License and Registration
Splendid looked in joy at his newest masterpiece. He had made a crochet blanket with twenty six colors and a beautiful design of a flowers and bees. It had only taken him a couple of hours and in the town of Happy Tree Friends how many deaths didn't occur in those hours let alone minutes.
Splendid was on the final chain when he heard the cry for help. Splendid's ear twitched and judging by the voice it was most likely Cuddles.
Splendid stood up and with a shake of his head flew off into the city.
Cuddles had earlier been taking a stroll with Giggles when they had met up with Lumpy.
Lumpy was whistling and walking his new dog. A short small blue dog with a horrible temper. Giggles couldn't help but awe at the cute small puppy. Lumpy took pride in the attention his dog was given and to get more admiration he decided to show them something more.
"Poochy! Sit!" Lumpy commanded and the puppy followed.
Giggles and Cuddles clapped and Lumpy decided to give them another treat. "Poochy! Roll over!" and the puppy did as commanded. The trick earned Lumpy another round of applause.
Lumpy loved the attention he was getting so he went for one more trick. "Poochy! Kiss the young lady here!" Poochy gave Giggles and lost look. Giggles laughed as she bent down to have here cheek licked by the puppy. Poochy looked at Lumpy one more time.
"Come on Poochy! Kiss the lady here! Like this!" Lumpy went over to Cuddles and gave him a lick. Cuddles was disgusted by this to no ends and whimpered when Lumpy stopped.
Poochy gave a small bark and went over to Giggles. And this where the problems came in. Instead of the lick Lumpy had instructed the Puppy bit Giggle's cheek and would not let go. Giggles screamed and Cuddles in desperation looked around in distress while Lumpy grabbed the puppy and began pulling.
Giggle's screams got louder and the puppy would not let go. Lumpy gave a mighty heave and finally pulled the puppy off from Giggles but with her cheek still in the puppy's mouth.
Giggles stayed quiet as she looked at what the puppy had in its mouth and then looked at her own face. A huge part of her cheek was missing and you could see the muscle under it. Giggles began screaming hysterically and began running hysterically and then she ran onto the road. Coincidentally Handy was on the road driving a red truck. Handy was humming to himself when he saw Giggles run onto the road. Handy panicked and tried turning the wheel when he noticed again that he had no hands. He growled in frustration and used his mouth, the severed the truck away from Giggles but instead rammed the truck into Cuddles who was frozen with shock from the entire scene. Cuddles gave a scream as he saw the truck coming towards him but was cut off when the truck finally rammed into him and then into a wall.
Lumpy held the dog in his arm and looked at the mess. Giggles had stopped running and was now sitting on the ground in the middles of the road. She was crying now and put her hand to her torn cheek.
Lumpy looked at the crash sight. Handy's head had gone through the wind shield but thanks to his hard hat he didn't suffer any fatalities, just some scratches. Cuddles lower body was pinned to the wall behind him by the truck but Cuddles still retained some consciousness. He looked wide eyed around and then looked down and when he saw that his lower body was pinned to the wall by the truck, he gave a small whimper.
At the same time Flaky was driving her car on her way back home. She drove nervously and she would check her rear mirror every five minutes and checked the side mirrors every two minutes. Flaky had just finished checking her rear mirror when she saw Giggles sitting in the middle of the road. Panicking, Flaky quickly turned to the left crashing into the back of Handy's truck causing Handy's truck to pin Cuddles even more to the wall behind him.
That was the last straw for Cuddles. Cuddles let out a loud scream loud enough that it finally caught Splendid's attention.
Cuddles was crying hysterically when Splendid arrived. Splendid assessed the damage. Giggles was still in the middle of the road crying while Lumpy was just standing there looking on at the scene. Cuddles was pinned to the wall behind him by two vehicles and Handy seemed to be unconscious and so did Flaky.
Splendid flew over to Lumpy's side and asked what had happened.
"Well… you see… I got my new dog here Poochy." Lumpy began.
Splendid nodded at Lumpy.
"And I guess Giggles did something to provoke Poochy here to attack her and so Poochy attacked her and then she stupidly ran to the middle of the road. Like ha! I even wouldn't do that!" he exclaimed.
Splendid merely rolled his eyes at Lumpy. "Anyway," Lumpy continued with his explanation "Handy was driving and then he crashed into Cuddles then Flaky did too! Sheesh! Don't they know how to drive?"
