Author Note: Sitting on my couch with my honey, my puppy and my laptop. Enjoy the story. Look out for more updates. ;-)

Taking Out The Trash

In order to conserve money that could be spent in other areas. The club decided to have the camp out at Mallory's (son of the Oregon Chapter) campsite. Usually rented out by churches, women and couples groups the campground that was littered with numerous log cabins and seemly endless woods. The roar of the bikes and moving truck disturb the tranquility of the woods. Laughter, shrills, music and conservation filled the air.

Mallory was passing out a roster for the sleeping quarters of all the Sons. Some were too busy hugging old friends they hadn't seen in awhile. The mother Chapter arrived after the Fresno Chapter's tracker trailer pulled into the parking lot.

Everyone piled out the truck, Jax rubbed Tara's shoulders as to say it okay before leaving her to help the others get the bags.

"Tara, honey why don't you come with me." Gemma said with her hand on her hip.

Tara really didn't want to do that. She was trying to look for any alternative choice then being alone with the older woman. Tara could practically see the questions across Gemma's forehead. Her eyes met with Lonnie's through the crowd.

Lonnie waved her over before lifting a crate of water onto a folding table.

"Oh but Gemma, Lonnie needs help." Tara said pointing toward Lonnie innocently. She was smiling…it quickly went away as a man put the next crate that Lonnie had been reaching for onto the table. Her way out had just disappeared.

Gemma placed her hands on her hip looking at Tara knowingly. "Come on, hon. I think the kitchen is that way?" she cocked her head in the direction.

Tara reluctantly followed the older woman already feeling a headache coming on.

Lonnie gave the young man with the tribal tattoos a smile as he placed the water bottle orderly on the table.

"Thanks." She said proceeding to walk away. A pressure on her arm made her look at him with a raised eyebrow. She didn't see an official jacket on his shoulders.

His eyes were glazed with something that she had seen all her life. His lips curled into a smile.

"I don't get a kiss for my troubles?" he asked.

She laughed slightly nervous trying to diffuse the situation before-. Juice yanked her away from the guy's grip before proceeding to slam the guy on the table placing the guy's hand behind his back.

Lonnie wanted to say something but knew she shouldn't and part of her didn't want to say anything. Juice's fuse was short for only a few things…this was one of them.

"Be cool man." The young guy said, more like whined as Juice applied more pressure.

Juice was cocked his head over to Lonnie to come closer. He smiled a little at her as she gave him a knowing look. This was just a mistake; he didn't need to beat the shit out of the guy.

"You see that? You little shit?" Pointing to the crow that looked like a cuff around her right wrist.

The young guy's eyes widened as he realized his mistake. Juice tightened his grip on the guy's left arm.

"You see what's on her left ring finger?" Juice growled a little. Lonnie heard the chuckles and a small crowd forming.

"Snap that punk's arm off." Tig said carrying his sleeping back over his right shoulder. Vince was grinning at the comment but Tig wasn't joking in the least.

Chibs shrugged "Young prospects don't have respect like they used to."

"She's my old lady. She's my fucking wife. If I see you even breathe wrong in front of her, I'll rip this goddamn arm." Juice slammed the guy's head on the table once before letting him go.

Lonnie rolled her eyes as she circled her arms around his waist. "How about a raincheck on that kiss, prospect?" she called to the young prospect as he escaped into the woods licking his wounds.

"It's the outfit." Bobby reasoned. Vince chuckled "no one can resist Lara Croft." Bobby shoved him as the two walked to their cabin.

"Princess, the bathrooms are over there." Happy called to Nadia as she bee lined it for the woods.

"I won't make it!" she yelled back. Happy was frowning with his hands in his pocket.

"What'cha thinking about, boy?" Talvis asked following Happy's eyes toward the woods that Nadia had just disappeared into.

"Every time Nadia's pregnant, she can't hold her water." He said more to himself. They had stopped three times for her to use the bathroom.

Talvis shrugged "She has been drinking a lot." Happy just grunted.

"Lemme make sure she don't get lost." He said started towards the woods.

Nadia's eyes rolled involuntary toward the back of her head as she relived herself. A twig snapping shook her out of her trance. Her eyes quickly scanned the woods before they landed on an in Nadia's eyes an average looking guy who was clearly a prospect.

"Hey, this isn't a free show." Nadia snapped she quickly unrolled her Chanel sundress as she stood up.

