Disclaimer: Not the rightful owner of Naruto or any of its characters.
A/N: Rated M for language and sexual scenes.
Clashing Spells
!!!!...Chapter 1: You can't be serious...!!!!
Happy New Year~! For anyone who is interested or peeved that I previously took down Clashing Spells, I've rambled about it on my LJ. Just follow the link on my userpage. Thanks for the previous and continuous support.
Sakura Haruno briefly stopped in her tracks in order to survey the sky.
Night had fallen yet everything was amiss. She was puzzled by the strong sunlight radiating at her feet. Sakura took a quick glance at the ground and then at the sky again. By the sun's position, she assumed it was noon, or a little past that. Sakura considered the possibility of being trapped in a genjutsu spell; after all, a few hours ago she had looked up at the sky and determined it was noon.
Sakura frowned.
She was a master genjutsu specialist and yet she had fallen victim to the illusion. It was the only way possible for it to be noon two times in a day.
"Pathetic." She cursed under her breath after failing to recognize the spell. If the jutsu was in place it meant that she was going to get ambushed. Sakura made a quick scan of the area she was in. After traveling for four days, the first thing she wanted to do was soak in hot water. Her limbs felt sore and heavy. She did not want a fight that she was not ready for.
Unless, Sakura bit the inside of her cheeks . . . she had already reached her destination.
Sakura sighed. It all makes so much damn sense. How could I forget about the damn seal placed around Sound, she mentally cursed.
She was not lost like she thought; she was trapped in Sound's genjutsu.
"Urusai!" Sakura shouted, annoyed that her eyes had been deceived. Sakura was quick to anger. She kicked a rock sitting in front of her only to curse under her breath again. Sakura bent to nurse her injured toe. She took a look around and sneered. She was cold, hungry and her clothes had not fully dried from an early morning downpour.
"Godforsaken Otogakure." Sakura shouted hatefully as she straightened. Since when did this damn village get stronger? Last she remembered, she was able to tell apart where genjutsu started and where it ended. Sakura admitted, she was tired and had been traveling for over four days but that was no excuse to sense a genjutsu.
Sakura took a moment to ponder her situation. The genjutsu placed around Otogakure seemed to stretch farther than it used to prior to her leaving for training. After all, how could she mistake the road home? Only an illusion could make her think so. But most impressively, Otogakure had gone up a notch in its power scale. Only someone of great power could hold up a genjutsu for such an extended amount of time. Before she left, it had been a tricky job to disguise Sound into the forest surroundings. Now . . .
Sakura chuckled darkly, the damn Uchiha and his Sharingan.
Three years away and Sakura was awfully familiar with what transpired behind the closed doors to Sound. She did not even need the information to come directly from her worthless Uncle. Orochimaru's enemy village made sure to keep her informed.
Sakura took another quick scan of the area. When she failed to sense a nearby chakra, she dropped to her knees and quickly rummaged through her traveling bag for a scroll and ink pen. She had to write to Lady Tsunade and inform her that she had safely made it into Sound territory.
Sakura quickly jotted down the message. Once she was inside of Sound, it would be difficult to deliver any notice to Konoha. She then conjured an eagle that would teleport the memo. When all was done, Sakura relaxed her tense muscles. Her body ached from the long journey of traveling from her sensei's village to Otogakure.
It was all worth it though. Sakura smiled satisfied. It won't be long before I bring you down, she thought darkly as she imagined Orochimaru's grisly face.
Sakura stood and dusted her knees. She could not help and continue smiling as she disengaged her body and mind from the illusion. It did not take long for her eyes to adjust to the darkness and what she remembered of Otogakure. Dirt on the dirt road, rocks lying dead, and patches of green grass that oddly enough grew green without the sun's light. Boulders stood in place of monuments and not a single bird tweeted in the trees. The beginning of the road to hell, Sakura always thought.
Three years away and Sakura was finally home.