Splendid merely raised his eyebrows at Lumpy's statement.
"Yup that's what happened!"
"Thank you Lumpy." Splendid said as he flew over to the wreck.
Cuddles was still crying, but softly. "Splendid! I'm so glad you're finally here! Do you think you can get me out of this mess? Please 'cause hehehe… This is really really killing me! Literally!"
"Don't worry Cuddles I'll get you out quickly!" Splendid told Cuddles. Splendid first lifted Flaky's car and threw it off into the distance. He then grabbed Handy's truck and threw it away as well.
Flaky slowly opened her eyes. She looked up and quickly grabbed hold of the wheel for dear life. She looked out her window and gave a squeal and vomited quickly after. She was starting to descend and in desperation, Flaky squealed and covered her eyes. The car crashed down back to earth. Flaky slowly looked around and gave a huge sigh of relief. Her sigh was cut off midway as Handy's car landed right on top of her. Handy looked out his truck and sighed.
"And I thought I was a goner!" Handy sighed in relief. Right after Handy said that both cars exploded.
Back at the wreck Splendid was trying to figure out how to put back Cuddles together with his lower half. Cuddles lower and top half of his body were connected only by his spine and when Cuddle had seen this he screamed at the top of his lungs.
Splendid put his chin between his thumb and index finger, having a tough time figuring this out.
Cuddles finally stopped screaming but kept looking at himself in horror.
Splendid snapped his fingers and flew to the nearest telephone pole. Splendid looked at the pole and with his fingers he was able to pry out the rusty nails from the pole. After Splendid had enough nails he returned to Cuddles.
Splendid took his handful of rusty nails and with a powerful gust of wind he was off to Cuddles side. Unfortunately the gust was enough to knock down the pole. Giggles who was still sitting down in the middle of the road looked up when she noticed a shadow falling over her. When she looked up she was able to gasp before the pole landed on her and at the same time crushed her
Cuddles was a bit dazed from the pain and loss of blood. Splendid grabbed Cuddles' skin from both lower and upper halves and nailed them together with the rusty nails.
Cuddles looked on in horror as the rusty nails went through his skin. With Splendid's super speed he was done in less than a minute.
Splendid looked at Cuddles who was still lying on the floor and nodded in approval.
"There! Your good to go Cuddles and thank you'd aren't needed! After all it's part of my job!" Splendid gave Cuddles a serious nod and flew away.
Cuddles looked around dazed and as he tried to get up the nails slipped out and Cuddles fell apart again.
"Hmmm… maybe I should have stuck to that elephant of mine." Lumpy said as Poochy ran off towards Cuddles and began to gnaw at his spine. "Hmmm… maybe."
As Splendid arrived he stopped first at his mail box and took out his mail and flew back to his house. Splendid made himself a cup of tea and sat down to go through his mail.
"Lets see. Bill, bill, bill, bill, coupons, fan mail, fan mail, fan mail, fan mail, fan mail, fan mail, fan mail, bill, bill, fan mail, fan mail, Notice, fan mail, fan mail, coupons, and fan mail."
Splendid took a sip of his tea and went throw his mail again and took out his check book and put on his glasses on. "Okay lets see… water bill ok… gas bill… ok… power bill… ok…" Splendid went through his bills and read his usual fan mail.
One read:
Dear Splendid,
I saw you today helping Cuddles and everyone else and I was so glad that you helped! I can't wait for the next Comic Con so I can meet you and this time I'll make sure you sign my comic book! Unlike last time!
Your fan,
Splendid took a sip of tea and smiled in satisfaction. He read through the rest of his mail and that's when he noticed the envelope with the huge red letters reading "NOTICE".
Splendid was surprised; he never got these types of letters. It was always bills, coupons, and fan mail. Mainly fan mail.
Splendid carefully opened the letter. It read:
June 28, 2009
Dear Splendid,
As you may know it is time for you to renew your license and registration for your Super hero permit. This will be your second assessment for your license since you were fifteen. The date set for your assessment and registration will be on July 24 of this year. We hope to see you. Your proctor will be Lindy Hamstervile, the same proctor you had ten years ago. You may or may not have the same classmates. If you have retired from your super hero status and/ or no longer wish to continue please send in your license and registration form in this envelope along with the reasons why. If you will continue please report to Almond Ville and the DSH (Department of Super Heroes) where your one month assessment will begin. Please remember we don not provide food and a place for you stay in. So make sure that you bring enough money to provide the following for yourself.
