A/N: Wow, you guys were really off base with who was calling, though ILoveMusic78 was the closest. Here's your second chapter.

Disclaimer: *growls and backs Ryan Murphy against the wall* I want those rights. NOW!

Finn looked up at Kurt, who had his eyes shut as though he were trying to will away the sound of a girl calling his name.

"Who is that?" Finn asked, cutting through Kurt's concentration.

Kurt looked at the puppy dog eyed teen and swallowed hard. "I've been keeping her a secret from Glee and the whole McKinley population." He looked down, but his head was forced back up. "She's-" Kurt swallowed hard again, willing the lump in his throat to go away. "She's my sister." Kurt rushed the words out of his mouth.

"WHAT?!" Finn roared, jumping up.

"She's my twin-"

"Kaylyn Hummel. Kurt, well, he and I are exactly alike. Except for our life choices. I go to a boarding school in Pennsylvania and Kurt stays in this cowtown. I come home for the holidays and part of Kurt's summer break." Kaylyn explained as she walked down the stairs.

Finn stared dumbly at the female-Kurt-clone who had since walked over and stood next to her brother.

"Why Kurt? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Finn asked slowly, trying to wrap his head around it all.

"I was afraid of what people would think. There aren't many twins in this cowtown and I didn't want all the fame and attention. At least, not because of that." Kurt blushed. "Plus, she's embarrassing." He stage whispered.

Kaylyn smacked him. "Such a good brother." She said sarcastically. "See what I have to deal with every so often?" She asked Finn.

"I deal with it everyday." Finn said, smirking at the poor, ex-kicker.

"Ha-ha, make fun of the gay kid." Kurt hmphed dramatically and sat back on his bed.

Kaylyn looked at her brother and abruptly stopped laughing.

"What?" Kurt asked, puzzled for a moment, then realizing his slip-up. "Whoops." He shrugged.

"Whoops? WHOOPS?! You cannot just spring that on me!!!" Kaylyn yelled at her brother, who was slowly inching his way towards the head of his bed.

"I'm sorry! I told dad in September, right after you went back to school. You never came back for Thanksgiving, so I just decided I'd tell you when you came back home after I got out of school." Kurt admitted.

Kaylyn was still advancing and Kurt's eyes shot to Finn, pleadingly.

"So, who's the guy over here? He your boyfriend?" Kaylyn asked, shooting a glare at Finn.

"NO!" Finn and Kurt both yelled.

"Then who is he bro?" She asked, cocking her head and staring at her brother again.

"We-he's...he's a guy in Glee. And he was on the football team with me." Kurt said, sighing.

"Glee?" Kaylyn asked, her advance stopping, and confusion crossing her face.

"Glee club. Singing, music, dancing." Kurt gestured wildly, trying to calm down

"Ah. Why's he here though?" She pushed, chancing a glance in Finn's direction.

"I-He-Finn?" Kurt looked desperately at Finn.

He took a deep breath and took the plunge, telling Kaylyn about everything that'd happend. "...and that's why I'm here." He blinked away the tears as Kaylyn stared, struck dumb. That was the way they'd been when Burt Hummel walked down the stairs.

"Finn? Finn Hudson? What are you doing here?" Burt looked first at the tall boy. "Kayes?" He squinted at his daughter.

"Hey Mr. Hummel. I was just here getting some help from Kurt on Spanish." Finn lied, looking down and fidgeting.

"Okay. Why's Kaylyn here?" Burt asked.

"Kay came home as Finn was getting here. We all started talking." Kurt said, grinning.

"Ok, well, Finn, does your mom know your here?" Burt asked Finn, looking back at the quarterback.

"Yeah, I called her cell before I left the house." Finn continued his lie.

"Ok, well, just, be out of the house before midnight." Burt nodded to the three teens and walked back up the stairs, eyeing them as he went.

Kurt wiped his brow dramatically and fell backwards on his bed. "That was close."

Finn laughed as Kaylyn finally broke out of her trance.

A/N: And? IDK if she's very Mary-Sue-ish, because I'd rather not have that flamed out again. Tell me what I can do to improve it! Flame Policy stands and I'll see you next chapter!

Kisses and Twins
