Disclaimer: xxxHolic is not mine, the series, both anime and manga, is owned by CLAMP and Funimation.

Just a short drabble.

Because I hate the feeling I've got that Yuuko won't be coming back ever again and CLAMP(damn you~! T_T) made me love her oh so very much. Also, I miss her.

Please Enjoy.

Summary: The day he started living was the day he met her.

The Beginning

When you are alone, in an apartment you don't even pay the rent for and with no memory of all of your yesterdays, you start to lose yourself, your very soul, until you don't even know and recognize the feeling of love; of being loved, and loving.

That was how Watanuki felt. That was how the everyday became for him. If you have once gone home, tired and unhappy from a day you could have called your worst, to a house filled with emptiness and silence, you wouldn't know. Because you still had memories of them; of your family who loves you. Pictures are worthless when they contain nameless faces. And he doesn't know the couple in the picture frame so he places it on top of his fridge because not knowing who they were has almost driven him insane.

Maybe it has and he already is.

He will still be alone. He has no friends. He has a crush who he hasn't even talked to apart from courteous greetings. He has no known relatives. The landlay may be kind, but she is someone whose name he doesn't even remember.

Once he thought, he'll die when the rain is falling, like a dog. And he doesn't even know if he'll die from the cold or from the loneliness.

Sometimes he thought that he shouldn't even be part of this world.

But he was, and he was just a small part of the world whom no one thinks of much. Just an unimportant speck.

When he met her on that normal afternoon with the strange creatures nobody else can see chasing after him every minute of the day, he felt important enough, that finally, his life might have a worth. The first impression everyone gets of her is she doesn't belong in the present, strange as that may seem, there has always been something about her that placed her far above the present, or the future even. When she told him to work for her, he thought he didn't have to, and wouldn't, there was no legally binding contract between them. The timepiece would have had to go some time, why not that afternoon?

The next day, he found himself, albeit reluctantly, in front of the door.

Maybe, he'd found a place where he could be needed. The shop might be rather unorthodox in its ways in that it grants wishes and how she does that he doesn't know, but she did say she needed someone to work for her. Maybe, this time, he can find a place a stay. At that time, standing in front of the door, ready to bolt at any time, he found himself wondering about the future.

Short drabble is short.

P. S. I love Watanuki who love Yuuko who love Watanuki who I love. Pls. review. :D