Title: The War of Roses
Author: BlueQuartzFoxy
Rating: PG ( K+ )
Challenge: Fairytale Endings
Pairing: SasuHina

We ask that you PLEASE refrain from reviewing this story here. If you would like to do so, the original is posted in BlueQuartzFoxy's personal DA profile.

I: Paying in Naivety

Our story begins, with an attempt at grand theft...

After removing her gloves, the girl's hands started to tremble. Her gaze landed on the gardening shears, then glanced up at the flowers doomed to be cut. A lump formed at the back of her throat. The metal felt cold against her skin; a sharp contrast to the warmth and humidity inside the school's greenhouse. She didn't dare look back at the faces pressed against the glass door. They were expected good-luck-in-love charms.

But, Hinata swallowed to no avail- the lump of guilt remained; wasn't this stealing?

And the one who tended to these roses, wouldn't they be angry she took without asking? But, who was she to refuse?

Before she could talk herself out of the deed; Hinata grabbed the garden tool, positioned a thorny stem between her fingers; then closed her eyes before applying pressure. After the first cut, the rose stem bent, but didn't snap. Two more attempts, then it fell at her feet.

Nothing happened. The earth didn't move. The ocean didn't roll over the greenhouse in a massive wave. There wasn't even a booming voice from the heavens. Soon, one rose became two, three, four, seven, nine, then twelve. Although she still find the act distasteful, Hinata was grateful to see it through to the end. Turning, with the ill-gotten goods in hand; Hinata smiled weakly at the door crowded by expectant faces.

Only to find...no one there.

"W-where did they go?"

Her question was answered with another inquiry...

"What do you think you're doing?"

A sudden chill struck Hinata. It perched on top of her head, then crawled down her spine, invoking shivers. Stupidly, she turned her head to look.

Uchiha Sasuke. His dark gray eyes narrowed, looking right at the roses she had just collected. Sheer terror filled the timid girl; as he next picked up the gardening sheers. The hatred rolling off of his slight frame, made Hinata suddenly fear for her very life.

"These are...were my roses," he snarled quietly while cutting the very last rose. The bush was now barren and a shadow of it's former glory.

"I...I...I'm sorry!" Hinata squeaked out, slowly backing away and wiggling herself into a tight corner. Sasuke lowered the shears, then slowly turned to face her, his unwavering gaze burning right through the terrified girl.

Closing her eyes, Hinata prayed whatever happened it would be over with quickly. As his shadow fell over her, she cowered, grip loosening and dropping some of the roses.

"Hey, open your eyes."

Despite herself, the girl obeyed the gruff command. Instead of a punch, Sasuke's punishment to her was a...rose?

Pale eyes blinked slowly.

"Take it."

"Um....t-thank you."

Yet, there was always a catch. After all, nothing comes for free.

"That makes thirteen." Sasuke remarked. What the number thirteen had to do with anything, was a mystery to Hinata. Yet it all became clear, when a smirk twitched along the boy's mouth.

"To pay me back for the roses you stole, you'll be my servant for thirteen years."

II: Whatcha Say
If Hyuuga Hinata had more of a spine. If she hadn't felt so guilty for ruining his rose garden. And if they hadn't made that pact when both were young and naive, only nine and ten; then maybe it wouldn't have carried on so long.

But, unfortunately for Hinata (yet fortunately for our tale); those conditions aligned perfectly.

The prank the 'mean girls' of the school tried to play on Hinata; backfired on them terribly. Sasuke had a female bodyguard, shoe-go-getter, lunch provider, and book-carrier. Girls with no self-respect, little self-esteem, and hearts in their eyes; would have killed for that same position.

For Hinata however, life was a endless string of misery. Sasuke took the term 'servant quite literally.


She glanced up, just before his shoe landed on an uneaten sandwich.

"There's gum on the sole. Scrap it off."

"B-but...what..." the girl stammered, unable to force her protest out.

His gray eyes cut a crippling glare at her, "Do it...Slave."

