Eh, This is Chapter three, which by the way I'm not too happy about. Sorry if things seem... rushed. I didn't have as much time to dedicate to it this week. This Chapter finally has some Jared, but he hasn't shifted yet. Not in this story, nope! The next Chapter Bella will probably be heading off to Phoenix, oooh! So just bare with me, things will probably start picking up sooner or later...

Thanks to my reviewers: Maigu, Gothic Saku-chan, Wicked Winter, Beautiful-Liar13, meggie, FlyingHigh13, Kathy Hiester, YankeeGirlNJ, Kathrine

Saturday couldn't come quickly enough.

I had managed to avoid Charlie for most of the week, well, somewhat avoid. We lived in the same house; I could only not see him for so long. He had tried and failed on several accounts to speak to me, such as making small talk in the morning and at night. I attempted to re-kindle whatever friendship I had left with my friends from school, but they were all busy. The only one who picked up was Mike Newton, who immediately asked what I was doing this week. I told him about going to the movies and invited him, which he practically squealed "yes" too. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with that boy, but the more company the better.

Today I was hanging out with Jake, step one in my "Charlie-I'm-not-a-zombie-please-let-me-stay-in-Forks-for-my-mental-heath" plan. Not a very good name, but names aren't that important right now. I heard that he was bringing someone along with him also, which is why I invited Mike in the first place. I dressed pretty casually; a simple white blouse and jeans ought to do the trick. This wasn't like a date or anything, in fact there were four people going, and unless Jacob brought a girl or was gay, there's no way it could be counted as a double date.

At the thought of dating again, my chest gave a painful twinge. Almost like a slap for betrayal. Was I betraying him by going out with other men? No! That's ridiculous! I check myself over in the mirror and steeled my resolve.

"Isabella Marie Swan, you are being utterly ridiculous. You will go out today, have fun, and try not to think of… him.You need to look convincing for Charlie, and you also need to heal." I told myself in the mirror, feeling slightly foolish that I had just pep-talked myself into hanging out with guy-friends. Good thing no one was around to see that. Brushing my dull hair a few times, I set out, grabbing my keys from the bathroom countertop.

Surprisingly, I didn't trip on my way down, also noticing that Charlie had already left. I decided not to leave him a note, Billy will probably tell him if he asks. I grabbed my coat and twisted it in my hand nervously before heading out.

I met at the local cinema, ignoring the cold weather and pacing outside in front of the theatre. As everyone walked around me, bundled up with their companions, if suddenly felt a wave of loneness wash over me. I didn't have anyone to snuggle up with, even if he wasn't the best one to warm up with. The fact was that I didn't have anyone anymore, and that caused my chest to tear a little at the edges, but this time not so much for my old lover. The wind whipped around my face violently, causing me to dig my head further down into my turtleneck coat. I shut my eyes tightly and stood still for a second, when suddenly I heard a deep, masculine voice address me.

"Have you been waiting out here all this time?"

My eyes shot open to meet a pair of strikingly warm brown ones, staring at me with something between amusement, and concern. He was hunched over to my level, leaving the view behind him open to show a grinning Jake. I immediately flushed at the close proximity, backing up a little. The man before me stood up to his full height, towering over me. He had short cropped jet-black hair and smooth muscles that couldn't even be concealed with his coat. Overall he looked pretty friendly, yet somewhat aloof. I dumbly stared at him awhile before sticking my hand out.

"I'm Bella." He grinned slightly and grasped my hand in his, which by the way practically swallowed the pale thing.

"Jared." I blink a few times numbly, while Jake chuckled in the background. He walked up to me and wrapped me in a bear hug, slowly squeezing the life from me. I felt him open his mouth to most likely greet me, but instead a different, higher voice called out.

"Bella!" I Jacob nearly dropped me in surprise, setting me down gently. I looked over my shoulder and saw Mike running over to us, a pale scrawny arm extended in a wave. He rushed over to us and smiled at me, then turned to the other two and nodded in acknowledgment. I thought he looked pretty awkward doing such a pimp move, where the person just lifts their chin, and tilts it at the person. The other probably though he looked hilarious doing it, as Jake was biting his lip to keep from outwardly laughing, and Jared was grinning wildly.

"So what movie are we going to watch Bells?" Jake said, half-laughing. He stuck his hands in his pocket and leaned closer to me, to which I pulled away slightly and looked up at him.

"I'm not sure Jake, I mean; I guess it's up to you guys. I'll go with anything that's not to chick-flickey." I replied by scrunching up my face in disgust as I thought of watching a romance movie. They guys laughed, Jared's deep voice standing out to me. His laugh was hearty and rich, warming even.

"Well, let's get inside so we can choose, it's cold out here." Mike suggested, shuffling into the theatre quickly. The rest of us followed, not wanted to be left out in the cold. We decided on something pretty neutral, a regular action movie. We were going for a sick, gore movie, but apparently Mike didn't really enjoy those types of movies. Jacob joked it was because he wasn't man enough, but soon regretted it after he had seen he had made a life-long enemy out of Mike Newton. Mike wouldn't even look in his general direction.

The seats were pretty crowded, but we found a few seats in the bad of the theatre, our view mostly blocked by others, but I didn't mind, considering Mike was the only one into the movie. Jacob actually fell asleep within a few minutes into the first action scene.

