'verse/series: G1 (for simplicity)
Rating: PG
Main Char.: Blaster
Warnings: none
Seating at his station in the monitoring dome Blaster kicked his feet back and forth freely in the air as he gazed up at the sky above him. While the sky that he saw was legitimate it was also fake. The plasma screens that surrounded him except on the floor below was linked with outside sensor-like cameras. They were unnecessary and rather redundant, so he'd been told many times before, he took it to stride, and often agreed (mostly to get a good laugh out of seeing the other mechs face), but he was proud of his genius anyway.
Okay, it wasn't completely his handy work really, he wasn't that versed in that kind of delicate, complicated engineering. Wheeljack and Teletran, for the majority of the part, and a few others 'Bots had helped.
Wheeljack had mostly helped because that sort of work was right up his alley and couldn't resist the temptation. While Teletran did it in that he was one of the senior officers in communications and security.
Putting the small container of energon to his lips Blaster let his mind wonder over that and several other things he'd recently come to learn. Being that he was also one of the 'senior' communications and semi-security officers he often got hold of data of various types containing new recruits and immigrates from Cybertron coming to Earth and planned on living here at Autobot City.
This time though it wasn't just a simple list of 'Bot's from Cybertron that wanted off the planet. This time the list had been extremely short and. . .special. This time the higher-ups had requested a mech and not the other way around. What really had gathered Blaster's attention was that the mech was a Host, like him. It had been ages since he'd last seen a mech that was Host. Not mentioning he had not know, he and Soundwave weren't the last, after all.
It was mystifying. How could Blaster, a mech that strived on knowing everything that needed to be known (or at least gathered the red boom boxes attention anyway) not know about another Host? An Autobot one at that!
Well that wasn't completely correct, the mech had been a neutral. Neutral's were neutral for a reason: they didn't believe in the war. They also had strong beliefs which often prevented them from fighting. Once you choose a faction it would stay with you, badge or no badge. Perhaps he was planning on being one again, an Autobot that is.
Now that he sat back and thought over it; it made it a little less surprising that he hadn't known about the mech. Neutral's weren't very liked mech's during war time. While Autobot's said they treated them as equals or at least civilians. Blaster, and many more, knew that was a lie. Though, Blaster held no ill against neutrals he knew other's did. The Decepticon's on the other hand held no qualms with their distaste for them.
A thin absent minded smile slowly crossed Blaster's smooth faceplate thinking about not being the only Host around anymore. He didn't have a problem being the only one, Autobot anyway, but it was kind of a. . .fun thing to think about. It had been a while sense he'd last seen a Host like him who wouldn't rather shoot him in the head than chat. Humming a nameless tone to himself he thought about swapping experiences and stories now with this new 'Bot and not get looked at funny.
The new 'Bot, would be arriving to Autobot City in about a day, probably less depending if there isn't any complications. The mech would be working with him sense he was also a communications expert though not really the same kind as Blaster. From what he read of his files he worked more with communications maintenance/upgrade and security. He knew how to refit any communications and the like with the most up-to-date systems and parts or improve what was already there.
Being as that Autobot City wasn't constantly in direct contact with Cybertron and it could take up to a month for 'Bot's to get to Earth. It was valuable time waisted doing nothing. And with new Autobot outpost's being built around Earth it was best to make sure the new outpost's were up to date and then some.
Blaster would normally be assigned to do such things but he was more of use here at Autobot City. While yes; this new 'Bot was known to staying well up to date, Blaster smirked, none were faster or better at getting messages through and blocking out Soundwave than The Voice, afterall.
Notes: Only contains musings of a canon character about an OC. Said OC is not actually present. The bunny/muse bite me and wouldn't let me go so blame it not me, 'kay.
Serious Notes: Just for those who don't know. Usually you'll see in my fics Teletraan-I and Teletran. These are two seperate things when it comes to my fics usually. Teletraan-I (proper) is the Ark's computer, Teletran(not proper) is a mech's personality/character that I came up with, and for one or two that know what he actually look's like, designed. Don't take my idea, plz.
Secondly; the idea of 'Host' is not my idea (or what I get it of it). . .I yoinked it a sometime while back from another fic that I should have written down the title and author but I didn't. Of course I kinda made it into something of my own if I ever explain further, which I proably wont ever do. If anyone knows the fic/author, do tell and I'll cred. kthx
I said I wouldn't put any OC's in this. . .technically I haven't and this'll be as far as I ever go with this. So yeah~~
Lastly; this'll be my last short-one-shot for. . .a while. I'm going to set this as 'complete' until I find my lost muse. Toodles :)
Disclaimer: Not beta'd. Please review! Constructive crit. welcomed. Now flames, please. The plot & dabble are mine.
Original Post Date: 2009, Jul. 9th