A/N- YAY lol, I'm not promising quick updating but I think this story might be coming to a close soon… Just a warning lol.
That's right I finally got to the part where you find out what happened to Derek… In fact pretty much this entire chapter is about him… First Simon & Chloe have to find him though LOL
Okay hope you enjoy X-D
Disclaimer: (Derek & Chloe are hanging out at a park when a few of my characters come up)
Derek- Chloe, I wanted to tell you something…
(Chloe looks at Derek) Chloe- what's up?
Derek- I…
Ethan- Hey! Who are you? I haven't seen you around here before
Derek- (gives Ethan a confused look) who are you?
Ethan- my name is Ethan, Werewolf girl8907 is who made me up
Derek- Oh, well Kelley Armstrong made Chloe and I up, were from the Darkest Powers Series, which Kelley Armstrong made too.
Ethan- (quiet for a second) you mean your not owned by Werewolf Girl8907?
Derek & Chloe- no
Ethan- GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!! (Kicks Chloe & Derek out of the park and into their own world)
Chapter 8
After about an hour of talking to Simon and watching Rae fool around with her hamster you can really start to feel bored. I kept glancing at either the large glass sliding door I could see from where I was sitting or the way down stairs for Derek to come.
"...Chloe? Hello are you listening to me?" I looked back at Simon with a start. I had been thinking about what it would be like if Derek was here right now, like really here not how he is now.
"Oh sorry I'm really tired I was up late last night. I must have dazed out." I gave him a smile.
"It's ok." Simon said, returning the smile.
"So what were you saying?" I asked, hoping he would say 'nothing'. But of course he didn't.
"That I think that you and I could..."
"Simon! Have you seen Derek around? I haven't seen him all day!" Kit cut off Simon and I blew a large breath. I knew what Simon was about to say and I was still in love with Derek so I really didn't want to explain through that with Simon.
"He was sleeping down stairs before we left!" Simon yelled back after rolling his eyes.
"Can you go make sure he's still down there?" Kit said, coming into the room.
Simon sighed and stood, "yeah I will."
"Thank you." Kit said, than he returned to the kitchen to work on whatever it was he was making.
Simon started towards the stairs to the basement and I bounced up to follow him.
He gave me a smile when I rounded the corner where he was going down. I returned it just not as enthusiastically.
Down stairs Simon started hollering for Derek. I closed the door behind me and glanced around. The basement was finished; it looked like a normal house except for the small windows.
"Derek! Where are you!" Simon yelled, he sounded angry and impatient.
I felt a little mad that Simon was being mean to Derek, so what if he wasn't showing up. You still had to take in to consideration what happened to him. It was horrible and cruel and sad what Tori's mom did to him. Why do I think that?
I heard Derek running to us on the tiled floor, he turned the corner.
I thought that because Tori's mom turned him into a dog.
We went back upstairs; Derek walked right at my side. He was rubbing against me, which I knew meant he wanted me to give him attention. Rae didn't want me to just fool around with him this time though, I had to talk to the others too.
"Oh good you found him." Kit said, as all three of us appeared back upstairs.
Rae was now sprawled out across the coach with her hamster on her stomach. Derek must have seen the hamster right away because he started barking at Rae.
She fell off the couch with a soft thud; the hamster had jumped onto the table and ran into its open cage. Spraying little wood chips all over the place.
Derek didn't stop barking and growling till I yanked on his chain collar. Than he stopped with a whine and sat down looking up at me and smiling... Well as much as a dog could smile.
Maybe I should go into a deeper explanation of what Derek is like now. First, - obviously -he's a dog. Second, -big thing here -he is literally a dog, as in he doesn't think like a human. It isn't like how he was when he was a wolf this was a full-blown human to animal change way of thinking and all. Third, he doesn't remember anything besides who Kit, Simon and I are. Even then he still doesn't think of us like he would when he was human.
I sighed and pulled him over to a chair, I sat down and pet him. Scratching him on the white spot on his chest, rubbing his back. My stomach still twisted from seeing him like this but I didn't want to upset him.
I didn't care what the supernatural researcher said- yes that exists! - I think that human Derek is in there somewhere watching everything that dog Derek is doing. So I gave him all the attention I could when I was around telling the human Derek that I still knew it was him in there and that I missed him horribly.
I looked back up at where Rae had fell. Simon was now talking with her, making her laugh and smile. I was used to that now, they just left me alone with Derek when I was with him. They knew I wanted to keep him company.
I can't even imagine what it's like for Derek in there; he must feel so embarrassed for what the dog was doing. The dog got into trouble all the time, taking off when left alone outside, breaking things, scare the neighbors by charging at them and barking... The real Derek would never want to get in trouble for that stuff. Sometimes I think that Simon and Kit completely forget that Derek is there suffering through it all. The way I see them yell at him sometimes, and than the way that Derek reacts to it is what makes me think he still has a sliver of control over himself.
I also think that with how much I hang out with Derek now, that even the dog part likes to be around me. He acts so loving around me, rubbing against me for a hug, licking me all the time, sleeping on my lap. He doesn't act that way around Kit and Simon at all.
Whenever he slept on my lap I got huge butterflies, I think that when he's sleeping real Derek has more control. I love him and sometimes I think he loves me too. Which only makes me feel even better.
No matter what though I always feel so bad for him. I want to get Derek out of the dog. I want him back, I want to hear his voice, see his face, and feel safe again... He always protected me like I was royalty. I loved that so much! No guy had ever acted that way around me, not even friends, not even the way my Dad took care of me felt as safe and comforting as it did when Derek was still around.
I wanted him back... bad enough that I dreamt about it every night.
A/N- I WARNED YOU I WAS WEIRD!!!! Lol, besides the obvious… What do you think?
Oh I want to say that Ethan in my disclaimer is my own character from my book that I'm writing, I don't know what was wrong with him there but that is TOTALLY not his normal personality… Just sayin'….
So normal… Sorry for spelling/grammar, thanks for reading, & PLEASE KEEP REVIEWING!!!!! :-P