Disclaimer: I own nothing, expect maybe Lily.

Author's Note: I had this idea in my head of writing a story with the Doctor and a daughter. I know it's been done before, but I couldn't resist.

This is set during series 1, and will start about half way through series one, though this is just the introduction.

Also, the whole idea of how old the Doctor's daughter is, is quite odd. Obviously with regeneration, she could look any age, but I'm going to say that she is 200 years old, which is the equivilant of early 20s in human years.

This chapter is in first person to get an introduction of the character, but I think everything after will be in 3rd person.

Chapter One

My name is Lily Smith.

That seems quite simple, right? Yeah, wrong.

If you've ever heard of my dad - The Doctor - then you'll know that he doesn't exactly lead an ordinary life. As such, no daughter of his could lead an ordinary life.

My name is Lily Smith and I'm a 200 year old time lord - or time lady if you want to get technical about it. My and my dad are the last of the time lords/ladies, or whatever.

I suppose technically, that's not really my name but it's easier if we say it is. My Gallifreyan name is almost impossible for most people to pronounce, and it didn't shorten too nicely, so after a while, Dad and I decided it was time I took on a different name. And as for Smith, that's just the name Dad and I use sometimes when we go somewhere that we need a surname.

Dad and I travel around the in TARDIS - we don't go looking for trouble, but troule always manages to find us. Dad and I have been travellng around in the TARDIS for as long as I can remember - I was born just before the Time War wiped everyone else out, so I don't remember anything other than travelling in the TARDIS.

I'm still in my first regeneration, which might seem odd to have lived so long and not died, but Dad's quite protective so whenever there's been trouble, he's made sure I've not had a reason to die. He's stood in the way of danger for me before, even though I tell him I've still got all of my regenerations. Dad's in his 9th. We're supposed to have 12 regenerations - 13 incarnations - but Dad says that's not always the case. The rules on that are a bit flexible, apparently.

In my current incarnation, I look about 24 to 26 in human years. I'm average height, average build, and I've got straight black hair that just about reaches my shoulders. In his current body, Dad looks about 45, so we can actually say that we're father and daughter. Dad's 8th form only looks about 12 years older than me, so we claimed we were uncle and niece, or sometimes brother and sister.

It's only really Earth where we have to give explanations. Humans are much more inquisitive than any other race I've met - it can be quite annoying sometimes.

That said, Earth is probably my favourite planet. I've seen all sorts, but Earth is amazing because there's so much there, and the history - and future, I suppose - of the Earth is so vast. And Humans are one of the races that don't try to kill us everytime we show up. Humans are generally alright - they're a lot like Time Lords, without the two hearts, and a TARDIS, the long life span and everyhting else.

Sometimes, Dad and I end up picking up people from Earth to travel with us. There have been quite a few, and they stay for a while before they decide they need to be with their families, or whatever. They're usually always the same sort too - young females who want the adventure and want to et out there and see everything.

Rose travels with us now. We met her in 2005 London. Saved her from some Autons, she saved us from the Nestene Consiousness and the rest is history. Rose is probably one of my favourite - if not the favourite - of all the people we've travelled with.

I sometimes feel like a bit of a goosberry, because it's obvious that Dad likes Rose and Rose likes Dad, and I'm in the way of that. I think we need to get someone else to join the TARDIS crew. We had Adam with us for a while, but Dad kicked him out. Adam was a bit pretty but it'd be a bit annoying to fall in love with a human - I can live for ages, and humans live for about 70 years. Humans get old. Shame there aren't any other time lords out there, or some race that's similar maybe.

Although, I married a human once. Good old William Shakespeare. It didn't last long - he's a genius and he's good fun, but monogamy's not exactly his thing. And I couldn't be tied to the Earth for too long - I like the adventure, and I love seeing all the different races, and everything that's out there.

Speaking out which, I'd better be going. The TARDIS is shaking all over the place - it's usually plain sailing when we're in flight.

Dad's calling me now. I've got to go see what's going on.