While the room of females were in an uproar, each imagining them saying their name with the same 'purr' he said 'slave'; Hinata tried to keep the rest of her lunch down while looking at the shoe-stuck-by-chewing-gum to her sandwich.

III: It's Just The Thought Of You
Sasuke expected her to give up. Yet what started as a lark, a cruel joke to play on a hapless girl; turned into a twelve month affair. Sometimes, he'd look at his mother's picture in the cabinet and feel ashamed.

She wouldn't have approved what he was doing. Roses were only flowers, but a girls should be treated with kindness. Over time though, he felt less guilty- and it helped that he stopped praying and closed the cabinet with a lock and key- and bossed Hinata around. It started as simple yet tiresome chores around school.

Even though they were in different classes; Sasuke always called her over when it was his group's turn to clean the class room at the end of the day. Feet propped up on the teacher's desk, he watched with malicious glee; as Hinata scrubbed the floors, cleaned the desk tops, and cleaned the windows.

His classmates were awed at her enthusiasm. They were all a bunch of idiots, assuming that having a girl do whatever you say, was some kind of big deal. Then, this new kid came into the picture. Transfer students always signaled trouble; but this one seemed to constantly have a bone to pick with Sasuke.

At first, the boy ignored the obstinate blond. His constant, and loud, chattering was nothing more than white noise to Sasuke. However, Naruto crossed the line when it concerned Hinata.

One afternoon, the blond was tired of sitting back and watching the Uchiha brat boss around the poor girl.

"...what did you say to me?" Sasuke asked, his eyes moving from Hinata to glare the 'new kid' into submission.

Naruto seemed to be immune to his venomous stares.

"I said, get your lazy ass up and help her!"

Being only eleven, Sasuke was fumbling for a cutting come back, so defaulted to a cliché response.

"Yeah...why don't you?"

Naruto, though not very bright; still had a Don Quixote complex and was determined to rescue the Hyuuga princess from the dreaded Uchiha fan/windmill/dragon.

"Yeah, I think I will!" he yelled, then took the broom right from Hinata's hands.

Sasuke came close to muttering 'idiot' under his breath; yet stopped as he caught the expression on his 'slave's' face. Her cheeks were a warm pink, eyes wide and full of instant devotion. That look on her face...it made him feel sick.

IV: My How The Tables Have Turned

"What's this?"

Hinata gasped as the bag of carefully prepared chocolates was pulled out of her school bag. The ribbon string was pulled open. His hand reached in and pulled out a pear-shaped chocolate.

"I uh...it's...c-chocolate..."

"I hate sweets." he groused, effortlessly throwing a misshapen 'heart' into the garbage can.

The words tumbled inside her brain, stuck to her tongue, and refused to come out at first. But, Hinata felt she deserved this much. Sasuke occupied her whole life. This one semblance of selfishness, was hers. And hers alone.

"N-n-no!" she cried out, gripping Sasuke's hand before he could throw the whole bag of chocolates out.

"Those...those are not for you. It's n-not yours t-to throw away."

Nothing more needed to be said. Sasuke was smart enough to deduce whom the chocolates were intended for. So, he sat back down, opened the bag, and ate each chocolate one by one (out of spite more than hunger or desire for something sweet) as Hinata looked on.

She was clearly mystified by his actions. Sasuke didn't quite understand it himself. But, he refused to allow her to have anyone else, let alone another boy; consume her time and effort.

V: My Paper Heart
"You're not the one for me."

The girl replied by bursting into tears. Hinata felt horrible being witness to this malicious act. Sasuke's mood seemed to have turned darker since they entered high school. He made more unreasonable demands. Snarled out sarcastic remarks like it was his God-given right. And...broke the hearts of hopeful young women.

And, Hinata swallowed bile; he made her participate.

His hand gently stroked along her exposed neck, more like a threat and a caress.

"There's only room for one woman in my life. And she's just around to make my life easier."

That was her cue. She hated herself, but with a light shove; Sasuke positioned Hinata across from the girl. Her hand grabbed the love letter. A few quick tears and it was nothing but confetti. The devil prince smirked.