Now to find the secret door, Sakura thought, preparing mentally for the challenge that lay ahead.
She also thought about the infamous Sasuke Uchiha. The only Uchiha brother she had yet to meet personally.
Sakura was midway through breaking the seal on Otogakure's entrance door, when she was tackled to the ground.
A sculptured like body pressed her down on the ground. A kunai was held against her throat. "State your purpose." She heard a gruff voice demand from above.
Sakura attempted to twist and knockoff her assaulter but she was roughly pushed down.
"What the hell, let go of me!" She yelled.
"You are trespassing. What business do you have?"
"Trespassing! You're out of your damn mind. Do you know who I am?" Sakura sounded indignant. Did Sound members not recognize her anymore? "You damn fool!" Sakura seethed under her breath. This had to be a new dupe that kept watch at the entrance.
"Enlighten me," the male voice answered. He never shifted from above Sakura.
"Get off me first!" Sakura bellowed. She was tired. Her chakra was low and she did not need the extra weight sitting over her.
She received no response other than the kunai pressing a bit too intimate to her unmarred skin.
"You'll regret that." Sakura sounded the least bit phased. There was silence in which both parties fought for the upper hand. However, Sakura was known for her lack of patience. "As Orochimaru's niece, I demand that you get your filthy hands off me."
The man above Sakura contemplated her words before he removed the kunai from around her throat. He shoved the kunai into the ground, right in front of her face. "His niece you say." He questioned, fingering her pink hair.
"Yes! And I demand you move, you dunce!" Sakura bellowed annoyed that her hair always made people question her ties with Orochimaru.
"How can I assure you don't lie?" Her request was ignored.
"Fuck off me! I don't need you questioning my relationship to Orochimaru. Take me to him. He'll confirm it. You damn imbecile." Sakura paused in her shouting and offensive remark. She was easily angered. "How do I know you're part of Sound and not some phony trying to secure his way in?" Sakura then retorted.
"What would be my purpose?" For some reason, the monotone voice grated her nerves.
"What would be mine?" Sakura tried craning her neck to get a look at the Sound offender. She could not see anything but several lined trees and a well defined arm.
"Alright, let's say you are his niece. What would you want with him?"
"I don't have to answer that." Sakura bellowed, clearly annoyed with the ignorant fool. Who dare question Haruno Sakura about her doings? No one! Not even Orochimaru dare do so.
"Ah, but you must or I will have to gut you."
Sakura gritted her teeth. "Get Kabuto." She finally demanded. "The damn pet will tell you who I am!"
There was a sigh. "Will you stop wasting my time and tell me why you seek Orochimaru?"
"Domo. It's Orochimaru-domo to you." Sakura never bothered with the formalities when referring to her uncle. For Sound members, it was out of the question to drop the formalities.
Mocking laughter came from above her. It angered Sakura so much that her chakra sparked to life. She concentrated her chakra to launch the Sound bastard off from her. The chakra moved the body from her, but it did not sending the bastard flying through the air. Sakura would have taken great pleasure in seeing the fool's scull crack against a tree. Sadly, her chakra had been weak against him.
Sakura bared her teeth at the man before her. So this is Naruto's dear friend, she thought darkly for Sasuke Uchiha stood peering down at her.
Sasuke noticed that the kunoichi's sea foam green eyes glared murderous daggers at him. He ignored her finely curved eyebrows, the high set of her cheekbones and the alluring tilt of her eyes. The smooth texture of her skin and her equally pink supple lips seemed tantalizing. The color of her lips matched the flush of anger residing on the girl's cheeks. Sasuke concentrated on finding identification on the girl. There was not a single proof of a hatei-aite anywhere on her body. Sasuke accessed that she carried a pouch; it appeared too small for weapons.
Sakura sneered. She could tell it was Sasuke Uchiha. Orochimaru's curse seal peaked from the fold of his parted yukata.
