Here Another Chapter... Review Please :)

Chapter Five: "Bitter Truth."

Gwen's Point Of View

I started back at my drunken fiancée. What was his deal, again? I was stick of this life, I was sick of us hating each other during the nights we aren't together. "Are you cheating on me?" I simply said as Trent eyes grew in fear.

"What? Are you serious Gwen! I would never." Trent eyes turned hazy as I laughed. I remember high school used to be the big drama, I remember I would ask him if he liked a girl more than me that was the worst thing I had to worry about in high school.

Here I am now worried about Trent cheating on me. It was late, he was drunk, and what else was I suppose to think? He knew that, so did I.

"Okay." I turned around and made my way to our bedroom but Trent cut me off in the spin and grabbed my shoulder and I looked up at him repeated what I said.

"Are you cheating on me?" he said.

I looked up at him and spoke. "No, who in the hell could I cheat on you…" I stop myself from their cause I knew I just ate my words that I knew what he was thinking, and that person happens to be the man I just had a talk with outside in the park, Duncan.

"We're just..."Trent read the words right off my mouth.

"You said that in Vegas and look what happen."

"What happen is that we were drunk, and I thought we were never going to bring that up, ever." I snarled at him as he rolled his eyes.

I went into the bedroom and slammed the door. Trent didn't even bother to try and talk to me after that and decided to crash on the couch.

I sat in my room and pulled Scruffy out of my pocket. "Sorry you had to hear another stupid fight." I can tell Scruffy has heard fights his whole time living in the Princesses castle. I pick Scruffy in a glass container my pet lizard used to live in and closed the top. I crawled into bed; finally I felt the tears feeling me as I broke down. Trent and I weren't working out well, and it was because of me. I thought, and knew it was my fault. Even if Trent was drunk and brought it up, it just means he never really did forgive me. So why are we even together at this point? I never wanted Trent to take me back if he never forgave me.

I cried myself to sleep and even had a bad nightmare, thank god tomorrow was the weekend.

I get up hearing Trent trying to open up the door. "Gwen! Gwen!" he yelled.

I grunted and threw the pillow to the door. "Go away!" I muttered falling back into my drooled pillow.

"I said open up!"

"And I said go away!" I yelled.

Trent continued banging on the door as I decide to get up and unlock the door, as I did I walked back into the bed as Trent opened it up rushing in grabbing his work clothes.

As he was dressing I glared at him, I really wanted to tell him off but I knew he wouldn't even listen, he just trying to hurry and got to work, but since I'm stupid I tried to.

"Can we talk?"

"Can't, got to go." He was fixing his tie in the mirror as I growled. "Figures."

Trent went over to the bed and kissed my forehead and I turned to my head away from him.

"Bye." He looked at me confused and decides to leave without another word.

"I love you." I said as he closed the door. I looked at the clock and notice it was Friday, yay no work on Friday. I got up and made me coffee as I heard my phone ring it was Duncan. "Yup?" I asked opening my phone.

"Hey Sunshine, how was Elvis?" Duncan speculated.

I shrugged. "Don't know the ass come home super drunk last night."

"Ouch, you two ok?"

"I don't think so… I think I'm going to stay with my mom this weekend."

"Oh come on Gwen, you can't leave your house because you two got in one pity fight last night."

"It's not just that Duncan, its personal." I got up washing my dishes as I put him on speaker.

There was a long pause as Duncan whispered. "Did he hit you?"

I laughed. "No don't worry, but he did say something that made me upset last night."

"Which is? " Duncan hated when I went on and on, he just wanted to go to the main point.

"He's not over that thing we did in Vegas."

"Because he thinks we still have a thing, am I right?"


Duncan sighed. "Sorry man, I didn't mean things to get this extreme"

I laughed. "Don't worry it wasn't just you that night, it was both of us." I hurried and dry my hands while picking up my phone taking it off speaker. "Anyways, want to pick me up and take me to your work?"

"Yeah, I don't have to go until noon though."

