Chaos Nutter: Alright people this is chapter two of Harry Potter and the Snake's Fang.

Harry: You got a lot of feedback. Most of it was good.

Chaos Nutter: Yeah I was pretty shocked by that. Anyway had a few complaints about Harry with a basilisk. Saying it kills everyone by looking. My theory is, the basilisk will probably still be a teen even when Harry dies. Salazar's basilisk was said to live for nine hundred years. Why can't mine do the same. It needs to mature into its powers.

Harry: Alright stop bitching and get on with the story.

Chaos Nutter: Sorry, just thought I'd get it cleared up. Enjoy the chapter.

DISCLAIMER! Look at the first chapter people. Its right there. I'm not gonna repeat myself with every post.

Chapter 2

"SLYTHERIN" Yelled the sorting hat. The great hall was stunned into silence as they watched the twin of the 'Boy-Who-Lived' take off the hat and change his hair to green and his eyes to silver, matching Slytherin's colors. Harry walked down the main hall and turned to the Slytherin table, where he was tackled to the floor by an ecstatic Daphne. He felt himself being squeezed in a death grip that could rival his little sisters as she kept mumbling out something incoherent. Suddenly applause burst from the Slytherin table, having gotten over their shock.

Daphne had watched as the hat had been placed on Harry's head and prayed. After two minutes she was starting to get worried when the hat screamed out "SLYTHERIN!" Her heart thumped in excitement and she was certain the silent room could hear it. As Harry walked up the table she couldn't hold it any more and tackled him to the ground hugging him for dear life congratulating him. She was certain that he couldn't understand a word as she had yet to draw a breath. The finally applause rang out.

That broke the rest of the people from their reverie and the muttering soon began. Harry ignored them as he pushed Daphne off of him gently and stood up, holding his hand out to the girl. She smiled and took it. Harry dragged her to her feet and watched as she sat opposite of himself. Harry was then aware he was sat next to Tracey, who gave him a small hug. McGonagall finally came back to reality and finished the sorting, with Blaise, who was a Slytherin as well.

Harry watched the aged headmaster, Dumbledore climb to his feet. He smiled brightly at all the students as he gazed around. His eyes found Harry and the green haired boy found his mind be probed. Instantly slamming his Occulmency shields on full blast and looking away. He waited until Dumbledore to start speaking before daring to look back at him. Harry swiveled his eyes, not turning his head just in case the old man was still looking at him. He noticed Dumbledore had finally looked away and Harry faced him again.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before I allow us all to dive into the marvelous feast waiting for us I have four words to say to you all. Here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you all and please, eat until you can't anymore!" At this food appeared on the tables out of no where. Harry looking incredulously at the headmaster and simply stated. "I think the old coots finally gone mad. That was the weirdest thing I've ever heard." Daphne giggled at him and began loading her plate with food. Harry, Tracey and Blaise followed her example and began to eat. Harry looked over at Edward and saw him stuffing his face to the brim, everyone around him moving away slightly. He noticed the Weasley kid next to him do the exact same thing.

"That is the most disgusted thing I've ever seen." Harry turned round to see Daphne looking at his brother with a face of utmost revulsion. Sighing at his brother's lack of manners. Harry just turned to her. "Ignore it, it is the easier way to deal with it. My little sister's table manners were better when she was four." Harry spoke as he began cutting up his steak and chewing. To his left Blaise and Tracey were animatedly talking about classes and what they would be like. Harry watched as they dragged Daphne into the conversation with a slightly raised eyebrow before going back to his meal.

"Harry? What do you think classes will be like?" Harry looked up from his food to see the three girls staring at him expectantly. Swallowing the remaining food in his mouth Harry thought for a few seconds. "Well I assume the first few lessons will all be based on magical theory before we even try to actually use spells here, though I am eager to see what the lessons are like." The girls looked at him and nodded at his reasoning, figuring that what he said made sense. They made their way through dinner with idle conversation.

After giving out the start of term announcements, in other words where you could and couldn't go, the Slytherin prefects, Marcus Flint and Katrina Parvil, lead the first year Slytherins into the dungeons. They lead the first years into a potions class room and everyone sat their waiting. Ten minutes later a tall man with a curtain of greasy hair and a hooked nose swept into the room, his cloak billowing out behind him.

