There were so many things running in Kagome's head. Each and every day since the horrific incident, she would still be in shock that something so terrible and abnormal could happen to her. Years ago, her life was normal. She was happy. She had her best friend Sango on her side then all of that completely fucked up. She was raped by a vampire, and found her best friend dead. She wanted it to be a dream. The situation itself sounded ridiculous and unbelievable, but it actually happened. She hated her life, but she wanted revenge. The man that completely ruined her life was still walking the earth. He can't get away with it. For a human she was brave to even plan on fighting against a vampire. She was grateful to have found Sango. She didn't feel so alone. There was no hesitating with the decision she made to become a vampire. She knew she couldn't win a fight against Inuyasha as a human. She was determined to get all the training she could, then destroying him. That was her one and only motive. Being happy at this point was impossible for her after all of the events that occurred. Her life is changed forever.

She sat on her couch sipping her coffee, a bit paranoid about having a vision of Inuyasha showing up. She hated how she couldn't control her hallucinations. She was mentally lost. She heard a huge thump in her bedroom. It sounded like someone punched the wall. She stood, slowly putting down her coffee mug and walked into sprinted into the kitchen grabbing a knife. She gripped the knife in one hand walking into the bedroom very slowly. Her heart began beating quicker as she got closer to the room. The door was only cracked open. She counted to three before bursting into the room holding the knife up. She was relieved to see that no one was there. Her mind was playing tricks on her again.

"Get yourself together Kagome." She whispered to herself dropping the knife. She knew she was a bit off mentally. If anyone knew her story, they couldn't blame her. But they probably wouldn't even believe her. She sighed and looked down about to pick up the knife only to feel a cold hand wrap itself around the back of her neck. She felt herself being forced to stand up and pushed against the wall. It all happened so fast she didn't have time to scream.

"Hey there." Inuyasha said breathing against her neck.

Kagome began to panic not sure what to do. She was trapped. Inuyasha began to laugh as he turned her around, pinning both of her hands above her head. His eyes were glowing red. Kagome would never forget those eyes.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?" he whispered and began to sniff her hair. He began growl and began sniffing her neck. Kagome only cried. She couldn't lose to him now. It was dangerous how he would randomly show up. He had so much advantage to kill her. He was only keeping her alive to make her miserable. He licked her neck then kissed it.

"Your blood only makes me want to lose control of myself But don't worry, I'm not going to damage that beautiful body of yours."

He then bit deeply into her neck, causing her to scream. Kagome quickly sat up screaming. She waved her arms around with her eyes shut tight. She didn't feel it anymore. She didn't feel the pain in her neck, or Inuyashas cold hands pinning her against the wall. She was in bed, soaked in her own sweat. It was just a dream, a very realistic dream. She was tired, not the kind of tired that sleep could fix either. Inuyasha haunted her mind, and none of this would be over until she killed him. She couldn't live like this any longer. She didn't bother going to sleep. She only took a bath and watched T.V. Sleep may not be much of an option. It made her sick to her stomach in the beginning, to even think that she liked him or considered him a "friend."

Kagome could only sit and wonder when she was going to see Sango again. She felt a bit more secure knowing she had her as protection. But Sango could only protect Kagome in the real world, not in her dreams. Kagome came across one of the music channels and left it there. Music somewhat relaxed her mind. She closed her eyes and tapped her fingers trying to relax.

"You've been there for me, not matter what the cost. My best friend since we've, believed in Santa Clause."

Kagome gasped and opened her eyes. She remembered this song from her freshman year in high school with Sango. She hummed along with the song, tears threatening to escape. So much nostalgia was folding around her as the song continued.

"I'll be the one who hears your prayer; don't have to ask me I'll be there."

Kagome smiled as the tears slid down her face. She had so many happy memories with Sango and the rest of her friends in high school. She felt so much pain swell inside her chest as the song continued. She wasn't sure she wanted to even live anymore with the suffering she went through so much suffering every day, remembering the tragic events that have happened.

"That was our song Kagome. I remember it."

Kagome gasped and quickly looked over at the familiar voice.


Sango hummed the rest of the song, staring blankly at the T.V.

Kagome began to wipe her tears. Sango turned to Kagome as the song ended. Kagome began to cry even more. She ran up to Sango and hugged her. She couldn't hold it all in anymore. She had to cry all of it out. Sango was there for her. The memories of her high school days made her happy, but even more sad that things turned out the way they did. Sango only held her. She couldn't cry. Kagome cried uncontrollably on her best friend's chest. She shook her head, mumbling words that Sango couldn't understand. Sago only held onto Kagome and remained calm. One of them had to be strong. The only thing that mattered was that she could protect her, and help her get revenge. Everything was just too fucked up.