She woke up to the sun in her eyes and pain shooting through her body. It seemed as though an ounce of light, sound, or smell would bring her to her knees in agonizing pain. She pulled the pillow over her head, trying to go back into the beautiful thing she liked to call unconciousness, or sleep. But, of course, her body had other plans. Nausea sent her straight to the bathroom. And, unlike any other time she had this feeling, this time she actually threw up.
Pulling away from the toilet, she spoke in a whisper, "What the hell happened last night?"
Stella and Lindsay were chatting away in the lounge about the upcoming New Years Eve party that night. It would be held at Stella's place, just like the many years before, and everyone from the Crime Lab was invited. They were giggling, almost acting giddy about the night ahead of them, when Mac, Danny, and Flack walked in.
"What's got you two ladies so happy?" Flack questioned, making a fresh pot of coffee.
"Oh, nothing!" the pair said in unison.
Flack tilted his head forward, "Right, like any of us are going to believe that."
Stella and Lindsay looked at each other and back to him, neither saying a word.
"Give it up, Flack. You're talking to two stubborn ladies right there," Danny chimed in.
Mac only grunted in agreement.
When the beeper went off on the coffee machine, Flack handed a cup to Danny and Mac, before taking his own and sitting down at the table.
"So are you guys excited about the party tonight?" Lindsay asked, taking a bite from her apple.
"I don't know if I can make it, I have a lot of paper work," was Mac's repsonse.
"Um, no. You're coming to this party Taylor, whether you like it or not!" Stella playfully demanded.
"Woah, Mac, I'd listen to her." Danny chuckled, and Lindsay got up and swatted him on his arm while heading over the the fridge.
"Well, I'm back off to work, call me if ya need me Stell!" Lindsay pecked Danny on the cheek and left the break room.
Everyone nodded Lindsay off before getting back in to their conversation, "Mac, you have to come to man. You can't miss the party at Stella's!" Flack added.
"I'll see what I can do, but for now, leave it be." Mac put his hand up, giving the signal that the conversation ends there.
"Party pooper!" Stella giggled as she threw her napkin in the garbage and left the room.
Her head rested against her arm, which lay across the toilet seat, "Why can't I remember anything? Was I that drunk?"
And in a flash, the night before started coming back to her.
so what do ya think? do you like it? interesting enough? are you mad that you can't tell who the "she/her" is? are you curious about what happened last night? then REVIEW! :) the more reviews, the faster the chapters get updated! I'll try and respond to every review, and if you think you know who is who, let me know! :) or if you have ideas on where to take this, get at me! :D see you on the next update! in the meantime, here's a Danny doll to play with! he even has the catch-phrase 'BOOM'!
-hands you all a danny doll-