A/N: Well, here it is, the very last chapter of Messages. The Cullens are back, Edward and Bella are together and they have already dealt with Charlie, there is only one more loose end to tie... Jake... Want to know what happens? You'll find out this last chapter :)

Chapter 11: Jake

The next morning I walked downstairs and my dad was sitting in the living room, reading the newspaper.

"Hi Bells," he called when he noticed I was up.

"Good morning," I said cheerfully.

"I forgot to tell you last night but Jacob called while you were over at Edward's and he told me to ask you if you could call him as soon as you got home, he sounded a bit worried so you'd better call him soon."

"Sure dad, thanks."

Edward had gone home to change and I knew I had some explaining to do, Jacob would wonder why I had asked Sam to make sure Jacob wouldn't go after Victoria. And I would have to tell him that the Cullens were back. I didn't particularly look forward to this conversation. I knew how much Jacob hated the Cullens now, especially after all they had put me through and for bringing Victoria here, to me.

I deliberated for a while about what I should do. Wait till later today to call so that my dad would be out? Although I was sure that Charlie would then be asking me questions about why I hadn't called Jake yet and what was wrong. Or call him now and risk Charlie overhearing too much or having to be too careful so that the message wouldn't be clear for Jacob? Although I doubted the latter would be the case, it was still a tricky situation. I had one shot at this with Jake and I didn't want to screw it up because Charlie was too close. I needed him as my friend and I was pretty sure he needed me too.

However, even without the whole vampire-werewolf-nonsense it would be a tricky situation, I knew all too well that Jacob wasn't just interested in being my friend, I knew he was in love with me and that there was no way he could ever just be friends and gracefully let me be with my boyfriend while still being my best friend. Why did everything have to be so difficult? Couldn't anything in my life come easy anymore?

After a long discussion with myself I decided I could call Jake, being very careful around Charlie but still clear towards my best friend. So I picked up the phone and dialed his number. It didn't even take one ring for Jake to pick up.

"Bella?" He asked, sounding very worried.

"Hi Jake, yeah, it's me," I told him.

"Thank God! Where have you been?! Why did you ask Sam to order me to not do anything? What were you thinking? What was your plan? Going after Victoria by yourself? Did you think that would make any difference? If you would be gone and she would leave, didn't you think we would go after her, the whole pack, anyway?" And with that he had easily guessed my brilliantly thought out plan. He was screaming more questions at me, his voice a mix between worried, angry, hurt and relieved.

When he had finally calmed down he asked me quietly what had happened that night.

I told him the entire story in as much detail as I was capable of with Charlie so close.

"Charlie's there huh?" He noticed I was leaving things out. He knew me too well.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Alright, so if I understand correctly, you went out to look for Victoria, she found you but right before she could… hurt you," he struggled with the words, "your bloodsuckers stepped in and saved the day?"

"Yeah that's about right," I replied.

"Does that mean they're back?" he asked bluntly. It sounded like he was bracing himself for what I was about to tell him.

"Yeah, they're back." I thought I heard Charlie grumble angrily in the living room but I couldn't be sure, I wasn't really paying attention to him.

"Is he back too?"

There was no point in avoiding, "yeah, he's with them," I sighed in defeat.

"And you forgave him, just like that?" He was angry again.

"There was really nothing to forgive…" I started to say.

"Oh, save it Bella! How could you say that?! After all he put you through! You should have seen yourself! When Sam found you, you were a mess! And the entire time you were with me while I was working on our bikes… My God Bella! You were empty… How could you just take him back like that?!" he was shouting angrily at me.

"It was all a misunderstanding," I told him weakly.

"What was there to misunderstand?! He didn't want you around so he left! He hurt you Bella and you just forgave him like that!"

I was starting to get angry at him, I knew it wasn't fair, he cared for me, but he didn't even give me the chance to explain… "You listen to me Jacob Black," I started to shout at him, I imagined him flinching at my harsh tone, I instantly felt sorry so I lowered my voice a bit and continued "he left because he thought he was protecting me, he thought I would be better off, happier, without him. He was wrong, so he came back." With that I had said what I wanted to say to Jacob.

"You know this means that we can't protect you outside of La Push anymore right?"

"You could still come over right?" I asked, even though I knew the answer very well.

"No." His voice was hard.

"Jake…" I half-cried.

"Save it," he told me angrily.

"Jake, I don't want to lose you, you're my best friend!"

"It doesn't work like that… Sorry Bells."

"Don't do this Jake. You promised." I was really crying now.

"I'm not doing anything Bella, you can't have it both ways, it's obvious you chose him, so we can't be friends anymore. I'm sorry." When he said that he sounded hurt and he was my Jacob again, I wanted to comfort him, but I knew there was nothing I could do.

"Me too," I sighed in defeat.

"We will need to meet with them to get information on this Victoria, I assume she escaped again?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Great," he grumbled, "they couldn't even do their job right." He was more mumbling to himself than talking to me so I let it go. "When can we meet them?" I could almost hear him shiver at the very thought of being in the same space as the Cullens.

"I'm not sure, I'll ask them and I'll let you know okay?"

"Fine," he sighed.

