A/N ok so this is just a random StarkxOC drabble that I thought of while listening to Vanilla Twilight by Owl City. I hope you like it. Review and tell me what you think! ~Katie~

Again Stark rolled over on his side and sighed. Why was he so uncomfortable? He usually had no problem going to sleep let alone staying asleep. He grumbled and opened his eyes. There was a space on his bed that wasn't filled. A void was left where she usually slept. Stark looked at the empty spot willing her to come and fill it.

He put a pillow over his face and it didn't help, in fact it just made his loneliness worse. Her scent filled his nose, and he breathed it in. She was on his pillows, on his sheets, it was everywhere. He missed the way her body fit snugly against his when she fell asleep next to him. Right at that moment he wanted to lace his fingers with hers. Just thinking about it made him flex his hands.

That moment he realized that she was keeping him up, he smiled. His smile faltered, and fell. He wished she was here, cuddled up next to him. He wanted to run his fingers through her long hair and whisper to her. There was no way he was getting any sleep now, not without her next to him.

The feeling he got when she wasn't around made him want to go get her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her until the world ended. He wanted her with him forever and always. Stark rolled over and finally drifted off to sleep dreaming about the person that could rid him of his loneliness once and for all.


So what did you think?? Please tell me!