Chapter 50

The Last Chapter

Fang POV

Max ran forward and smashed a M-Nerd in the face. It flew back and turned to dust instantly. Her grin widened even more. Her fist collided with robot after robot, sending it to a pile of dust.

She turned to one of them and pushed her hands forward. She didn't touch the M-Nerd, but it went flying across the room and dropped out the window, down to the street below.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked her.

"I don't know! My grandma started talking to me through my head, and then I had these sweet powers. She's telling me I'm Psychokinetic. It means I can control stuff with my mind she said. She's telling me I can even take control of people." She said. She was looking directly at me and smiling ear to ear.

"Max, no." I said. She was gonna take control of me. I felt like I was losing consciousness. I was twitching. "Max! Max, cut it out!"

Suddenly, she was gone, and I tried to move. I couldn't. My arms started waving around in front of me.

"This is so cool!" I said. But I didn't say it. I didn't tell myself to say it. I had no control. I was just here for the ride.

Max cut it out! Let me back in my body! I shouted in my head.

No way, this is too cool.

You do realize this is the closest we've ever been right? I mean, we're two people in the same body.

Make that three. Came someone's voice. I'm Max's great grandmother. It's a pleasure to meet you Fang. Well, more or less. Anyway, Max you need as many people as you can get. Using Fang's body gives you one less person.

Yeah, Max. Angel had joined the party. Great.

The wall burst open then, and there stood Angel and Gazzy.

Fine, I'll get out of Fang.

That's what she said! That's what she said! Angel and I both thought together.

Then Max was standing in front of me, looking slightly pissed at our comment.

I decided to run into battle so I could avoid getting beaten to a pulp.

M-Nerd after M-Nerd went down. We were kicking major ass now that Gazzy and Angel were here. I was still surprised that nobody had called the police yet.

I kicked, punched and shot my way to Gazzy before finally being able to ask him what was going on.

"Angel and I broke out when they tried to give Iggy water. We think he was a good whitecoat, but we aren't sure. So Angel and I managed to get out and we got the power suit. After that we flew straight here. It only took us, like, 10 minutes." An M-Nerd charged towards him. He went to smash it's head in, but I raised my gun and put a bullet in it's head, causing us to be splattered by orange goo.

I quickly took another shot at the screen, but an M-Nerd kicked it out of my hand.

The M-Nerd raised it's sword over it's head.

And that's when a high pitched whine started. The M-Nerd stopped and resheathed it's sword. All of them did. They began to hop out the window and take off, one-by-one. As they filed out, I got a glimpse at the M-Jock. It was a picture of Iggy, Nudge crying over him. The monitor next to him was the source of the noise.

Iggy had flat-lined. He was dead.

I heard a faint sob from across the room. Tears began to come to my own eyes. I was getting angry.

I felt the hairs, the teeth, the tail, the ears. I heard Gazzy load a syringe into his dart-gun thing.

"Not this time, Fang." He muttered.

I felt a pinch, and then I blacked out.