iUse Sam's Gift
Hello everyone here is a sequel/second chapter too iBirthday which is from here on out a two-shot : ) hope you guys and gals like it.
A small tear came to Freddie's eye but he wiped it away before Carly could see, it was the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given him and it was even more of a surprise coming from Sam the blonde headed demon who made his life a living hell but oddly and ironically she also gave his life meaning.
"Freddie." Carly paused looking at her best friend still staring at the voucher her other best friend had given him. "Go after her." She finished
Freddie looked up at Carly she was right he needed to talk to Sam find out what was going on in her head and maybe even use his voucher. He nodded at Carly smiling and then ran out of the studio he knew exactly where Sam would be. The fire exit.
Freddie stood outside of the fire escape hesitant to enter she must of heard cause she turned around and motioned for him to enter it was the strangest sense of déjà vu but this time there rolls where reversed.
"What is it Freddork?" Sam asked furrowing her eyebrows at him.
"It's just... Sam this gift is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me why? What do you want?" Freddie asked suspicious of the petite girl who sat in the place he once did.
Freddie remained standing looking at the blonde trying to figure out what was going through her crazy head.
"Freddie you're my best friend no matter how much of a nub you are." She smiled at the boy she had grown very fond of she couldn't imagine a world without him; he made waking up in the morning worth the eye bogies.
"Okay so what do you want? Money, Food, a place to sleep because you can have any of those things any day of the week your my best friend, you don't have to be kind." Freddie beamed.
"I don't want any of those things; I just want the right question." Sam sighed. She loved him yet he couldn't see her, he only saw Carly.
Freddie wondered what Sam meant by that but he shrugged assuming that it wasn't important. If it was, Sam would have screamed and abused him until he asked her the right question.
"Well, I've been thinking and I know what I want to ask you." Freddie said sitting down so he could try and calm his nerves.
"Okay well. Give me my voucher and let's get this over with nub." Sam said giving Freddie her trade mark smirk. He obliged handing Sam the nicest gift he had ever received.
"Sam I'm in love with someone" Freddie told.
Sam sighed "Carly?" Freddie smiled somehow he knew she'd say that.
"Nah" he began, sitting down taking her hands in his "She's not brunette, she's blonde, she's got the most beautiful smile and the most beautiful blue eyes you will ever see" he finished Sam smiled from cheek to cheek.
"Oh stop talking in riddles you dork, just kiss her" Sam said smiling knowingly.
At that moment Freddie closed the gap between their heads. They where kissing for the second time in the place they kissed for the first time but this time it was in completely different circumstances, this time Freddie was allowed to enjoy it.
An: Second ending for this time if any of you have and awesome ideas for how I could continue with this story (if you want me too) I'd be happy to continue until then this is the second hope you guys like and please, please review it means a lot