"So, you are the new Slytherins? I am Professor Snape, your potions master and head of house. I will not punish you if I find you breaking the rules. Breaking the rules is also fine, so long as you don't get caught doing it. If I find you have been caught rule breaking or shaming the house of Slytherin there will be DIRE punishments. Do I make myself clear?" Snape glared around the room taking in the shaky nods of the first years. His eyes rested on Harry, who nodded once in return.

"Now then, people say Slytherin is an evil house. A house that only gives rise to dark wizards. That isn't necessarily true. Whilst some of us may turn dark, the other houses don't make it better. They can't look past their blind prejudice. You are all here because you have drive, cunning and ambition to be great. It is my job to help you all attain that greatness. Do well in your classes and DO NOT let Slytherin down. Flint, Parvil, please lead the first years to their dorms and I don't want to see any of you until our first class together." With that Snape stood up and swept out of the room, once again, his cloak billowing out behind him.

Harry and the others followed the older boy and girl as they lead them into the dungeons once more and eventually came up to a stretch of bare, damp stone. "The password is blood history." Spoke the female prefect as the wall moved to the side, granting them access. Everyone filed into the common room and almost all the jaws of the first years hit the floor.

The common room was huge, filled with green and silver furniture and a blazing fire place washing warmth over the dungeon, giving it a green glow. "Nice place," commented Harry looking around stoically. Everyone looked at his composed face as he gazed around the common room before walking over to a chair and sitting down. "Ah much better then those benches in the great hall. Oh don't let me stop you, please, continue." Everyone looked at Harry shocked before Malfoy sneered. "Watch yourself half-blood. Your kind isn't welcome here."

Marcus quickly got the situation under control once again. The boys watched as Katrina lead the girls towards one set of stairs. "Follow me and I'll show you to your dorms." With that the boys followed Flint up the other set of stairs. Opening a door Flint continued to speak. "Potter! This is your room. The dungeons are extremely big so you can have your own room. Your trunks is at the foot of your bed. Remember don't bring shame to Slytherin." With that the older boy lead the younger students to their dorms.. Harry immediately went over to his trunk and slipped his ocarina into it and pulled out his herbology book.

Settling down on his bed he began to read but was promptly interrupted by the other four who had returned throwing open the door. "Listen Potter. Don't get smug and comfortable here. We don't exactly like half-blood scum like you so you better learn to bow to your betters soon." Sneered Malfoy whilst being flanked by Crabbe and Goyle. Harry glanced at Nott, whose face showed he held a bit of contempt for him, but wasn't really bothered, it looked like he had been dragged along. Turning back to Malfoy Harry spoke. "Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep it in mind." With that Harry began to read his book again. The four sneered and left. Harry noticed them leave, thinking this could definitely be a problem. Chalice slithered off his body and under his bed curling up to sleep.

It was seven in the morning when Harry entered the great hall. Expecting it to be empty he noticed that Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape were having a quiet conversation at the teachers desk. Ignoring the three adults in the room Harry sat on the corner of the Slytherin table, pulling out his transfiguration book once more and continuing to read. This caught the teachers interest. They watched the first year reading methodically through the transfiguration text with fascination.

"Good morning, Mr Potter, a little early for you to be up isn't it?" Harry looked up from his book and focused on the old man's chin. "Not at all Headmaster. I just don't trust my fellow first years at all." This got raised eyebrows from the three adults. The boy already didn't trust his peers? Dumbledore was puzzled. Harry had never been trusting, never giving his trust to him, even though his family followed him blindly. "Why don't you trust your fellow Slytherins Harry?"

Harry looked at the old man's chin once more. "Well, given the fact Mr Malfoy told me I was, 'A half-blood scum, who better learn to bow to my betters.' So I think I have enough reason not to. Amazing really, not here for a day and already being threatened." Harry then went back to reading his book. The adults noticed the sign and walked away, leaving him to his peace. Ten minutes of reading later Harry noticed a small plate of sandwiches appeared. He ate the food with a smile as he continued reading.

