Title: Thorn-Less
Pairing: Wolfram X Yuri
Rating: M
Story Contains: Yaoi, Rape, Violence, Language, and most importantly Unrequited Love
Chapter Warnings: Unrequited Love, A Big Metaphor
Summary: Yuri and Wolfram have a small falling out and Yuri calls off the engagement. Wolfram is mad, or at least that's what he's trying to be. (Prologue chapter)
Chapter Number: #1
Author Note: This is my first time writing a Kyo Kara Maoh fanfiction, therefore I'll be doing my best to keep all of the characters in character and refuse to allow myself to let them wander how I please. Thus, if chapters stop appearing after a while it is because I have either burnt myself out, or have temporarily lost my ability to keep the characters in character.
Do not hesitate to inform me if you feel that I have wandered. If you bring it to my attention I will correct the issue if it is major.
Also, I have only watched the English version, therefore I don't know if behaviors are different in the Japanese or not.
Fourth note, it may be a bit out of character for Yuri to blatantly call of his engagement to Wolfram, but if one adds on that Wolfram is always bothering him and that the engagement was accidental, it is not completely impossible. And that is where my story begins.
"You cheater!"
"Gah! I'm not your fiancé!"
"You're taking back the engagement?" Even to an untrained ear, the surprise and the traces of pain in those words were unmistakable. To the untrained ear and trained ear alike, not to be mistaken for the enraged ear.
"Fine! I'm sleeping in my room then!"
"Fine!" Wolfram stormed out of the room, past the maids, his mother, and his brothers who watched the scene half amused and half unsettled. Watching Yuri and Wolfram argue wasn't uncommon, but if the engagement had really been called off, which, judging by Yuri's serious tone and expression, seemed to be the case, it was apparent to all that Wolfram was crushed. Not a thought passed through any of the maids' minds besides thoughts of sympathy for the discarded boy.
He hadn't loved Yuri in the beginning, that was obvious, but as their time together increased something did begin to grow. That beautiful thing, like a flower blossom, like a rose, began to pull away from the confinement of its bud to burst slowly outward to a bloom. The more feelings that Wolfram began to express, the more petals erupted from the tight bud. But even a thorny-stemmed rose wasn't safe. If Wolfram's love, which appeared to be in full, exposed bloom, truly was present to that magnitude, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that the thorn-less, exposed blossom had been fisted in an unrelenting hand that squeezed the life out of the delicate flower, smashed the petals, crushed the remains of the bud, and perhaps even forced out the waters within the living petals.
"Yuri, don't you think you were a bit harsh?" Conrad asked, looking over his God Son slowly. He had his back to the others in the room, but Conrad could still see those shoulders stiffen.
"No. I didn't ever intend to propose to him, and it never seemed urgent enough to call of the engagement before…but I can't stand playing along anymore." Yuri sighed and faced the others with a discouraged look. "It isn't fair to him." Deep down, however, he felt differently. It's not fair to me, he thought secretly, ashamed. He's the one who accepted the proposal even though he knew I didn't mean it!
He was mad, and he was hurt, but Wolfram would rather focus on the fact that he was mad. He entered his own room swiftly and slammed the door behind him. His throat felt tight and the surfaces behind his eyes burned with tears he fought back bitterly. His stomach burned with what he chose to be hate, but knew to be heartache. He felt like throwing up, but decided that it was because he'd been made a fool of and was just that mad.
Wolfram let out a frustrated cry and tore off his coat, watching it as it flapped against the wall and crumpled on the floor.
"I can't believe that guy! To make a fool out of me in front of my family like that!" He sat down on his bed hard and began removing his boots while grumbling on about his anger. As if saying that he was mad, and going through the motions of being angry would actually turn the sadness and the ache into the fiery emotion.
Whatever fire that could have been sparking into life, it was smothered by the water that escaped the smashed petals. They were tears of pain, tears of ache, but by God, to Wolfram, those tears were tears of hate.
~Alice Von Wonderland
Closing Note: This was my prologue chapter, and intro of sorts. The rest of the plot begins in the next chapter which will contain a rape.
Until Next Time
Alice Von Wonderland