XP: Short chapter. Kai's gonna go Russia!! To see the blitzkrieg boys! I love them man XD
Chapter one: Decision to go there
Might have yaoi in the future, but not now.
Warning: some vulgarities inside, rating is T.
Disclaimer: I do not own the anime beyblade, though i used to have a beyblade.
It was…summer vacation. And summer vacation usually meant overseas trips. The Bladebreakers were gathered in the dojo with Mr. Dickenson, discussing where to go. "I want to go to Paris, it's romantic," Hilary gushed.
"America! I want to see my mum!" Max chimed in cheerfully.
"We've gone America tones of times already, Max, can we go China?" Ray asked hopefully.
"What do you think, Kai m'boy? You are the captain after all," Mr. Dickenson asked politely.
Kai was leaning against the wall in his usual stance. He opened his eyes and looked directly at Mr. Dickenson. "Can we go to Russia?" Kai asked sincerely. Everyone was stunned at the heart felt sincerity they heard in the tone.
"If that is okay with the team," Mr. Dickenson looked at the Bladebreakers. They nodded, and Kai allowed himself a small, rare smile. He had become great friends with Tala and Ian again, and Spencer was okay with him. It was only Bryan who disliked him.
Kai walked away to call Tala. Tyson and Hilary still hated the Russian team with a passion. It was probably because of them calling Tyson a fat pig and Hilary an ugly bitch. Max and Ray were okay with it though, because they trusted Kai in his judgment. Kenny was, well, afraid of them.
"Hello, is Red there?" Kai asked.
"Surrree, of course I'm here, Blue, why else would your call be picked up?" Tala's voice held a teasing tone.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe that midget in your team stole your phone…"Kai trailed off, his voice of too much innocence, so much that it was definitely fake.
"HI KAI!!!" Ian cut Tala off, stealing the phone. "How are you four-stripes?"
"I'm fine, Midget with the impossibly large nose. Tell the guy with the devil horns I'm going to Russia for vacation. The brat pack, as he so delicately calls it, is coming too. Bye…" Kai smirked. He had insulted so many people in that one sentence. He ended the call before he could reply.
That was a bad idea apparently, because when he re-entered the room the Bladebreakers were in, his phone rang shrilly.
"…Pick up the phone." Spencer.
Then it repeated itself. He flipped open the phone in annoyance. "Hello?"
"KAAAAIIII WHY DID YOU HANG UP ON US?!?!" Tala and Ian whined loudly together.
"Shut the fuck up," Kai ended the call. Everyone looked at him in amusement and curiosity, while Tyson and Hilary glared at him, recognizing the two voices as their 'enemy'. His phone rang again.
"Goddamit, what do you want?" Kai asked irritably.
"Annoy you, what else?" Tala sounded amused.
"Bitch," Kai growls.
"Kai, language!" Mr. Dickenson chided. Kai shot him a pointed look before looking back at the phone he held beside his ear.
"You're really coming?" Ian asked hopefully.
"Hn," Kai replied, rubbing his forehead. These two were giving him a headache.
"Yaaaayyy Kai's coming!!!! Kai's really coming!!! Stripey's coming!!! Spencer, cook your best meal!!!! Bryan, Bryan…" Ian's voice became softer as he ran away to tell the news.
"Sorry about that, hehe," Tala grinned. " Ooh, I bet that brat pack's with you right now… and I bet you're rubbing your forehead…hold the phone away from your ear, Kai, or your eardrums will be shattered!"
Kai didn't ask, he just held the phone away from his ear, towards the Bladebreakers. He knew fully well what Tala was going to do. "HEY TYSON THE FAT GLUTTON AND HILARY THE UGLY PIMPLY WITCH!"
"Why that-" Tyson and Hilary didn't get to finish because Kai put the phone back to his ear. "Real mature, Ivanov. Real mature." Kai glanced at Tyson and Hilary before continuing, "Status report, from Blue to Red, Tyson is pouting and crossing his arms, fume coming out of his ears while Hilary's face is beet red. Max and Ray are trying to hold her back from destroying my phone. End status report."
"Good job, Blue. Expect a promotion," Tala chuckled. "I… gotta go. Bryan's coming…better switch off your phone though."
"TELL THAT GODDAMN HIWATARI TO-" Bryan got cut off as Tala ended the call. Kai immediately switched off his phone so Bryan couldn't call him. He sighed, leaning back into the wall, looking forward to seeing the Blitzkrieg boys again. He ignored Tyson and Hilary's whining, and Max, Ray and Kenny trying to calm them down. He ignored Mr. Dickenson who was asking him something.
Tala… I'll be going to you soon.
XP: Review please? XD Give me pointers or something, eh? Criticism accepted too, nya~ XD