It was eight in the morning when students began to file into the great hall. Harry dimly paid attention to them as he was currently trying to think of what he could morph into. He was shaken from his thoughts by a bubbly Daphne as she tackled him from behind, making his head slam onto the table, hard. "Morning, Harry." Came the cheerful greeting of the excited red head, oblivious to Harry's death glare as he rubbed his forehead. "Good morning to you to Daphne. Thanks for slamming my head into the table." Spoke Harry in an emotionless voice.

After a profusely long apology from Daphne and greetings from Tracey and Blaise, the four began discussing timetables. A series of birds screeching tore through the air as a bombardment of owls flew straight through the windows. Harry quickly covered his food as all the owls flew overhead, looking for the recipients of their deliveries. He spotted Godric with a bright red letter and would of gulped if his emotionless mask hadn't slipped into play. It must of showed on his face as Daphne suddenly became concerned. "Harry whats wrong?"

Her question was soon answered when Godric landed in front of Harry and held out his leg. Everyone around watched with baited breath as Harry took the letter from the owl and waited for it to open. About ten seconds later a thunderous voice rang out through the great hall.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING YOU SPOILT LITTLE BRAT! MAKING YOUR MOTHER CRY AT THE TRAIN STATION BECAUSE YOU IGNORED HER COMPLETELY! WE DIDN'T RAISE YOU TO BE SUCH A DISRESPECTFUL, UNGRATEFUL CHILD! YOU BETTER MAKE GRYFFINDOR PROUD OR ELSE THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY ..." The letter was then interrupted as Harry pointed his wand at it and said, "Incendio." Turning the letter into a pile of ash. (A/N I just discovered I suck at howlers. Help would be appreciated here!)

Everyone turned to Harry to see a blank look on his face as he stared at the pile of ash. "Well, that was entertaining. I wonder how he'll react when he finds out I'm not in Gryffindor? That was pathetic, both James and the howler." Spoke Harry in a calm, even voice as he went back to eating his breakfast as if nothing had happened. Edward began to smirk as he called over. "Oi Harry, I sent father a letter last night saying you were a snake, expect another howler soon." With that all the Gryffindors began to laugh again. Harry just flipped his brother off and finished his breakfast. Coincidentally Professor Snape came over to hand out timetables.

Harry got up and left the table, deep in thought as he checked his time table. He had transfiguration and herbology today. He noticed Daphne trying to catch up to him, hoisting her bag onto her shoulder with a grunt. Shaking his head Harry slid her bag over his other shoulder and walked off to class, leaving a stunned girl behind. Without breaking stride Harry called. "Oi Daphne, do you want to be late?" This snapped the red head out of her shock and she ran after him.

In Harry's point of view transfiguration was amazing. He had read about it frequently, as well as seeing his father do minor transformations himself around the house. However it was nothing compared to the feeling of doing it yourself. Professor McGonagall had given a stern explanation right off the bat as soon as they had all sat down.

"First off, welcome to the first class of your academic life. Transfiguration is some of the most complicated and dangerous magic you will be learning here at Hogwarts." The middle aged woman explained. "Anyone I find that is messing around in my class will leave and not come back. This will be the only warning I will give you." With that she changed her desk into a pig and back. Harry's eyes gleamed, this would be interesting.

Just as Harry predicted at the great hall, most of the lesson was directed on taking complex notes. Although at the end they were all presented with a match stick and were told to transfigure it into a silver needle. It was five tries later when Harry completely changed his matchstick. "Harry! How did you do that so fast!" Exclaimed the small red head next to him. Everyone turned around to see Harry with a silver needle laying in front of him.

"Simple. Its all about intent. Picture the item you are trying to get and push all your intent into it and cast the spell, if that made any sense?" Whispered Harry in her ear. Daphne tried and the matchstick turned silver. She kept on trying, making a little more progress each time. Just as the bell rung she had managed to get a blunt needle. McGonagall commented to the rest of the class about the color and the contrasting sharpness of the needles in front of her, as well as awarding twenty points to Slytherin for good work.