"Open the gate." She demanded, frowning at the missing-nin.
Sasuke arched an eye brow. He noticed that the girl's eyes glazed over one second before they were set back to glaring at him. He did not move.
"I said open the damn gate."
"And I asked why would you need to see Orochimaru?" Sasuke dug his hands into his pockets.
"I believe I've corrected you once before," Sakura gritted out. "It's Orochimaru-domo to you." Sakura could sense an "oh so greatness" attitude from "oh so great" Sasuke Uchiha.
The bastard, she mentally snarled.
A smirk edged its way onto Sasuke's smooth looking lips.
"Listen, Princess," the damn bastard stopped for dramatization. "Either you tell me what you came for or I'll be on my way without you."
Sakura took a relaxing breath and mulled over Sasuke's words. "Help me up then." She grumbled under her breath, extending her hand.
She took great satisfaction when the Uchiha outstretched his hand for her to take. His palm felt a lot rougher than hers. As if she couldn't tell how handsome he was from her perch on the ground, up close she could truly see why girls went gaga over him. He had to be a head taller than her. Sakura immediately took a liking to his dark—very dark—charcoal eyes; they were as dark as his midnight hair and the rest of his attire. He stood talk and proud, exuding great power. He was gorgeous. A straight nose, lips that seemed to pout in all his seriousness, a creamy complexion, dark mystifying eyes and an aura that chocked—
A traitor, Sakura thought before she turned around and dusted herself off. She marched in the direction of the invisible door again. Positioning her hands, she performed a series of quick hand sings. The door bolted open and it came to life before her.
Sakura slightly turned to get a look over her shoulders at the glaring Uchiha. A second after she thought, I got my greatness too, Sakura was whisked off her feet and unceremoniously hauled over the Uchiha's broad shoulder.
"Put me down, you imbecile," shouted Sakura. Her lithe body trashed in his vice like grip.
When she received no response she attempted to kick said imbecile's face. It was impossible with the way he carried her over his shoulder. She tried a few hand sings, for a substitution jutsu but she could not cast it. His greater chakra suppressed hers. Sakura became infuriated.
How could this traitor's chakra be stronger than hers? She was Sakura Haruno, trained by the best of the best. And no one got away with making her mad—on several occasions. Sakura opted to angrily pound her fist into her carrier's back.
"I said put me down!" She clawed her almost, nonexistent nails down one side of his back.
A safe distance from the entrance door, she was, yet again, unceremoniously dumped onto her arse. "How dare you?" She screamed as she glared daggers at the Uchiha.
"I thought it would shut you up." He said in an angry tone. He made no attempt to caress his burning back. The bitch, he thought.
"Just exactly who do you think you are?" Sakura scurried to her feet. "Don't you dare think that you can take such liberties with me and manhandle me wrong?! I'm Orochimaru's niece!" Sakura proclaimed, reminding the Uchiha yet again.
"I could care less whose niece you are. Do you expect me to back down just because you tell me insignificant details such as being the worthless niece of Orochimaru?"
Sakura gaped at the man before her. She could only think one thing: kill Sasuke Uchiha for calling her worthless.
"Fuck you," she bellowed racing the Uchiha head on.
Miraculously, she connected a solid punch. Sakura had expected him to be quick on his feet and evade her all but obvious attempt. He did not. Sakura gaped at her fist while Sasuke looked at Sakura for a few seconds before walking past her.
"Where are you going?" She barked after him.
"Urusai." He responded in an equally annoyed tone.
Sakura stopped. She had never been called annoying. "Che."
She followed in the direction of the Uchiha, quickly breezing past him. She expected him to whirl her around, to stop her from entering Sound but he did not.
Sakura stormed her way into Sound.
Sasuke with his hands in his pocket, observed as the intruder stormed her way into the main building. She cared little for those who greeted her on her way in. Not once did she bother to look behind her as he tailed her every move. Reaching Orochimaru's door, she burst the door open. He was conducting a meeting but she, too, cared little for what went on in the room.