"Oh ok. See you then." I was putting on my dark gray flannel with a black tank top and dark blue skinny's with my ugg boats. I straighten my hair and put my lip stick on with mascara. I notice I wa ready on time, I was bored. I cleaned the house, catch up on all my homework, played with Scruffy for a bit and notice it was only 10:47.

I hurried and notice how I need to throw up again and rushed into the bathroom. Ok, if I'm really pregnant who can be the dad? I needed to know right away.

I rushed to my washer and notice the card was still in my wash up jeans and pulled it out trying to read the card number it was soggy and blurry but lucky I got the number.

It rang about three times till I heard a voice. "Jensen clinic Center, LeShawna speaking."

"LeShawna!" I cried.

"Gwen! Oh my gosh what is up girl!"

"When did you get a job?" I asked, I talked to LeShawna about a week ago, I didn't hear any news of her wanting to work. She hates working.

"Ah, I never really got one, just helping my ma at the clinic."

"Your mom works at that clinic?"

"Yeah girl. But the big question is, why are you calling?"

It got quite as I whispered. "I'm pregnant…I think."

I heard her squeal with joy. "Oh I'm happy for you two love birds. Who knew Trent had it in him."

I did a nervous laugh and said. "Um, Trent Didn't have it in him." And began to fake laugh as LeShawna was quite, for once.

"Wait, what?"

I sighed. "LeShawna, I'm pretty sure it might not be Trent's…"

"Then who can it be then Gwen?"

It got more quite as I didn't want to say it but LeShawna read me like a book, threw the phone line though.

"Noooo! Gwen you can't be serious! I mean, that was like how long ago?"

"A month?" I said.

"And you two wasn't?"

"No… we didn't have anything..."

"And you guys… um, joined together?"

"More than five times..."

"Wow… who knew Danger boy and you can do it that many times in one night."

I chuckled nervously still. "I didn't, but now I do know. Anyways, can you make me an appointment with your mom?"

LeShawna then began typing away on her computer and heard her. "Oh no."

"What?" I said scared.

"I'm pretty filled up, but someone just canceled their appointing with my mom."

"Oh I'll just take their spot today."

"Ok, it's at noon."


"What now?" LeShawna asked.

"I was supposed to go to work with Duncan today?"


"Cause he's my best friend?"

"That also is your baby's daddy!" LeShawna began laughing as I hissed.


"Trust me girl the news is going to spill when either your tummy starts getting big, or you can just wait till after the baby is out and everyone is going to notice that head on the babies isn't Trents."

I started laughing, so maybe Duncan wasn't the only one that thought Trent's head was slightly large.

"I hope my baby has Duncan eyes though." I smiled and rubbed my stomach as LeShawna giggled.

"Awhe, you love Duncan's eyes huh!"

"Yeah… wait NO!" I was dreaming off into Duncan's eyes. So teal, so wonderful, wait no! I'm not thinking about his eyes, I was thinking about Trent's.

"Ah screw it their no point to fight over you about eyes!"

"Alright but I'll see you around noon?"

"Yeap, See yeah Shawna."

"Peace." And with that we hung up phones.

I hurried and called Duncan.

"Hello." Duncan said cheerfully.

"What's up with you? You Sound like someone stuck a rainbow up your ass." I giggled.

"Oh harsh, can't a guy be happy today?"

"A gay guy." I spoke.

"Haha nice, anyways, you home?"

"Yeah, but..." I was about to cancel with Duncan about going to work with him till he jumped in.

"No buts just answer."

And with that, I heard a banging on my doorway. Duncan always was doing that, jerk.

I opened the door seeing him smiling at me.

"Shouldn't you ask first if I was even home?"

"I did." He lend his arm across the other side of the doorway.

"Yeah, as soon as you were in front of my door ding dong."

"Anyways, I just wanted to see Scruffy. Miss that little bastered."

I sneered. "Oh but don't want to see me? I'm offended."

