Renesme's bed time story

"Again Daddy, again," little Nessie cried choosing to speak rather than show. Her bronze curls bouncing as she jumped lightly up and down on her bed. Renesme Carlie Cullen looked about 5, when she had only been born a little less then a year ago. "Alright sweetie" Edward Cullen her vampire father gave in. "Once upon a time there was a cottage, it was a small cottage, a lot like this one, but it was magical. The faries played in the gardens, and in the pond in the back of the house." He started, and while he told the story of him and his wife, he wondered why she hasn't figured out that it was this cottage and him and Bella this story was talking about. "One day a family of vampires moved into the town with the magical cottage. All the vampires went to school and work. There were three couples of vampires along with one single vampire. The single vampire went to school one day when a beautiful brown haired brown eyed girl came to school one day. He hated her at first because the smell of her blood was sooo delicious, he craved it. As time went on he got to know this girl and he found he loved her and couldn't ever hurt her. He found out that she needed protection from everything. She attracted trouble from miles around. After lots of trials …" Edward had stopped because Nessie had shown him the question "What kinds of trials Daddy?" "Well Nessie, He tried to go away from the girl to save her from himself, but that didn't work. Then they got attacked by a lot of other new vampires. But finally they got married. But while his love was still human they had a beautiful baby girl. She was a beautiful baby, but her mother almost died. He saved her by turning her into a vampire. And they lived happily ever after. The End." Edward finished. Nessie then showed him the question "Where do babies come from Daddy?" "Ask your mother in the morning Renesme, it's time to go to bed." Edward replied calmly. So the next day first thing in the morning Renesme showed Bella the question "Where do babies come from Mommy?" "Ask Jake." Bella replied. So when Jacob Black showed up a few minutes later Renesme showed Jacob the question "Where do babies come from?" "Ummmmm Well… … … … When two people…" he stopped because of the look Bella gave him at that moment. "What I meant to say was … … …"

"The Stork" Bella improvised. "Go on Jacob tell her about the stork." Bella urged.

"Well when a mommy and a daddy want a baby. They write to the Stork and tell him. So, then he send them their baby." Jacob says happy he didn't actually have to explain where babies come from.

"So I came in the MAIL" Renesme asks incredulously. She was so surprised she had talked out loud instead of showing Jacob or Bella. "Yep" they said together.