I'm really not sure where this came from. It's a bit rambly, but I liked the idea. So…here you go. Another excerpt from Raven's journal. :)

I own nothing.

Dear Father,

Obviously, I wish that you weren't an evil demon hungry for blood and thirsty for the smell of death. I wish that you were a normal father, one that could have been there for me.

Dear Father,

I wish that you weren't the type of father that I am ashamed to love. I wish that I could care about you without feeling sick to my stomach for loving you regardless of what you are. I wish that I could hate you, but I can't.

Dear Father,

I wish you hadn't harmed Arella. My mother didn't deserve the pain that you forced her through, and she didn't deserve to have to suffer through the birthing and upbringing of a half-demon child. Maybe if you hadn't forced yourself upon her, then I would know what lies behind the cold, calculating, heartless smile that she gave me on the day that pushed me out of Azerath.

Dear Father,

I wish that it weren't impossible to live without fear every day of my life. Fear that I will slip up and that you will take over. I wish that I could simply continue my life within the confines of the brief contentment that I felt on the day of your demise, but I fear that someday you may return.

Dear Father,

I wish that you hadn't cursed me with the inability to experience joy with my own heart. I am forced to feel it vicariously through others. I cannot feel things without becoming dangerous, and I wish that I could simply have grown up as a normal person rather than having to become an adult within a child's body. I think though, that I may have begun to learn to live without this hindrance, as defeating you has shown me a new way to channel my powers, and as I practice I may yet change.

Dear Father,

I wish that I did not love you. I wish that I did not wish for your love in return. I wish that I could have smiled at your demise for a little while longer, but even as I walked from the very battlefield of your defeat I knew that the joy would not last. I knew that I would remember you as my father, as the being that gave me life, and I if I thank you for one thing -it is life. The thing you so despise, the very hope of living, you gave it to me. For that I have nothing but gratitude. You did not destroy my friends, and you did not destroy me, and while you meant to do these things –you could not, and for that I am grateful.

Dear Father,

Although you deprived me of many things within my life, you did in fact contribute to giving me a life to live. And I intend to do so from this day forward.
