This is an Authoress note, By Icetiger13.

Hello people, to those who favorited, and commented.

I want to apologize for the forever going wait.

It's hard to keep us all in the same line, since our time differences kinda stab at us.

But it's not like we can continue, probably until later in the year again where we all have time off. No one can actually replace Astaline's awesomeness, Katarina's Editing, and well.. I dont do much except write the other character parts. ^_^

I know we probably dissapointed alot of you, and not sure if your excited for what comes next.

** actually, we all probably have re-dicuss what will happen, since it's on basic Hiatus. **

You may comment expressing anger, or expressing that you don't mind this. And you may also comment to anything random. Our chapters are unusually long, due to three authoresses, so it should make up for it...


Check out Astaline Nihtingale's Metamorphosis, that updates every now and then. Trust me, you'll be glad you did 3 It's so funny, heart touching, surprising and the best thought out thing EVER.

Katarina H, is in Finland right now. But she has alot of great stories, that are grammar and error free! She's one great editor! The plots are refined, and you will get attached pretty quickly. But beware, she has internet evilness for time being. Fun.. ** we miss you ! **

My stories are all somewhere on my profile. I'm writing a sequel for Of All Sweet Love Parodies. Mind you, I ended it badly, but will revive alongside in Sequel, feel free to check it. :3

Oh, and sorry again for the absence... just bear with us okay?

** runs from flying pitchforks**