He had a way of making Hinata feel really horrible about herself. Not only by the acts he forced her to do; but the way he looked at her. Those smoldering eyes. His smirk. The way he spoke with no feeling or thought of what consequences might occur.

When the broken-hearted girl ran away from them; Hinata felt something akin to a hot coal burning in her chest; as Sasuke turned to callously walk on. He didn't care what happened to that girl. He didn't care about anyone for that matter.

A monster. An cold, uncaring, and loveless beast. Something...she had a hand in creating. By giving into Sasuke's whims and commands; he became even more selfish than before. Now, there didn't seem to be any hope he'd feel compassion.

Biting the inside of her cheek, Hinata knew what had to be done.

VI: Release Me

They were walking home from school. Over the years, Hinata had become accustomed to the humiliation of tying Sasuke's shoes, right where everyone in the locker room could see her squatting on the floor to get the knots just right. She carried his school bag without complaint, followed in his shadow. Sometimes even staying behind for an hour or two, to fix him dinner.

No more. She wasn't going to stand for it anymore. Waiting until after they left the school yard, turned the corner, past the bus stop...


At first, the noise didn't register to Sasuke's ears. It was only after he no longer heard Hinata's footsteps right behind him, did the teenager stop. Hands in his pockets, his lip curled in a look of displeasure, Sasuke's gaze looked at his school bag on the ground.

"Pick it up, Slave."

Hinata didn't say anything. She didn't have to. Instead, it was a shaking head, a heel-turn, and footsteps fading in a light pat-patter, in the opposite direction.

VII: Ain't Missing You
"Go to school," his elder sibling nagged, nudging Sasuke's side with a sock-covered foot.

The sulky prince's response, was pulling the covers over his head, "Can't. I'm sick."

And what an illness it was. He was miserable, whether at school, at home, or somewhere else. All because he saw her almost every day. Happy. Smiling. Much more alive than he had ever seen Hinata. She even took up his old 'hobby', joining the gardening club. It was said her pure white roses were the envy of everyone in that stupid club...

Itachi came by again, this time, forcibly yanked Sasuke out of bed by his feet. Jarred out of his senses, once chin hit the carpet; Sasuke glared up at his brother. But it was to no avail. He was going to school, even if Itachi had to drag him all the way.

Wait a second...

Sasuke smirked. He had an idea.

VIII: Crime and Punishment
It was his turn to be caught red-handed. White roses mutilated, his hands stung after being pricked by the thorns; but Sasuke felt satisfied with his work. Or rather the destruction he wrought. She'd be angry, maybe even cry. But at least Hinata would have to acknowledge he existed. That he was there, holding her ruined roses.

Yet, she barely reacted to the destroyed garden. In fact, the boy himself felt differently than was expected. The pitiful look she gave to the roses, then to him; was enough to kill Sasuke.

"H-here...let me see your hands." she offered in a trembling tone; while taking out the club's first aid kit. She was crying, yet trying to be brave in hiding it. At first, Sasuke tried to get away, struggle out of her gentle grasp. Yet, for lacking the force behind her touch; Hinata compelled him to stay.

This tight constriction around his heart, the way he couldn't look her in the eye, the burn of shame. Was this...what guilt felt like?

"I'm sor..."

"Don't...say things you don't mean...S-Sasuke-kun."

IX: Your Own Medicine
"You seem...different."

The implication was left hanging in the air, so the receiver wasn't sure if this 'different' Neji spoke of ,was a good thing or a bad thing.

Hinata smiled softly, yet it lack the emotional warmth, "That's nice nii-san. I'm glad...you think I've improved."

As she reached for the mulch, the boy returned, "I didn't say it was a change for the better."

X: Graduation
He woke up too late. Sasuke just barley had time to spike his hair, get on his robe, and make it to school in time. But, maybe it was a good thing he missed her. Graduation confessions on the school steps, beside a enormous tree, or inside an empty classroom; was well beyond a tired cliché.

She smiled brightly at everyone, save for him. And it hurt like nothing Sasuke knew before. It burned and ached. He wanted her full attention, no one else but him in her little world.

