"Inuyasha, where are you?"
She was walking through the forest when she stopped at a small clearing in the middle of nowhere, looking for her hanyou.
The sun was so bright, the atmosphere seemed so happy, so content…it was nice. Kagome laughed as she picked up a lily, the wind gently sweeping it on her face as she went to sniff the aroma. Everything was just perfect. Birds were singing in the background, matching her beautiful angelic sounding giggle. She heard a ruffle in the trees up ahead, causing her to look up curiously.
"Is that you, Inuyasha?"
Suddenly a red haori was seen coming out from the depths of the forest, she knew it was him. What Kagome saw surprised her though, this couldn't be Inuyasha, he looked…so distant, so uncaring, and even angry about something.
"What, you little wench? What was so important that you interrupted me and Kikyo? This better be good."
Kagome was shocked, to say the very least, how dare he speak to her like this? He was with Kikyo?
He came up close to her, eyes still as cold and unemotional, she was becoming worried. She went out to touch his arm.
"I was just worried about you, I didn't know where you were, why is Kik"-
Inuyasha slapped her arm away, scraping it with his nails, not giving a damn. Kagome shrieked, grabbed her rapidly bleeding arm and looked up quickly. She was too stunned to even say 'sit'.
His voice sounded so angry. "Don't you ever utter her name with your disgusting voice. You are nothing, you worthless little shard detector. Can't you understand? I only need you to find my shards, then I don't care whatsoever what happens to you then, my beloved Kikyo is a million times what you would ever be. I love her, I could never love you, and you're nothing but a reincarnation of a better woman."
Tears were streaming down Kagome's face as Inuyasha wasn't even hesitating to break her heart into pieces. He was so cold looking, and what was worse, her one true fear besides him dying, was him not loving her, and in fact, hating her. Out of nowhere, Inuyasha slapped Kagome to the ground and left to outside the meadow, everything becoming dark around her as she began to fall down an endless abyss…
Kagome shot up from her slumber, completely scared out of her mind at what just happened. Was that…real? No, it couldn't be, but it felt like it. Kagome shook her head, 'No, Inuyasha would never do that to me, even if he still loves Kikyo, he would never just abandon me and leave me for dead. That's not him.'
She looked around the hut. Miroku and Sango were sound asleep, resting on a bigger Kirara, Shippo in a corner, lightly snoring. No one had awoken from her scream, her awakening of that terrible delusion.
'That's right,' she thought, 'it was all just a bad dream.'
Kagome looked down to her ankle, the one that was terribly wounded from the last smaller battle with Naraku that got everyone exhausted beyond belief. Kagome couldn't hope to even move with her ankle like this, so she was carried and laid down by Inuyasha into Kaede's hut where the older miko tried to bandage the wound as best she could. The group would be staying there for a while. She looked around again to find that someone was missing.
'Inuyasha? Where did he go?' She was very confused, hoping that this wouldn't turn out like her dream. Kagome knew she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anytime soon, so she bravely, but stupidly, started to crawl out of the hut with her fists and knees in search of her absent companion.
She was struggling a lot, her ankle was still hurting even though she wasn't on it necessarily, but she just tried to ignore the pain. There was only one thing on her mind, and that was to find Inuyasha. About five minutes into the search, her whole body was grassy and scraped up when she found herself by Inuyasha's tree. Kagome at this point was tired beyond belief, but after a swift look around, kept trudging through the cool night grass. She decided to make herself known.
"Inuyasha!" She called out his name, her voice breaking as she was panting from the exercise.
No answer.
A couple minutes more of crawling when she called his name out again, and still no luck so far. It's been a half hour by this point, and Kagome finally screamed out Inuyasha's name one last time. She got an answer, but not the one she wanted.
A large bear demon came out of nowhere and targeted the wounded miko. Kagome didn't know what to do; her bow and arrows were still in the hut, leaving her defenseless against the mighty beast. She quickly lied on her back and shrieked as the demon came full force on her, swiping her chest and thighs with his claws. She was in so much pain; she couldn't even call for help. Kagome couldn't move a muscle, the pain overwhelming as she was slowly succumbing to darkness. All she could think was, 'What a pitiful and pathetic way to die, I haven't even told Inuyasha how I felt, and this is no poetic death…Inuyasha…'
Suddenly, Kagome heard a loud "Wind Tunnel" from her male friend in the group and the demon was no more. Her voice so soft, could only weakly say the name "Inuyasha" over and over again. She was picked up by the monk, and the only thing keeping her in reality was the thought of Inuyasha as she kept calling out to him in whispers while saying "I'm sorry" to Miroku. As she was walking back to the hut, her eyes did not mistake her, she actually saw one of Kikyo's soul collectors passing by, luminously glowing white in the night air.
'Hm, maybe that death would have been poetic, if my dream became reality; I wouldn't have the will to live anymore.'
A lonely, moonlit tear slid down her pale cheek as she was being carried back to the hut.