Author's note: I'm not going to lie, I'm so scared to post this that I'm literally shaking as I type this, but it's 12:00 at night and I'm a bit delusional so I've decided to post this. I love Bonnie to pieces and I feel she needs retribution almost. If this is way too out of character or just plain awful do not hesitate to tell me. Any way, here it is, in all its rough edge glory.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, which is probably a good thing.
Chapter 1
Bonnie McCullough pulled self-concisely at the small piece of material that was currently covering her body. Bonnie had certainly worn more revealing articles of clothing in her career as an actress, but it never seemed to get an easier. She had donned the short, black Valentino dress earlier in the evening thinking it to be the most sensible for the function she was attending; flashy but matching it with a pair of small Gucci heels she had managed to add a sense of casualness to it.
Bonnie stopped fidgeting when she felt the hand of her co-star from her latest film rest reassuringly atop her own.
"Chill Bon, it's going to be great. The public loves you, no one would dare write a nasty review about 'America's Sweetheart.'" Samuel Hill flashed a comforting smile towards Bonnie. She tried to return the smile, but the butterflies in her stomach prevented it from reaching her eyes. "Bonnie" Sam replied, drawing out her name like a parent reprimanding a child.
"I know, I know." Bonnie relented. "I just can't help it. They say the reviews are the hardest to take, but this is the part I dread the most. I mean, Sam, these are our friends; it's their opinion that means the most to me." Bonnie turned her head to look out the tinted window of the limo, contemplating for a moment, throwing herself into the crazy L.A. nighttime traffic.
"You need to chill miss drama queen." Sam replied, earning himself a mock glare from Bonnie. "They'll love it. And if they don't, screw them! You still get a nice pay check and any man you want." Sam continued with a wink. Bonnie knew he was right. The same feeling plagued her every time she attended one of her own movie premier's; she kept waiting for the day it would subside but it always came.
"Are you ready?" Sam asked with concern in his voice. Bonnie noticed they had arrived and looked past Sam to the lights and people awaiting her outside. 'You're being ridiculous McCullough!' Bonnie chided herself. "Of course, I'm just being silly" Bonnie replied with a smile slowly growing on her lips, this time lighting up her eyes.
Excitement began to mix with the fear that had dominated her a second ago. Sam stepped out of the car and extended his hand to help her out as well. She accepted the hand offered to her and slid gracefully out of the limo. The young actresses smile grew wider as she stepped out onto the red carpet and took in the sight before her and drank in the sound of people screaming her name. 'Now this is the life.' Bonnie thought to herself, and she proceeded down the red carpet, flashing a smile for the cameras and flipping her curly red hair over her shoulder when she turned.
Author's Note: I know the idea is rather far fetched and I have only a vague idea of where this is headed, but I just kept thinking that Bonnie needed a guy and a happy ending as well. I'm pretty sure this is going to be Damon and Bonnie, but the idea of writing Damon definitely intimidates me. I'm not sure I can do justice to his complex character, but I guess I'll find out.