"Um...excuse me...Sasuke-kun?"

He stopped and repressed a groan. Not another one. And really he had set himself up for it, by standing underneath a blossoming cherry tree.

Her cheeks, her hair, even her robe was a sweet cotton candy pink. This wouldn't be the first time this girl confessed. And frankly, Sasuke grew tired of her after the first seven 'I love you's'.

As she struggled for the words to say, Sasuke's gaze kept straying to the girl who was once his 'servant', but now didn't even acknowledge he existed.

"Anyway, I know there isn't a lot of time so...please accept this!"

The letter was thrust into his face. His instincts kicked in. Tear it up, burn it, don't give her any false hope at all. Yet, as he took the flimsy paper, Sasuke looked at the note, then back to Hinata- who was moving away followed by her friends and family.

He...couldn't do it. Not anymore. Sasuke didn't have it in him to be so heartless.

"I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings." was his simple reply. The love letter was returned, undamaged. And while her heart was broken yet again; at least this girl walked on with dignity in tact.

XI: Your Attention is Attention
One quick glance over her shoulder. Then another. Though she kept what was seen a secret, Hinata couldn't believe her eyes. Maybe...she had been wrong about Sasuke all along. Before she could break away from the group and find him; Hinata found herself being lead away. It was time to celebrate. To start a new life.

Yet, why did it feel she was leaving something important undone. Words went on, left unsaid and tucked away into her secret heart.

XII: And Hours Pass

There were no cherry blossoms, no moonlit rendezvous, or sunset kisses for our selfish prince and his rose thief. Instead, they met again in a crowded train terminal. Pushed from each angle, elbow to the ribs, grunted apologizes, and glares shot across the room.

She was looking through her purse, trying to find the cap to a lipstick. He was holding onto a tether with one hand, reading a morning paper in the other. They traveled to and from their work place like this for months. Unknowing the person a few feet away was more than a stranger.

XIII: And She Still Counts the Minutes
The lipstick cap tumbled out of the open purse. It clanked and rolled onto the ground. Sasuke blinked as something hit his shoe. Gray eyes looked down, first seeing the cap then slender fingers reaching down to grab it.

Without a though, he let go of the tether, picked up the cap. Accidentally their hands brushed.


"It's no big deal. Here..."

Pale eyes stared back at him. Even without the fear, the surprise, or bemusement, her gaze still looked wide. The pink blush on her cheeks, reminded him of the girl he let down gently on graduation day. Her hands dropped his bag before walking away. Leaving him behind so Sasuke could struggle on his own.

It really wasn't an ideal place to meet again. It was freezing cold. People were sweating underneath their heavy coats, yet too stubborn to take them off. A toddler wailed at the end of the subway car. The grind and squeal of metal just outside the door, only added to noise of shuffling feet, mutters into cellphones, and muffled curses.

Yet, Hinata wouldn't have traded it for anything. An opportunity to correct an overdue mistake.

Her lips curved into a genuine and warm smile. It had come so naturally, why had it been so hard to fake it until now?

"Ah...it's you."

He returned the expression. The smirk less sarcastic, it could have been a smile if he really tried. He was still a work in progress though.

"It's good to see you again." Yet, Hinata could tell he seemed to be improving.

Awkward silence settled in. Hinata for one didn't know where to start. Obviously, she was no longer obligated to be his servant, so offering to carrying his briefcase and paper would seem odd. Yet, it was too soon to say 'I was wrong about you'.


She blinked as the train gears ground to a creeping halt. Through the window she saw a coffee shop just a few steps away from the docket. "N-now?"

Sasuke shrugged, "If you don't have anything else to do. I could use the company."

The doors opened. People pushed and shoved their way out, scrambling to get home. Yet, they stood still for a moment. Hinata still withholding conformation on her offer.

Sasuke waited as long as he could, almost crossing the line between polite and pathetic. Then, he walked to the door, only to nearly be bowled over by her rush to get out as well.

"I...I'd like to...join you for coffee." she said with a blush.

This wasn't quite the happily ever after you might expect. But, it's a start.