Hello my lovelies! I'm back! I know ch 7 was super short but hopefully I made up for it with this chapter. This one was really hard to write but super important. I'm going to try and get ch 9 out ASAP!
I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to review!
Ps: I want to thank my fabulous beta, Cody, for putting up with me and all my janky trash. I love you, you stupid bitch!
Pss: this isn't mine. I wish it was. Mostly because I wish Emmett was mine. I have a thing for big men. But y'all don't want to hear about me. Y'all want to read the story and leave me a review. Oh yeah. Of course. You may proceed.
"Listen, Rosie, I'm coming to get you and you're going to spend the night with me."
"Ok. I'm at Overton park. There are… some things I need to tell you."
"Oh God. Ok. I'll be there in 15 min."
What the fuck is going on in my life right now?
I couldn't move. I couldn't function. It was like I had asked my body to restart itself it flat out said "NO".
All I could think about were the awful memories and crippling guilt over the event that had forced me to fuck up the one real relationship I had ever had. And the real pisser was that it was even a legitimate relationship. He had wanted it to be. I had sure as shit wanted it to be, but his actions held me back.
Thirteen minuets and twenty-four seconds later Tanya came screeching around the corner. She abruptly stopped the car and flew out to grab me. The minute I felt her arms around me I lost it. The tears that I had never shed for this crime came flowing forth. I don't know how long we stood there, in the middle of our childhood park, with me grieving over my loss of innocence. Eventually Tanya took me to the car and drove me to her apartment.
The drive was short and before I knew it we were in her den curled up on her couch.
"Ok. I need you to tell me what happened. Charlotte is gone for the night so it's just you and me."
Charlotte is Tanya's roommate, and has been since their freshman year in college but now as graduates they are living in Forks trying to save enough money to start their own interior design firm.
"Well, let me start with the most recent news and go backwards."
I then told her all about my budding relationship with Emmett, of which she was very surprised having seen the way we used to act around each other. I also told her about the more… physical part of the relationship, and Jasper and Miss Brandons interruption.
"Wait one fucking minute! My baby brother Jasper and Alice Brandon? Alice and I went to high school together! We graduated together! And she's fucking my BROTHER? No! No way! That is not ok!" she exclaimed.
"Tanya I know! Trust me. I wish you had seen the tongue lashing I gave both of them. I couldn't believe Jasper had to balls to walk in on Emmett and me when he was clearly drunk and had his hand up her skirt. And a very short skirt at that."
"He's such a little slut. If I ever hear of him doing that again I swear I'll chop his balls off and feed them to him."
"I'll help, but now that you know about me and Emmett I need to tell you about why I screwed the pooch. Do you remember when I visited you March of my junior year?"
"And do you also remember Char's brother, Peter, being there as well?"
"Dear God. If that little shit hurt you-"
"Just listen, please."
Finally she calmed down and I began to tell my story.
My junior year sucked. Hard. I was so busy with college visits, SAT and ACT classes, and not to mention all my extra circular activities, that I had hardly any time to just cool off and have fun. So Tanya and Charlotte invited me to come visit with them at the University of Washington in Seattle. Being from the tiny town of Forks I was absolutely thrilled. As soon as I got home from school, I packed my things and set out to go to UW. That night Charlotte's boyfriend's fraternity was having a party and Tanya insisted I go along. It. Was. Awesome. I had never seen so many cute boys or alcohol in my entire life. But the best part of this particular party was that it was a rush party in a sense; meaning, they threw this party with special intent to recruit incoming freshman boys for the fraternity. And Charlotte's brother, Peter, was one of them. Charlotte and Peter were from Seattle and from what I had heard about Peter, he was incredibly smart proving him to be a high priority for the chair of recruitment.
After about an hour of drinking with the girls, Charlotte got tired of waiting for Peter to make a move and forced him over to where we were. Instantly there was a connection. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He had piercing green eyes which contrasted beautifully with his olive complexion and dark hair. After making pleasantries with Tanya and assuring his sister that he was indeed going to join Pi Kappa Phi, he asked me to dance. He took my hand and brought me to the dance floor in the basement of the house. It was filled with hot and sweaty people, writhing to loud, oversexed music. Slowly, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me to him. We started swaying to the beat and I could feel my blood boiling. After the song ended, he turned me around and started grinding on me and I would be lying if I said I didn't reciprocate. My hands moved from his shoulders to rake down his chest right as his hands moved from the curve of my hip to settle on my behind. I had never been touched this way by a boy I found truly attractive and it sent a jolt of lust through my system. As we continued to dance I could feel the growing arousal in the front of his pants and it did nothing for uncomfortable ache that had settled in between my legs. Suddenly he pulled away and asked if I wanted anything to drink. Startled by the unexpected separation I squeaked out "beer" knowing that I would drink it slow considering my hatred for drink.
