Quest for the Energy Stones


Morning came to the island of Mata Nui. All across the island's six villages, Matoran woke up to prepare for another day of hard work. Before they could get to their work this morning, however, they gathered in the centers of their villages. The Turaga, the elders of each village, had a meeting the previous day and needed to inform their villages of the subject of their discussion, a new and strange prophecy.

In the village of Ta-Koro, one Matoran was sleeping against a wall. He slept here because he didn't really have a place in this village to stay. His name was Takua. Although he was Ta-Matoran, he wasn't accepted much by the other Ta-Matoran. Takua always loved to travel, often traveling from village to village and occasionally collecting a souvenir. However, his love of traveling had caused most Ta-Matoran to have very little trust in him. They did not like to travel and feared that his adventurous ways would bring them bad luck. In fact, they had so little trust in him that it was possible that he would soon be banished from Ta-Koro.

As Takua slept, one guardsman walked by and noticed him. He shook Takua awake and said, "Wake up! Turaga Vakama has returned from his meeting and has an important announcement to make."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," said Takua, still a little sleepy. He grabbed his backpack and headed for the center of Ta-Koro. His backpack held all of the things he had collected on his travels, so he almost always held onto it. Takua soon arrived at the crowd of Ta-Matoran gathered in the center of the village. Compared to the other Ta-Matoran, even his appearance made him seem like an outcast. A Ta-Matoran's mask had a color of either black, red, orange, or yellow. Takua's mask was light blue. After so many travels, he still had not yet found out where he truly belonged, despite the fact that he considered Ta-Koro his home.

As Takua arrived, he saw Turaga Vakama stand up before the Ta-Matoran, signifying that the meeting was about to begin. In his hand, he held a stone tablet, the subject of this meeting.

"Fellow Ta-Matoran," he announced, "I have returned from my meeting with the other Turaga with urgent news. A new prophecy has been revealed to us, one that even I have doubts for. It states that the six villages, along with all of the Matoran, shall be brought to another universe, a universe where unknown objects of power lie hidden." He was silent for a few seconds before continuing. "I am uncertain of when this prophecy may come true, but we must be prepared for when it may happen."

"How will we prepare for this, Turaga?" asked one Ta-Matoran.

"I am uncertain," replied Vakama. "If and when this prophecy does come true, the best solution we have agreed upon is that all of the Matoran are to remain inside the villages at all times. This is because we are uncertain of what kind of universe we may end up in. It could be even more dangerous than what we are already facing these days."

Stay inside the village forever? This was something Takua would not let happen. He was about to say something in protest when suddenly, the sky began to seemingly get brighter and brighter. The Matoran shielded their eyes from the blinding light.

"Turaga, what's happening?" asked one Ta-Matoran.

"Mata Nui!" exclaimed Vakama. "The prophecy is coming true already!"

The light continued to grow brighter. After a few seconds, the light began to fade. Eventually, the bright flash of light vanished. The village of Ta-Koro, along with all of the Matoran within the village, was nowhere to be seen. It was as if the village was never there. If there had been an observer outside the village, he would have seen a large beam of light come from a particular point in the sky and shine onto the entire village. The same event had just happened to all of the other villages of Mata Nui; multiple beams of light had come from one point in the sky and shone onto the villages. Nobody in this universe could have possibly known what would happen to the villages and the Matoran within them.