"Sa—," Orochimaru quickly averted his eyes from his niece to look at Sasuke who entered the room right behind her. "Sakura?" He questioned, rising from his seat. The men—some sitting in chairs in front of Orochimaru and others reclining against the wall—turned to Sakura.
"I have returned." Sakura looked peeved at the audience inspecting her.
"So quickly?" Orochimaru looked baffled, Sasuke noticed. He momentarily looked down at his table and then at his niece. "I was expecting you a year from now."
"I have surpassed sensei. Here," Sakura produced a sealed letter from the side of her travel bag. "Michiru-sensei asked me to deliver this to you."
Whispers roused from every corner of the room. Sasuke noted the annoyed expression splayed across Sakura's face and the look of disbelief in Orochimaru's eyes.
He quickly tore at the letter and read its contents. He burst into fits of laugher after having read the correspondence. "Sakura, you're a genius just like your uncle." He then proclaimed, walking from around the table to envelop Sakura in an awkward hug. Sasuke did not miss the ecstatic look about Orochimaru's face.
"I did tell you I would become a Master Medic-nin in less than four years." Sakura stepped out of Orochimaru's embrace and returned the smug look. "Where's Kabuto? You're damn pet didn't greet me at the door. Because of that I had to deal with the unscrupulous vessel of yours."
Sakura took delight when Orochimaru's eyes widened. "Awe, come on don't look at me like that. It's no secret that because your body is as it is, you desire Sasuke Uchiha's body." Sakura turned to Sasuke. "He is the famous Uchiha, neh?" She stared into his onyx eyes. Sasuke noted the mocking laughter that danced in her sea foam eyes. "He resembles Itachi quite a bit." Sakura deliberately walked over to Sasuke and circled him. She could not really read his chakra but that did not stop her from taunting the Uchiha. "Though, from his chakra level I would say he's still a few years too early to defeat Itachi. Are you really giving him the power he seeks or are you just leading him on?" Sakura laughed when Sasuke glared at her. She felt his chakra come to life.
Orochimaru cleared his throat. He looked furious. Sakura laughed even harder.
"Really," Sakura rolled her eyes and walked to stand directly in front of Orochimaru. "I deserved the right to mess with him after the way he treated me outside." Orochimaru arched an eyebrow. "Just look at how filthy he left me."
"Sasuke?" Orochimaru questioned. The Uchiha remained stoically mute.
Sakura made herself sound defenseless. "He would not believe I'm your niece. He pushed me around in the dirt, threatened me with a weapon and if it couldn't get any worse, he called me Orochimaru's worthless niece." Sakura turned to smirk at Sasuke. "Uncle, tell him which of the two of use is the worthless one."
Orochimaru regarded Sakura through pensive eyes. The devil child has returned, he thought being fully aware of Sakura's character. "Now children, don't tell me you both started off on the wrong foot. Of course both of you are very important people to me."
"You don't have to lie to him, uncle. We all know why he's important to you." Sakura laughed and sing-song 'vessel'. A muscle ticked in both Orochimaru and Sasuke's jaw.
As if on cue, and to save face on behalf of Orochimaru, Kabuto stepped out from the few men that occupied the wall behind Sakura. "Sakura, I see that no matter the years your cunning personality remains intact."
"And if I'm correct, you are still Orochimaru's lapdog." The men in the room laughed. Orochimaru cleared his throat again.
"Well," Kabuto began. "You are officially a medic-nin now. Do you think you have outranked me?"
"Cut the crap Kabuto. You know I outranked you the first year we met for sparing." Something glinted in Kabuto's eyes. Sasuke could not determine if it was something like love, adoration or envy, maybe.
"I guess I'm now your humble servant, Sakura-ch-sama." Kabuto took a deep bow before a satisfied Sakura.
"What's this about?" Orochimaru inquired.