There was a goofy grin on the guy's face that she wanted to cut that smile off his lips with the favorite knife that she had high on her left thigh.

"Sorry bout that sweetheart. You're just fucking-" he shook his head as he spoke.

Nadia raised her eyebrow as she could feel herself getting angry.

"You're fucking sexy and you aint wearing no ring." He said approaching her.

Nadia decided to soften her face and put on a smile. He was a dead man. He didn't realize he was a deer coming towards a mountain lion. His eyes suddenly got bigger as Nadia saw a copper toned arm pulled her back and she took an additional step behind her husband.

Always ruining my fun she thought to herself.

The guy put up his hands as Happy zeroed in on him.

"You like how my old lady's pussy looks?" he asked. Nadia put her knife back putting her hands on her hips.

The guy's lips parted but no words came out.

"Kid, he asked you a question. Be a dear and answer his question." She said with a smile.

The guy's blue eyes were watering with fear as Happy took a step towards him.

"I thought she was a croweater." He pleaded.

"You aint a crow." Happy said socking the guy in the face. His fall to the ground was hard. Very hard.

Nadia walked around Happy kicking Prospect in the ribs twice. "My pussy is way too good to be a croweater, little boy." She raked her fingers through her hair and looked at her husband innocently. "What do you want do with him?" she asked him in Japanese.

Happy smirked.

Koz smiled pushing off the truck with a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "What'cha doing, Hap?"
Happy had the Prospect by the neck with Nadia at his side as if this was all normal. Koz shook his head, this shit was not gonna end well.

Happy was pissed, that was clear to see as Koz followed along with the group as Happy stopped in the middle of the commotion.

"Who does this prospect belong to?" he growled.

The reluctant Fresno sponsor stepped forward. "He's mine Prospect, what did the asshole do?"

"Brother, this piece of shit disrespected my old lady."

Juice with Lonnie in tow stood walked to the front. "He aint got no respect for the way things are done here." he said spitting on the Prospect's boots.

The group started to circle around the outsider. An older man with a full beard came forward patting the sponsor on his back "Paul has it wrong, we don't got no one prospecting for us right now." The Fresno President said.

Happy laughed tightening his grip on the outsider's neck. "See we got a little problem them."

"Thought this was a members only event, Talvis." Clay asked the man to his left.

"That it is." Talvis responded.

"Well, get this piece of shit out of here." Clay said.

Tig flanked the outsider's right side as Happy kept his grip tight half dragging the man out.

The crowd dissipated as Nadia waved at Lonnie. The two women hugged before breaking apart.

"Lonnie, you're positively glowing." Nadia said running her fingertip across her chin.

Lonnie laughed "So are you! Anyway, where you guys bunked at?" she asked.

"With the rest of the Tacoma Chapter." Nadia said rolling her eyes.

"What's with the chapter separation?" Lonnie asked.

"Wait until tomorrow when we play games. Then you'll see why?" Nadia hooked her arm around Lonnie's neck "but tonight, I'm in charge of the games." She said with a little knowing giggle.

Lonnie was nervous about what that meant. She had heard about the time Tara had hung out with Nadia. Nearly died the week she had hung out with Nadia for some good ol' fun. Just thinking about that week made her shiver.

Nadia didn't do anything on a small scale.

Juice left knuckle busted as it collided with the outsider's jaw. He shook it off as Happy finished where Juice had left. Vince brought the van to a sudden stop, making Tig brace himself and glare at Vince. Juice opened the door.

"This is your stop." Vince called to the back as Happy kicked the bloody outsider out of the van. He was barely moving on the asphalt.

Happy closed the door back as Vince put the van into drive. Happy sat back chest heaving.

"So what's going on tonight? Who's running the festivities?" Vince asked.

"Festivities?" Tig asked raising his brow as Juice started laughing.

"Yeah, mutherfuckinfestivities!" Vince snapped.

"Nadia's running it; don't know what she got planned." Happy said.

"Shit!" Tig and Juice said unison.

"Why?" Vince asked.

"Bad experience, bro." Juice said sitting back.

"What she drink like a fish or something?" Vince asked curious now.

Happy laughed sinking comfortably in his seat and flexing his knuckles.

"Just don't try to keep up with her." Tig warned.

"No offense Hap, but she's a slim chick. Can't see her drinking a whole lot."

"Then tonight, bro. Challenge her. She likes that, aint that right Tig?" Happy asked.

"Fuck you." Tig threw back.

The car erupted into laughter.