Reminder: Please bring your license and registration to the DSH and materials such as:
Pens-Blue, Black, Red
Bandages- Assuming you are not indestructible
Money- Your license and registration does have a fee
Three note books- College ruled
Color pencils- Assuming you are given Vixen as a proctor
Bring this letter with you
And part two of this letter filled out
We hope to see you at DSH!
Splendid reread the paper a good three times over. He sighed. He remembered the first time he had gone to attain his license and that had been when he had decided to become a super hero.
"Well then…" Splendid flew over to his calendar it was… July 20! Only four days until he left for Almond Ville!
Splendid quickly flew over to the letter and read the date on it. It was dated June 28 and so it should have reached him some time before. Splendid then remembered how bad the mail system was in this town so it made perfect sense that the mail would be delayed for some time.
"Ugh! And Lumpy's in charge of the post office!" Splendid groaned. "Why that moose is in charge of everything I'll never know."
Splendid sat down and planned out his trip. He would pack some food, a couple thousand dollars, being a super hero did pay off sometimes, and some of his possessions, after all he would be gone for a month. Then that's when it hit him.
What would his small town do when he was gone? Splendid though all the possible ways, but Almond Ville was a ways off, even for Splendid. So the only option was for Splendid to get his license and registration or else he wouldn't be able to use his powers in public or else he would get a huge fine, and huge meant a couple millions.
Splendid sighed. Hopefully the town would take precaution and so would the citizens. Either way death wasn't a big deal with the citizens in this town. In two days time the citizens would be back like nothing had ever happened. Even Splendid had gone throw it once. Sure you feel the pain when your on the road of death but when you do die its like going in a deep sleep and when you wake up it's like waking up from a regular sleep. Either way no one wants to go through death, and that's where Splendid stepped in.
For now though, Splendid had to hope for the best for his citizens. Of course before he left he would make an announcement to the town and that would be…
Splendid looked at the date on the paper, "If I leave tomorrow then I would be early but early is never bad! And besides I need to book a place to stay and I'm sure there's going to be other super heroes who are going to book places. Well I better get a move on! I don't want the crummy places!"
Splendid packed all his things in less than five minutes with his super speed. His suit case contained five of his red masks, all the materials the DSH asked for and all the materials he would need to pass time while he was over there. Splendid did a check around the house and made sure everything was in place. His spices for food were in order, his yarn and needles were all in place, nothing seemed out of order.
Splendid sat down and remembered about his registration and license. He always kept them in his wallet, he took out his wallet and took out the license and looked at the picture.
It was him alright just ten years younger. He was fifteen when he decided that he wanted to use his super powers for the good of others. He had been lankier back then and not as tough as he was now. He still sported the red mask. He smiled in the picture much to his dismay and showed the camera his braces.
Splendid covered his eyes with his hand. Thank heavens he had never had to show his license to anyone back then. Besides the braces back in his day he sported a small turf of hair oh his head and it curled into a curl over his forehead.
"It was the style back then!" Splendid justified himself and looked at the stats. It read:
Height: Average
Weight: Way Below Average
Power Classification: 10
Weakness: Unknown
Age: 15
Alias: N/A
Expiration Date: July 23 of the next decade
Splendid whistled. "Just in the knick of time! Better look for that registration paper!"
Splendid looked for the form where he usually kept all his important papers but it wasn't there. Splendid wondered where else he could have kept the paper. In his room?
He checked there too. Nothing. Kitchen, nothing. Splendid was starting to get annoyed but he knew that he needed that paper. Then he remembered where he could have placed the paper. Splendid went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet. His toothpaste and toothbrush were the only items present. But on the upper shelf there was jar filled with breath nuts. Splendid brought the jar down, opened it and reached in.
"Ah! Gotcha!" Splendid said as he pulled out the form. He opened the folded paper and read the paper. Splendid's face of triumph went to despair. "I just hope that no one has to see it or read it."
Splendid finally had all his things ready and turned in early to bed, he had a trip tomorrow and he had to wake up early to make his speech and have a smooth, easy trip to Almond Ville.
"Hmmm… what should I say to the town? Hello my fellow citizens I am here to tell you of my leave of the city… no no I might scare them into thinking that I'm leaving them and I don't want to give them that scare…" Splendid practiced to himself.
"I'll know what to do when the time comes." Splendid said to himself as he turned the light off from the lamp.