Beneath a Thousand Suns
Gakupo and Luka are together, beneath a tree in the middle of a park on a sweltering afternoon. Gakupo lies on his back with his arms splayed to the side while Luka sits against the trunk and futilely fans herself with her open hand.
Gakupo: (in exaggerated discomfort) Hot…!
Luka: Ugh. Tell me about it.
Gakupo shuffles closer to the tree, his head coming very close to Luka's lap. Luka, noticing this, stops fanning herself and looks down at Gakupo.
Luka: If you're planning what I think you're planning, you do know that it'll only make us both hotter, right?
Gakupo: …Yeah, you're right. Why don't we go someplace else?
Luka: My thoughts exactly.
Clock wipe to Gakupo and Luka sitting face to face in a café. Gakupo is leaning back in his chair, visibly joyous from the sensation of the air conditioning.
Gakupo: (elated) Ah, that's so much better.
He sits upright in his chair and looks back at Luka, who is blandly swirling her teacup in front of her nose. Seeing this, he leans forward, placing his hands atop the table. Luka stops swirling her teacup, sets it down, and looks back at him. After a brief pause, she rolls her eyes at herself with an impish but half-forced smile.
Luka: Oh, okay. It was bound to happen sooner or later, right?
Gakupo: Of course, Luka.
Gakupo and Luka stand up together, scoot to the side of the table, gently wrap their arms around each other, and pull each other in close. But just before they can kiss, GUMI walks in on them with the bill in her hand.
GUMI: (as if clearing her throat) Ahem.
Gakupo and Luka snap out of their shared trance , break away from each other, and turn their attention to GUMI, who is waving the bill like a fan.
GUMI: You need to pay the bill first.
Gakupo: Oh, right.
Gakupo fishes around in his robe for his wallet but is unable to find it. Embarrassed at this sight, Luka dismounts her wallet from her belt, takes the bill in her hands, and pays GUMI the bill and tip.
GUMI: Ah, thanks.
Luka: Thank you, GUMI.
GUMI starts to leave the area but then stops herself as if remembering something important and turns back to Gakupo and Luka.
GUMI: Oh, right. Now, you can kiss.
As GUMI leaves, Gakupo and Luka turn their attention back to each other and after both shrugging their shoulders, kiss each other warmly.