"A bet." Sakura nonchalantly answered.
Sasuke sneered. Sakura carried great airs about her. He could see the resemblance in Orochimaru. She was a snob, proud in her ties with Orochimaru and in the power she gained as his niece. Sasuke had seen and heard enough. He attempted to slip out of the room before he was stopped by Orochimaru.
"Sasuke, wait with me," Orochimaru requested.
Sakura turned to him. Indifferently, she watched him linger at the entrance door. She was right about guessing he was the famous Sasuke Uchiha who had been lured away by her uncle.
Orochimaru turned to his fellow Sound members. "The meeting will resume in an hour. Take a break everyone." He motioned for everyone to leave the room with a wave of his hand.
Sasuke and Sakura were the only ones to remain. "Take a seat Sakura, darling."
"Make it quick, I want to eat and rest." Sakura took the seat in front and to the left of Orochimaru.
"Sasuke," Orochimaru offered the seat next to Sakura. Sasuke remained standing.
"Well, as promised Sakura. I agreed to train you as a Sound member if you became a medic-nin. You've done as so and I'll have to keep up my side of the bargain."
Sakura smiled.
"Though it has come as short notice, I believe there isn't a better training candidate for you than Sasuke."
Sakura blanched. "Wait, what?"
Orochimaru ignored the look about Sakura's face. "He is my pupil as you must know—"
"Surely, you can give me someone better." Sakura hastily stood.
"He is the best, Sakura darling." Orochimaru was puzzled by Sakura's protest. "Is there a reason why you appose to Sasuke?" He paused and looked at the equally disbelieving Uchiha. "You cannot seriously tell me that you are immune to his charms."
Sakura glared at her uncle. "I want you train me."
Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and then Sakura. "I'm sure the misunderstanding at the door was simply that, a misunderstanding. It's not like he's your enemy Sakura."
"I said I want you to train me." Sakura demanded.
Orochimaru sighed, "It will only be a moment's time before Sasuke surpasses me."
"You don't actually expect me to train with this—," Sakura took a look at Sasuke "—with this traitor."
"So you do know of Sasuke Uchiha, from the Hidden Leaf Village."
"Who does not know? Even the unborn babies know about a traitor such as him." Sakura exaggerated her accusation. "Why do you keep him here? He'll betray us too!" Sakura slammed her hands on Orochimaru's desk. She leaned forward, speaking to Orochimaru only. "He'll bring your enemies, our, and massacre this entire village, much like his clan was."
"That won't happen." Orochimaru affirmed.
"How do you know? How does anyone know? His village had the same esteem for him and he betrayed them. You think he gives two shits about Sound? You think anyone does? They're all green with envy, ready to squish us like the little vermin we are. And you," Sakura glared at Orochimaru. "You're blind to it all."
"He betrayed Leaf for a very good cause." Orochimaru glanced at Sasuke.
"There's never a good enough reason for an act of betrayal." Sakura glanced at Sasuke too. "I won't have this insufferable jerk—,"
"Sakura! He is my pupil, respect him." Orochimaru stood to regain the authoritarian voice he seemed to lose at the presence of Sakura.
"And I'm your niece! He should learn some respect."
"Fine, go along. Eat. No amount of arguing will change my decision. Either you train with Sasuke or you don't get the training at all."
Sakura gaped at her uncle, she then recovered quickly. "The things I left behind, I want them in my room." She coldly bit out.
"They will be brought to your new room. Sasuke has taken over your room."
Sakura curled her fist in order to restrain herself from committing a disastrous act. "Answer me; will he be taking over my name, over my place? Will he take my life too? Are you planning to give him that much? I want my room. I want it now!" Sakura squared her shoulder.
Orochimaru took a deep breath at the face of his niece's anger. "I have to talk to Sasuke; we can talk room arrangements later."
"No, you'll continue talking to me." Sakura glared.
