
She rested her head on my shoulder and I instinctively wrapped my arms around her. Katrine was holding Bella's hand and had Bella been human, her hand would have been broken.
Carlisle raked a hand through his hair and sighed, "This letter is from Edward, and he is coming for a visit. Now before any of you say anything I want you to hear me out."
Nobody said anything so he continued. "I know that Edward has done wrong, but he is my son and I need to help him. I am begging you all to allow me this; I need to see him and try to save him. If you'd rather not be here when he comes; I understand."
The heartbreak he was feeling was pouring out of every word. He truly felt he had to make an attempt at saving Edward. I was angry, but I didn't know if I was angry with Carlisle or if I was angry because he was coming here.
Bella and Katrine's emotions shifted to concern and anger, but it was Anastasia's emotions that caught me off guard. She was feeling curiosity and it was overwhelming. Payne, well he was relaxed. He truly was in so many ways like his Uncle Emmett.
Anastasia stood up and walked over to Carlisle. She smiled, "I'd like to meet him."
I jumped up and was in front her before she could blink. "You will do no such thing." I roared.
She narrowed her eyes, "I'm not a child, and if I want to meet him, that's exactly what I am going to do."
"You are a child, you just look older." I growled out through clenched teeth.
Carlisle stepped between us, "That is enough, Jasper. She has a right to meet him as does Payne. Nothing will happen to them."
"She is my daughter and I say she will not be meeting him." I glared at Carlisle and dared him with my eyes to push me on the issue.
Anastasia stepped around Carlisle and stared into my eyes. "You are being unfair. Why do you hold such a grudge against him? People make mistakes all the time, but they deserve forgiveness. You of all people should know that."
She didn't wait for a response; she simply turned and ran up to her room, slamming the door shut. I walked to the couch and sank down with my head in my hands. I felt a hand on my knee; my Bella.
I looked up into her concerned eyes. "It'll be okay, Jasper. We will figure everything out. She's just mad right now, but she will come around."
"I'm afraid not darlin, she's quite set on meeting him." I could feel her determination pouring out of her and it was staggering at how determined she truly was.
Payne stood up and faced me. "I think you should let her meet him. I want to meet him myself. You know as well as I do, it's inevitable. They will meet eventually, why not do it under your circumstances?"
I stared up at him; he truly was an amazing creature, he may have had a few of Emmett's traits, but he was definitely Carlisle's son.
I nodded, "You're right. It is inevitable, they would eventually meet. I suppose it would be better if I set the terms of them meeting."
Bella squeezed my arm and I turned to face her. "We will both be there when they meet; he won't be able to harm her. I promise."
"He won't harm anyone. Like I said before, yes he messed up, but I think he has realized what he has done and wants to make things right. I want him here and if I can help, well I'm going to fucking help him." Carlisle turned and walked up the stairs.
I looked at Katrine and she gave me a small smile. "He misses Edward; maybe the two of you should really think about that. No matter what, he's still a part of this family."
She stood up and walked up the stairs after Carlisle. Bella sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. I sat there watching her and I could feel her struggling with her emotions; finally she settled on determination.
She opened her eyes and I knew what she was going to say before she said it. "I think we should be on our best behavior when he comes."
We didn't have long to wait, I could fucking feel his emotions already. Carlisle was down the stairs and out the door before I could fucking move. Katrine and Payne were the next two out the door and Bella and I were still sitting on the couch.
I finally stood up and pulled Bella up with me. We walked outside holding hands and I spotted him immediately. He was coming out of the trees, and I could the growl bubbling up in my chest; threatening to come up.
I swallowed back my growl and Bella squeezed my hand. He stopped as soon as he was clear of the trees and I could feel his worry.
Carlisle was nervous, but he spoke first. "Edward, how are you son?"
Edward looked at Carlisle and scoffed. "Son? You call me son, after everything I've done, you still call me son."
"You'll always be my son." Carlisle took a step closer to Edward at the same time that Anastasia came out of the house.
Edward looked up at Anastasia and gasped. I felt it his emotions change instantly from worry to complete awe and adoration. What made it worse was that my daughter felt the same fucking way.
The growl ripped from my chest before I could stop it and I dropped down in a crouch. Edward growled back and dropped to his own crouch. I charged him, but it wasn't Edward that I hit; it was Carlisle.
I snarled and Carlisle held me to the ground. I looked over and noticed that Anastasia was standing in front of Edward and she was glaring at me. Fucking glaring at me, for the second time in one day.
What made things worse was that both, Edward and Anastasia were feeling fiercely protective of the other. I looked at them and then at Bella and she was staring at our daughter.
I knew that my wife could see what just happened between Edward and Anastasia, for when we find our true mates; there was nothing and I mean nothing that keeps us apart. But I sure was going to stop them from being together.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Now, I will update as soon as physically possible. If you read Hot Empath.....I know I need to update and I will soon, hopefully within the next few days. Now, you all know the drill, I give you Jasper or Carlisle or maybe even Edward tickles your fancy, for a review. So pick that sexy Cullen that makes you all hot and bothered and tell me in a review who you want and what you thought about this chapter. I love reviews, they feed my need to write. XOXO Kathy