"I would be too, I mean,…" Duncan looked both way as if someone was staring and spying at us and got close to my face and whispered into my right ear. "You're losing against a tarantula."

I giggled and went into my room getting Scruffy as I walked back into my living room seeing Duncan looking at the couch.

"I'm guessing you were sleeping on the couch?" He held the blanket up seeing it was on the couch.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, he was, I had the bed all to myself."

"Gosh, what a funny thing, I slept on my couch too last night."

"Oh by the way, did you and Courtney make up?" I asked as I handed him Scruffy.

He looked at me with a shit eating grin as I felt sick once again. "Ew."

"Make up sex is the best sex Gwenny."

I rolled my eyes and began putting on my two inch black heels.

"So ready to see a girl cry in pain for a tattoo?" he said swinging his car keys around I shoke my head.

"Can't, got an appointment today at the clinic." I looked into my mirror fixing my hair as I seen Duncan in the back staring at me.

"Um, when did you make an appointment?"

"Like five minutes ago?" I turned back around facing Duncan.

"I thought those things took weeks."

"No got a hook up since LeShawna was working there, helping her mom."

"It's LeShawna mom clinic?"

I nodded. "So, you go to work, I'll go to the clinic and I'll text you and let you know what happens ok."

Duncan soon started laughing hard as I looked at him confused. "What?"

"You seriously think you're going to the clinic without me? You're a real joke."

"You have to go to work."

"I can call in sick."

"Duncan." I whined. I never liked when he called in sick, he is such a great tattoo artist and I don't want them to fire him for him never showing up.

"Gwen." He whined back as I laughed. "Ok but I'm taking my car."

"Sounds good road runner."

I grabbed my leather purse and my skull keys making are way to the door. "Oh yeah forgot!" I yelled grabbing my glasses. Duncan began laughing. "Forgot you wear those." "When I don't want to put in my contacts." Duncan sat Scruffy on the counter and we left.

Duncan's point of view;

We got into her ride as I was picking a station. Gwen smiled at me as I was picking one.

"What?" I asked mad.

"You're funny." She giggled and began staring at the road.

This is why Gwen is my best friend. She just so real it's unreal to began thinking about her. I don't understand why people thought me and her a couple. Me and her are best friends, if we were anything more it would just make things weird. I still like Gwen though, but never would I have the guts to be more then are friendship into something else. I would want Gwen to be my kids mom, she's not slightly crazy and I know Gwen would love are kids deeply. But Gwen's kids belong with Trent. He would be a great dad, more then I would.

"Duncan? Duncan?" Gwen was getting me out of the trance as I looked up at Gwen again. She was wearing a gray flannel and skinny jeans with her hair straighten and her glasses.

"Hello Hippie." I teased as Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." She said as she parked the car.

We both got out of the car as we made our way to the clinic.

As we was about to go threw the doors, Gwen grabbed my shoulder yanking me back.

"What?" I asked.

She frowned. "Just know what happens in their… you have choices ok?"

"What do you mean?" I raised eye brow.

"If the baby is yours… you don't have to take care of it… it can be are secret."

I nodded in agreement as Gwen smiled. It so cute when she smiles, plus her with her glasses on. Wait what? No I mean… ah I have no idea what I am getting myself into. We walked in awaiting our future.

She was about to step in as I grabbed her arm.

"You know you have to choices too Gwen."

"I do?" she asked confused.

"Yeah, we all do. Do you think Trent is going to still be with you if he knows me and you are having a baby?"

"I don't know." She stuttered.

"See, so if you want to stay with Trent… I would think of what we are going to do."

"Same goes for you and Courtney."

"I know, But I'm the one that isn't getting married." I picked up her left hand as she turned red.

"Oh crap." She pinched her forehead as I nodded.


"Ok, let's just think about that stuff after this appointment." She moved her hair aside from her face and pulled a fake smile she always knows how to do.

"Sounds like a plan."

We walked in once again scared to death.


Anyways! Thinking of names for a baby..

Boy Or Girl? :D