"Well, if Sasuke is willing to move out—," Orochimaru looked at Sasuke.
"I'm not handing it over. I like that room very much." Sasuke could care less, but he had enough of the damn brat's attitude. She just showed up and started demanding things as if she were high and mighty. She had also insulted him plenty. Time for some retribution, Sasuke thought darkly. He glared at Sakura's back.
"I will not hand my room to that jerk." Sakura screamed at Orochimaru.
"Are you saying then, that you wouldn't mind if it was someone else?" Sasuke inquired. Taunting her.
"Yes! I would mind." Sakura twirled around and glared at Sasuke. "Stay out of this." She then warned him.
Sasuke looked at her for a long second. "Bark at Orochimaru all you want. But unless you want to pay the price, I suggest you measure the way you talk to me. Like I said before, I don't care whose niece you are."
Sakura's glare deepened.
"I want that room back." Sakura turned again to Orochimaru. Sasuke could see that the man was losing his cool.
"You wouldn't want him to host his apprentice poorly, now would you?"
"There are other rooms, kuso!" Sakura whirled around again.
"Glad to know, maybe you should pick one while I talk to your uncle. That is, unless you're still not done with your little tantrum."
Sakura marched up to where Sasuke stood. She had meant to strike him across the face for sounding so full of himself, however, in one fluid motion, Sasuke spun her around and pinned her against the nearest wall. His hand chocked around her neck.
"I suggest you leave that madness of yours for training."
"Like hell I'll let you train me!" Sakura attempted to quick Sasuke but he moved in too close to her. Sasuke smirked. Sakura had a great defying attitude, one he would not mind crushing.
"Let go of me." She then barked in his face when he continued to look down on her.
"Sakura—," Orochimaru intervened. "Let me make this nice and clear for you. You'll be training under Sasuke and no one else."
"Like hell—,"
"It's an order and it's final. Now go." Orochimaru had finally lost his cool. He slammed his hands against his desk and looked at Sakura, expecting something more from her.
"About that room, since you want it so badly and Sasuke isn't willing to move out, I guess you'll both have to share."
"You can't possibly mean—" Sakura took a look at Sasuke who seemed just as surprised.
"Yes Sakura, I do. I said go!"
Sasuke released the newly resigned Sakura. He expected her to use a dirty method of hitting him on her way out. She did not. Instead, she glared poison in Orochimaru's direction before picking up her bag and storming out of the room. The door slammed shut behind her. Surprisingly, it did not come undone from its hinges.
- ξ-
Sakura was startled by Kabuto's presence when she exited Orochimaru's office.
She instantly rounded on him. "Why didn't you tell Orochimaru that you wanted to train me?"
"I did. I told him the minute I returned from our sparing two years ago. He however, grew adamant. He insisted that Sasuke would do your training. He's another Uchiha prodigy, not like his older brother, but Oro—,"
"Yes, enough." Sakura could not help the disgusted look. She was tired of hearing the Uchiha's name. "I get it."
There was silence for a minute in which Sakura frowned.
"Well then," Kabuto started.
"Did he agree to train me?" Sakura asked, mildly curious about how the decision was concluded.
"I'm sure, that like you he just heard it for the first time."
"So he didn't know?" Sakura smiled. "How come?"
"Orochimaru was sca—he wanted to wait a few months before your return. He thought it was too soon to tell Sasuke now. By the time you returned, Sasuke would've surpassed him, or so we anticipate and—a," Kabuto looked at Sakura.
"What are you planning?" She had a devious smirk on her face.
"First, we find out what the Uchiha thinks of this." Sakura stifled a laugh and planted her ear against Orochimaru's door.
- ξ-
"You cannot be serious about this." Sasuke stated, clearly amazed with the bizarre incident.
"But I am, Sasuke. Take a seat." Orochimaru smirked at the way Sasuke stood glaring at him. His pupil was at the brink of fuming. "I know you're not pleased—,"
"Pleased? Tell me are there words to describe that—that—,"
"Sakura." Orochimaru offered, smiling.
