I Wish the Phone Would Ring
Disclaimer: The Pretender and the song "I Wish the Phone Would Ring" belongs to their intellectual property owners.
Lying here in the dark surrounded by lonely walls, her head lying restlessly on the increasingly uncomfortable pillow, Parker waited, accompanied only by her churning thoughts. More than ever Jarod was on her mind. The tall but frazzled Parker told herself loneliness ought to be a crime. Watching TV to just pass the time was not going to work with him. No, not at all. Not when all she could think of was her Pretender.
If you're thinking of me, Jar, you know what to do. The phone clutched in her hand, waiting for it to ring, eager to hear his melodious voice, his words a soothing balm for her weary spirit.
Oh, baby, why? Why did we have to fight? Couldn't they both be right? He wanted to bring down the Centre now; she wanted to wait until they put together a plan to protect the innocent victims and those they care about inside the Centre before destroying it.
The disagreement quickly escalated to all out an argument. It would have been no surprise to anyone who knew these two were some of the most stubborn, competitive, and opinionated people on the planet. Their argument ended with Jarod hanging up on her. That was days ago. Since then, silence. Parker could only wait impatiently until he cooled down and call her once again.
She would almost do anything for him to call her, to have her phone ring. But Parker was too proud, too aware that Jarod would recognize it as a sign of how she felt about him if she gave in to her feelings.
Parker knew if she admitted how much she loved Jarod, they would be in each other's arms tonight. Her heart was tired of all the lies and deceptions she lived with in order to protect them from the Centre's evil.
There were so many things that she wanted to tell her Pretender, so much feelings dammed up inside aching to pour forth for him after they put an end to the Centre.
Parker sighed impatiently, glaring down at the object in her hand.
I wish the phone would ring...
A/N: The late 80s-early 90s Miami based female group Exposé inspired this songfic. Watching their video on YouTube brought back a lot of smiles for me. If you have a chance to view it, I hope it brought you some pleasure as it did for me. Please read and review. As for my other Pretender story, "The Fall", I haven't abandoned it. I hope to post the next chapter sometime before summer.