Announcer: *in announcer voice* Annnddd now! The moment you have all been waiting for…


Announcer: No, Stephenie Meyer is NOT giving you Twilight.

Me: Damn it!

Announcer: Who in the audience has soap?



I shut my phone after talking with Jasper. All I could think was don't question it, don't question it. But really? PICKLES AND PEANUT BUTTER? Doesn't she even think that it sounds disgusting? I shuddered… ew.


I think I could seriously dance! Emmett FINALLY brought me my pickles! "Thank you!" I squealed, opening the jar quickly. They smelled amazing.

"You're…welcome…" He muttered, looking disgusted.

"What?" I asked, "Do you want one?" I offered the jar.

"NO!.. I mean, no, really. You eat them."

I gave him a funny look then started on my pickles. God did they taste good…. Alright.. PEANUT BUTTER! "Where's the peanut butter?"

"Oh… right. I got you a plastic knife too." He handed me the jar and the knife.

"Yay!" God, Alice really was rubbing off on me… I smeared peanut butter on a pickle I had just gotten out of the container and popped it in my mouth. It tasted kind of strange but really good at the same time. I looked at Emmett, who, was looking like he might barf. He stared at me with a strange disgusted… fascination… Which was really creepy. "Really now, get a grip! It's not that gross!"

"Yes. It really is that gross!" He shuddered again. Luckily for him, meaning I wouldn't be getting the chance to yell at him, the door opened but not quite so luckily it hit him square in the back. "Ow! Shit! Jesus, watch where…" He trailed off to see Mom standing in the doorway. "Oh crap…"

"Emmett McCarty Cullen! I don't want to hear you talking like tha…" Her face contorted, like she smelled something really awful. "Oh god, not again." And with that she ran out of the room, hand clamped over her mouth.

Emmett and I looked at each other. "What the hell just happened?" He asked me.

"I have no idea…. Here, help me up." The doctor had come in while Emmett was gone and unhooked all of the IVs and things like that so I could get up now.

"Are you sure?"

"Would I ask if I wasn't?"

"Ye… Oh whatever, fine." He conceded.

He gently helped me out, mostly just holding my -unbroken- arm to make sure I didn't suddenly keel over or something. "You can let go of me now, thanks." I told him, smiling slightly.

"Oh.." He looked at his hand for a minute, "Yeah, right. Sorry." He mumbled.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Honest."I told him, guessing what was bothering. Then for the second time, the door opened and in walked Alice.

"What the hell are you doing out of your bed?" She yelled, looking like she wanted to push me back into it.

"Damn, slow down pixie!" Emmett told her, walking over and grabbing her so she couldn't move.

"Crap Emmett! Let. Go!" She yelled struggling.

"Nope." He told her simply.

"Like hell you aren't." She said before kicking her leg up and behind. I cringed as he yelled out.

"OW! Shit Alice! That HURT!"

"Good. Now," She rounded on me, "Will you please explain what the hell you are doing out of your bed?"

I think the pixie was PMSing. Badly. "Erm…. Mom just ran out of the room looking like she was going to barf. I think she smelled the pickles." I told her quickly, trying to spare myself the pain of being forced back into bed.

"And that relates to why you are out of bed how?" She asked sarcastically, arching an eyebrow.

"I was going to go check on her dummy!"

"Oh… Right." She looked at the floor.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, let's go." I grabbed her by the arm and half dragged her to the door. "Come on! I can't open the door!" I only had one hand and that hand was currently holding Alice.

It was her turn to roll her eyes, "I'm not going to run off, you can let go now."

I glared at her. "Whatever." I opened the door, making sure to hit her foot in the process. She had hurt Emmett and, once I got home, she was going to pay.

"Ouch! Jesus, watch it!" She yelped, hopping on one foot while holding the other in her hand.

"Oops?" I tried to say innocently.

"Oops my ass." She muttered.

"Can we go already?" I asked, going to stand in the hallway. She sure does take forever if she doesn't want to do something!

"Yeah, come on." She sighed.

We walked in silence to the other end of the hall where the bathrooms were and walked in. Mom was standing at the sinks, rinsing her mouth out. "You ok?" I asked her quietly.

She jumped, "Oh, it's you girls. Yes, I believe I'm alright. Sorry."

I looked at her through squinted eyes, "Your sorry?"

"Yes, I didn't mean to run out on you." She explained.

"Auntie Esme, you don't have to say sorry for not barfing in someone's hospital room." Alice told her, speaking for the first time.

Mom laughed, "Yes, I guess that is true."

"Come on, let's get back before the doc notices I'm not in my room. God knows what Emmett will tell him!"


Alrighty.. yeah this is a really, really short chapter. Sorry. But I have some important questions… I'm starting to think that this story is going on really long and idk if any of you readers still want to read it. I honestly don't know if I should continue writing… Also, it's starting to seem (and always has been) pretty corny so some input would be nice I guess? Reviews please?

Midnight out!

ps, this was written on my bday so review would b extra special! :D please and thank you to everyone who reviewed last chapter