"Yes, her. Do you seriously expect me to share a room with her?"
It was hard for Sasuke to believe. Inconceivable! How could he allow for someone to invade his personal space? Much more with a conceited brat he just met. Did Orochimaru expect him to be thrilled about it?
"I already made it clear. Even if you chose to vacate the room, I won't allow it."
Sasuke curled his hands into fists, trying to restrain from killing his sensei.
"Do you expect her to come out alive?"
Orochimaru laughed. "Easy Sasuke. Knowing Sakura, she won't go down easily. Here's a warning. She'll try anything to drive you out of that room. If she has to kill you for it, she will." Orochimaru continued to laugh.
"Her training, why not Kabuto then."
"Well, he has this thing for Sakura and because I know her well she'll just do as she pleases with him. Besides, Kabuto relays too much on medical skills and as you heard Sakura say, she surpassed him."
"Why won't you train her then?" Sasuke was really desperate now. The girl would only be an obstacle, one he did not want to get involved with. Her attitude would also make it hard for him to not poison her.
"..." Orochimaru did not know what to say.
"You don't have much control over her?"
"Disappointingly...no, I don't and that's why I've assigned her to you. I must have gone wrong spoiling her too much."
Sasuke ran a hand through his hair in agitation. "How old is she?"
"Eighteen this past March. She's just spoiled, that's all." Orochimaru waived it off nonchalantly.
"Great." Sasuke huffed under his breath. "I don't see how this will help me achieve my goal."
"You do want to avenge your clan. Figure it out."
"What are you implying?" Sasuke questioned Orochimaru, catching the drift of his words.
"Heh, you aren't a genius for nothing."
"Just answer." Sasuke demanded his dark gaze fixed on Orochimaru.
"I do trust you Sasuke, that's why I've conveniently placed Sakura in your room it would . . . facilitate things." Orochimaru finished with a snicker.
"You disgust me," Sasuke answered in response. It really was not unfathomable that Orochimaru would think of offering his niece like a piece of meat. "I'm not sleeping with her."
"If that's what you wish. But, I do doubt that even if you chose to, Sakura would allow it."
Sasuke remained impassive, blankly looking at Orochimaru.
"You see, you've already created yourself an enemy for not handing over that room and if anything, she's just as stubborn as you . . ."
"You planned this didn't you?" He asked, cutting Orochimaru midway.
"Planed what?" Orochimaru feigned confusion.
"The whole room incident."
"How so?"
"If you knew she would return why give me the room to start with?"
Orochimaru sighed. "I did not anticipate for her to return so soon. I have great hope in you Sasuke so I expected you to surpass me before she returned. To be honest, I did not expect her to return in four years either. She's whinny and fussy. I thought her spoilt and high and mighty demeanor would make it hard for her to return in the time allotted."
Sasuke contemplated Orochimaru's word.
"Now that I think better of it, I don't want that extra burden. I'm ashamed to say it, but I can't handle that girl. I've begun to hope that she interests you. Unlike other girls she's a feisty one and strong, as you will notice. I thought you'd have some fun taming her. And might I add, she is a beauty." Orochimaru added off handedly.
True. Sasuke then cursed himself for agreeing with Orochimaru.
"I don't have time to play any game you've thought of."
"Yes, I know."
"So why do you still give me this duty."
"Just think of it as repayment for all the things I've taught you."
"That's an unfair deal. You know I don't have the patience."
"I know that as well. At least be happy she's not a fan girl." Orochimaru nailed a good point.
"Is that all you wanted to talk about."
"One more thing . . . about her training, I'm really serious. She's a very capable girl, that's why I sent her into the medical field and that's why I'm wasting your time. I didn't expect her to return as soon as she did, but it happens that she was able to surpass her sensei." Orochimaru reclined in his seat; a smug look on his face. "Now, she was serious about joining the combat field, she only knows the minimal so it might take some time. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it though."