As I went to follow his to the bar he stopped me asking me to say right where I was and that he wanted to do something for me because soon I would be doing something for him. My naive brain didn't quite understand what he meant but I nodded anyway and stayed were I was. In an instant he was back with two beers in his hand and gave one to me. He told me to drink up. He said he loved a woman who didn't drink pussy drinks and could enjoy a beer without any qualms. Well, being the feminist I was, I totally agreed with him. Even though I didn't particularly care for beer, I understood where he was coming from and decided to finish my beer and be a sister suffragette. Soon after the dancing resumed, and the heat radiating from his body was driving me crazy with lust. Finally having had enough of the teasing I stopped my dancing, stood up on my tiptoes and asked him if wanted to get out there. He smiled a bright and handsome smile before leaning down to whisper in my ear "more than you possibly know" and kissing me with more ferocity than I had ever experienced. It was a wild and wanton kiss that promised intensity and passion. Quickly we broke apart and sprinted up the stairs. We found Charlotte and told her I was tired and that Peter was going to escort me back to the apartment. She rolled her eyes and tossed us the keys but not before she told him to use a condom and not to use her bed. And in a flash we were gone. Right as we left the party I had started to get a headache, thinking it was too much alcohol or the effects of the sickeningly hot basement; I brushed it off and walked the short distance from the frat house with Peter.
As soon as we closed the door behind us, clothes started coming off. And my headache intensified. Determined to enjoy my time with Peter, I ignored it again. I kicked off my shoes while he took off his shirt. I took off my shirt while he took off his pants. But right as I bent over to push my skirt down my legs I started to get dizzy, the room wouldn't stop spinning. I tried to warn Peter to step back, not knowing if I was going to throw up or not, but he continued to hold me and pepper my neck with kisses until finally I lost consciousness.
I woke up the next morning completely alone and completely naked in the middle of the floor in Tanya's room. She didn't come back that night after Charlotte warned her that Peter and I were "doing dirty things that big sisters didn't need to see" as I started to get up, the effects from the alcohol started to take over and I ran to the adjoining bathroom and proceeded to throw my guts up. After throwing up and dry heaving I sat down on the tile floor. That's when I noticed the dried blood between my thighs. Panic threatened to take over. A million thoughts were running through my head as I ran back to the bedroom. I inspected the room hoping to find some evidence of what had happened. And thank God I found a condom wrapper on the floor and a used condom in the trash can.
At least he was being safe. Well as safe as you can be when you drug someone and rape them.
That's when it truly dawned on me. I had been raped. I didn't know what to do. After standing there naked looking at the scene of the crime, I pieced the night back together. And that's when I realized that even though I was drugged, I had intended on doing it anyway and therefore I couldn't press charges. And even then I knew I wouldn't anyway. Charlotte was too close to our family and bringing the law into this would ruin both mine and Peters life. And I just couldn't do that. So I kept it a secret. I took a shower. I waited for Tanya to come home. We had girl time. And I left. She tried to ask me about what happened the night before, but I just said that was private and she backed off. When I returned home I told my parents I had a wonderful time but I wouldn't be attending UW. And that was that.
"I've never told anyone that." I said quietly. Tanya had been quite the entire time and now was silently sobbing in front of me.
"Rose. I wish I had known. I would have been-".
"No. no one needed to know. I didn't want people to know. And there's nothing anyone could have done" I said softly "but do you see now why I have such trepidation about being in a relationship with Emmett?"
"Yes, I do but I also think you need to dig deep inside yourself and think about what you want. Not what's holding you back. I know that fucker, Peter, did a terrible thing to you and took away your choices but now, with Emmett, you have a choice. Do you want him? Does he make you happy? Because if he does then I think you need to talk to him and give him a chance."
She was right. I had let my fears get the best of me. It was time to let the ghost of that night with Peter go. I needed to take control of my life now and live it how I wanted. And what I wanted was a chance at happiness with Emmett.
"Thank you Tanya. You always know what to say. I love you."I said as I hugged her.
"I love you so much, Sisteroo. Ok now it's time to snuggle and watch movies and eat fattening things because we are going to rid ourselves of negative energies and cleanse our spirits with mint chocolate chip ice cream".
And just like that everything felt right. Things had definitely changed, but for the better. And thanks to Tanya, I was ready to face Emmett and tell him how I felt about him.
Thanks so much for reading! Now do me a favskies and leave me a review!