I on the other hand, was extremely bored, letting my mind wander to Charlie, and what he thought of this, Renee and what she told me the other day, how she left no room for argument. It made me angry and frustrated how all of the sudden they started to control my life when they hadn't before. I admitted that maybe I wasn't exactly in the best position and state of mind, but I couldn't even think of a reason that they would force me to go back home.

I was brought out of my musings by that masculine voice whispering next to me. The warm breath tickled my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"This is so boring, isn't it?" I looked over and Jared who had a deadpanned expression on his face. He had his head propped up in his hands while his arm leaned against the chair next to him, gazing at me with dull eyes.

"Yeah it is." I replied shortly, as I didn't have much to say to him. In hopes of escaping my depressing thoughts, I decided to make small talk. "So, you're Jared, right? How do you know Jacob?"

"We go to the same school. I hang out with him sometimes, and he asked me if I wanted to come along. Well, you know; free movies." He finished with a sweet smile, so much unlike what he used to smile, I found that pull in the back of my head tug happily, if that was even possible. I ignored it, again.

"Jake and I are good friends, and I'm moving back to Phoenix soon. I haven't been spending much time with him, so I decided to hang out some more before I go."

"Oh, really?" Jared said, his eyebrows furrowed. "That's too bad."

"Yeah. I suppose it is." I finished lamely, looking away.

We chatted throughout the movie after that, commenting on the horrible acting and multiple plot bunnies. It was extremely enjoyable, being there with Jared. Even though I had just met him, he was easy to be around, easy to talk to. I didn't really think of Charlie, or Phoenix or anything when I was talking with him, I just focused on whatever topic we were on. It felt good, not having a hole in your chest rip open every time someone touched a sore subject. Jared wasn't like that. He didn't know me very well, so I found myself unconsciously forgiving him whenever something he mentioned reminded me of something or someone.

After the movie, I noticed that Mike was bouncing around, immensely annoying Jacob, who had just woken up. Jake was rubbing his eyes groggily, muttering about stupid pale boys. Mike was rambling on about the movie and how awesome it was, but I tuned him out as soon as Jared spoke to me again.

"Well, even though the movie was crap," He rolled his eyes at this, "I still enjoyed myself." I looked up at him and gave him a friendly smile.

"Me too, I guess." He looked like he was thinking for a second, then he dug around in his pocket and pulled out a pen. He pulled off the cap with his teeth and grabbed some napkins from the concession stand nearby, scribbling something down on it while mumbling with the cap still in his mouth.

"Talking to you is fun Bella. It sucks that you have to move back to Phoenix." He straightened up at this point, re-capping the pen and folding the napkin. I took it, looking up at him curiously. "I have a feeling we should keep in touch. That's my e-mail. Send me a message sometime when you're down in Phoenix or bored." I couldn't do much but nod dumbly, a little shocked. "I added in Jacob's new e-mail too, in case you hadn't heard he got a new one." I relaxed a little at this; it was more like Jared was just trying to be friends.

"Thanks, I actually di-" I was cut off by a loud thump, and I turned to see Jacob holding Mike up by the collar against the wall. Jared immediately sprung into action, pulling Jake off the small stick boy.

"What's your problem Man?" Jared snapped, holding him by the shoulders. Jacob was fuming, his nostrils flared. Mike shrunk back further into the wall he was leaned against, trembling.

"Jake, are you okay?" I voiced worriedly, not really caring about Mike at this point. Jake shut his eyes and tried to calm down, but he wouldn't stop shaking. He looked down and stormed out of the cinema, each footstep like an earthquake. Mike had gotten back up and dusted himself off, fixing his shirt and glaring in the direction Jacob headed.

"What's his problem?" He said nastily, to which I just replied softly.

"I think you should go now Mike."

"What?" He began, but was cut off by a slight push from Jared.

"I'll show him out, you should talk to Jake." I nodded, retracing Jake's path. I found him sitting outside in the cold, leaning up against the building. I approached him cautiously, slowly sitting right next to him.

"Jake?" I whispered, and when he didn't answer I tried again. "Jake?" This time louder. He didn't look at me directly, but I knew he had heard me. He looked away and mumbled something I didn't quite catch. "Huh?" I said intelligently.

"I'm sorry." He looked up at me sadly. "I don't know what came over me." He looked so stricken, so innocent, like a lost puppy.

"It's okay Jacob, I'm not mad. A little surprised, but not mad. Just be sure it doesn't happen again. You could get in big trouble." I shoved him playfully, to which he chuckled softly.

"Thanks Bells."

"No problem. Now come on, let's get home."

Charlie still wasn't there when I got home, something I found peculiar. I looked over the white napkin in my hand again, reading the letters craved into it with ink over and over again. It had both Jared's and Jacob's e-mails neatly scrawled on it, and even though I had only known the guy for about a day, I was considering e-mailing him. It would be nice, I suppose, talking to someone different for a change. The incessant pull in my head made me feel like that wasn't the only reason I wanted to talk to him, but just like all the other times, I ignored it, snuggling up into my pillows further. My eyes drooped down, my vision blacking around the edges. For the first time in a while, my final thoughts were about someone other than him.

Eh, review, you know you want too... also, OC warning! I'm going to put an OC in the later chapters, but it'll only be like, two or three important ones, and I'll try to make them good, 'kay? I hated the way this chapter came out, let me know what you thought with a REVIEW!