Sasuke's eyebrows creased for a second before he nodded his understanding and stood to leave.
"If anything happens, don't hesitate to tell me. She might not listen to me right away, but in the end she has no choice."
- ξ-
Sakura promptly pulled her ear away and dragged Kabuto down the corridor.
While she listened to Orochimaru talk to Sasuke, she was overcome with anticipation. She expected Sasuke to reject the offer, and Orochimaru; not wanting to lose his coveted vessel, would back down. But Sasuke had crumbled under Orochimaru's words. Unrelentingly, he accepted the task set about him.
Sakura grumbled under her breath feeling very much indignant. She continued to march down the corridor, cursing, both, Orochimaru's existence and Sasuke's. Though, one thing was true. She was going to drive Sasuke out of that room. Just you wait...Sasuke. Sakura could not help the evil smirk. I'll drive you out.
"Kabuto, I need your help." Sakura turned around, nearly knocking into Kabuto who had been too engrossed and openly staring at her womanly features. Sakura frowned at him. You just had to make it obvious that you have a thing for me!
"Yes, Sakura?" Kabuto avoided locking gazes with the cherry blossom.
"I'll be driving that Uchiha out of the room. So I need you to get my stuff out of storage and into my room."
"Sure." Kabuto hesitated. "What do you plan to do?"
"Oh, just a series of things. It's obvious he's going to put up a good fight." Sakura smiled proudly to herself. First plot on her list was stripping the room of all male qualities. Sakura burst into laughter. "I'll meet you in my room."
Kabuto nodded his understanding and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
Sakura meanwhile stood pondering, "What color shall I paint the room?" She missed the Uchiha glaring at her from the corridor before he too disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Orochimaru turned in his chair. He inspected the wall behind him.
There were several cracks in it. Some from when he lost his composure, some from when Sakura got angry. Her temper unexpectedly flared just as easily as her power did. In his opinion, she would never learn to control either, but most especially, the monstrosity of her power.
He turned in the direction of the left wall, contemplating his escape into his den. Sakura's presence had startled him. She wasn't supposed to be back so quickly. He hadn't even expected her to be back in four years timed.
Orochimaru briefly frowned. By the time Sakura returned, he should have possessed Sasuke's body, something she knows.
Now, however, plan B would have to step into full swing.
A knock resounded at the door. The faint chakra alerted him it was Kabuto.
"Enter." He called, turning in his chair so that he faced Kabuto.
"How is she?" Orochimaru asked.
"Angry, plotting, you know how she is."
"Why yes." Orochimaru chuckled.
Kabuto stood silent.
"Did she say anything in particular?"
"No. She uttered nothing other than words of hate for the Uchiha."
Orochimaru chuckled. "It won't be long before those two take a liking to each other."
"Are you sure about this? I mean, you're doing this because she returned early and you can't have Sasuke's body the way you previously planned."
"It'll work out, you have nothing to doubt. After all, I didn't send for her to be a medic nin for nothing. The fact that she's here earlier than planned facilitates things. If she has surpassed her sensei, then she'll be of better use than you."
Kabuto frowned. "Does that mean she'll be the one binding you to Sasuke's body?"
Orochimaru smiled slyly.
"What if she doesn't?" Kabuto asked.
"She will do it. I'll make sure she has no other choice."
Orochimaru stood from his chair. "The meeting has been canceled."
"Where are you going?" Kabuto asked.
"I'm retreating for the rest of the day. You know where to find me." He moved in the direction of the left wall. "Another thing. I want you to keep an eye on those two, at a safe distance."
"Sure." Kabuto looked down at his hands.
Kuso = Damnit! Shit!
Urusai= fastidious, annoying, fussy; meticulous, inquisitive. It can be used to tell someone to shut up. Such as: You're annoying! Shut Up!