"Jake…" I tried to start again, but he cut me off.

"Save it Bella, it happened, nothing we can do now, it's just the way it is."

"But…" I began but cut myself off, what was I going to say?

"I know. Don't worry about it. Bye Bella," he told me telling me the conversation was over.

"I love you, Jake," I said weakly. I felt like I had just lost everything. I had lost my best friend, the guy who had been my sunshine for so long.

"Me too," was his only reply before he hung up on me.

I felt terrible as I hung up the phone and ran upstairs, not bothering to say anything to Charlie. He seemed to understand that I needed some time alone and let me go.

I reached my room right before I went to pieces. How could this have happened? And what was I thinking? Of course Jake wouldn't still be my best friend, he hated Edward's gut and the rest of the Cullens' guts for that matter. But still, why couldn't he even hang out with me anymore? I knew the answer immediately, it hurt him too much. How could I have been so selfish? I knew he felt the way he did, I knew it would have been best to stay away from him. But it would hurt me too much, I couldn't just let him go. I was a terrible person. This realization brought on a whole new round of tears.

I didn't know how long I had been laying on my bed crying but I heard a knock on my window. It startled me. The first though that rushed through my head: Victoria! Then I realized something. Why on Earth would Victoria knock on my window? Especially in the middle of the day. I remembered that I had forgotten to open the damn thing so that Edward could come in and it must be him outside. Edward must have known I was upset, must have heard me cry, because he figured I wouldn't want to have to go downstairs and face Charlie before seeing him. So I got up from my bed and walked over to the window to open it. I saw his beautiful smile outside my window and for a second I forgot everything around me. I opened my window and let him in.

When he looked at me his expression changed, he looked worried.

"What's wrong love?"

And with that simple sentence a whole new round of crying began as I realized what I had lost today. Edward scooped me up off the ground and walked to my bed. He draped me across his chest and started stroking my hair. It calmed me slightly and when I was relaxed enough to talk I started to explain to him what had happened with Jacob. Throughout the entire story, Edward's face turned hard.

"That stupid mutt! How dare he hurt you like that!" he mumbled.

"It's not his fault! It's mine, I shouldn't have..." I broke down again.

"It's okay love, it's not your fault, it'll be fine, he'll forgive you eventually. You're his best friend too." His voice was soft and sweet, comforting.

"Thank you." I told him.

After a while I realized something again.

"Jacob and the pack want to talk to you and your family about the situation with Victoria, they want to know exactly what happened in the woods."

"We'll arrange it tomorrow love. Don't worry about anything right now, just try to sleep."

I hugged myself closer to him and I felt him kiss my hair and trace his fingers along my jaw. I pushed myself up and reached up to his face. He noticed what I wanted to do and bowed his head down so he could put his lips on mine. This kiss wasn't as urgent as before, it was sweet, loving. As always, he broke away too soon, I began to pout but before I knew it his lips were back to mine, he was chuckling and mumbled "I wasn't sure if you could breathe like that" into my mouth. I shivered as I tasted his sweet breath, it was perfect.

Finally, he let go of me and told me "you should rest love, you still look exhausted, I'll be here.". I knew he was right, I could feel my eyes closing bit by bit and I kissed him one more time before snuggling into his shoulder, arm across his chest, ready to fall asleep.

"I love you," I murmured.

"As I love you, love, more than you can imagine," he replied while kissing my hair again as he continued to trace his fingers along my cheek. I smiled contently.

He noticed I slowly began to calm down and he started to hum my lullaby. I felt myself drifting deeper into sleep, but before I was fully out of it I had one last thought. This was where I belonged, the rest would work out eventually, for now, I had everything I truly needed. I was happy.

A/N: That was it folks, the last chapter, end of the story. The way I imagined it was that I wanted to end this story right around the same end as New Moon, since then Eclipse and Breaking Dawn could still happen :) I know this doesn't leave things very nice for Jake and I do like the boy but as I mentioned, if Eclipse and Breaking Dawn still happen we all can take comfort in the fact that he will get Renesmee in the end, he will imprint on her and be happier than he could have been with anyone else, don't you agree? ;) As always: I'd be happy to hear what you think! :)

I'm actually a bit sad to see this story end, it's my first big story and I had so much fun writing it and reading your reactions to it. So thanks to all of you who have stuck with me throughout this story! Your reviews have been truly amazing, all so sweet, they made me very happy, so thanks! :)

The only thing left now is for me to tell you guys what's up next for me. I'm going to start working on a new long story by tomorrow I think, it will be a different kind of story than this one, but I hope you'll still find it amusing :) I'm really looking forward to writing it and since the idea is still forming in my head I can't really tell you when it'll come out or what it will be about exactly. So when I have more on that story I'll put an author's note to my profile or this story to let you guys know ;) Furthermore, I'll be writing One Shots to add to "I've Had the Time of My Life" as requested :) And I'll probably be writing meaningless fluffy and completely random One Shots (like the ones I've written so far ("I've had the time of my life", "When Bella met Emmett" and "A New Year's To Remember")) just because I really enjoy writing those ;) So you can all expect plenty of updates from me soon enough :)

Once again: Thank you all and I hope to see you in my other stories :)