After lunch they all headed to herbology, which was in the greenhouses in the castle grounds. Here they learned all about plants and fungi. Professor Sprout, a short dumpy little witch, was warm and friendly, not at all biased against Slytherins. Which was good as they had her three times a week.

The rest of the week passed quickly for Harry and it was soon Friday dinner time. He found the lessons fascinating. Sure he had learned a far bit over the summer, but learning on your own will only get you so far. Here he had the guidance he needed to flourish. He only saw his brother in potions, which was perfectly fine by him. Harry was also surprised that he hadn't received a howler from his family about him being a Slytherin. He was sure his brother would of sent a letter to his family gloating that he made Gryffindor yet Harry made Slytherin. It was dinner time and Harry thought back over the previous week.

Harry actually fell asleep in History of Magic. He was interested in the wars and figures of the past, giving rise to what they knew today, but good god Professor Binns was so boring. He kept droning on and on. Apparently the reason he was a ghost was that he died in his sleep in the staff room, without realizing his ghost emerged from his body and he has been that way ever since.

Charms, easily Harry's strongest subject so far. Professor Flitwick, a tiny man who actually needed a stack of books to see over his desk, was a jovial teacher and rumored to be a powerful duelist. Harry credited those rumors due to his small size. The register was called and the small man gave an excited squeak at his name.

When the little man had calmed down the lesson began. Once again it was more note taking, however at the end of the lesson Flitwick promised that they would do some practical work next lesson. Everyone left the class in much higher spirits, eager to see what sort of charms they would do.

Potions with the Gryffindors was awesome in Harry's point of view. Snape was heavily biased in favor of his own house and it seemed he had an intense dislike of his brother. Then again Harry noticed Snape disliked him as well. Though that was before Harry proved he wasn't as incompetent was his brother.

Snape had been calling the register until he got to Edward's name and sneered. "Ah, Edward Potter, our new ... celebrity." There was a couple of sniggers and a giggle from Tracey and Daphne. Snape looked over at Harry and saw his face completely blank, not unlike when he gave the start of term speech.

"This learn is to teach you the subtle science of making potions. Many of you will believe this is not magic, due to the lack of wand waving in this room. If you aren't a complete bunch of idiots like I usually teach, you'll learn how to brew luck, stop death and bottle glory. I don't expect any of you to understand the beauty of potion making." All this was said in barely above a whisper, yet Snape's voice carried through out of the room. Everyone in the room looked at each other, not knowing what to make of this little speech.

Suddenly the potions professor rounded on Edward. "Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry noticed his brother looked at the Weasley, who looked as stumped as Edward. Eventually the Gryffindor Potter answered. "I don't know Professor." Everyone watched Snape's lips curl into a sneer.

"Well, I guess fame isn't everything. Lets try again, Potter, where would you look if I told you to find a bezoar?" Harry watched as the bushy haired girl on the table next to his brother stretch her arm in the air as high as it could go. Edward however was still absolutely confused. "I don't know." Spoke Edward through gritted teeth. Almost all the Slytherins were laughing quietly at this point. Daphne was trying her hardest to smother her giggles and looked at Harry, who was smiling.

"Thought you could use your fame and not open a book before coming? OK then, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape continued to sneer at the confused look of Edwards face. This time the bushy haired girl had actually stood up with her hand in the air. "How the hell should I know? Potions is useless anyway Snivelles." The room went deathly quiet and Snape's face became completely blank. Edward felt a sense of impending doom come over him as Snape stalked towards him. "Fifty points from Gryffindor for insulting a teacher, and detention every night for two weeks. Sit down Miss Granger." Spoke the potions Professor in a deadly hiss. Edward looked like he had just been slapped round the face.

"Lets see if your brother has more brain cells then you. Harry Potter, answer the questions I asked your worthless brother!" Snarled Snape rounding on Harry, who stared back unflinchingly. Taking a moment to collect himself Harry began to speak. "The first answer is the Drought of living death. Second, the bezoar would be found in a goats stomach and lastly the is no difference between monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant called aconite."

Professor Snape looked on in interest whilst the other students looked stunned. "Well well. It seems the brain cells the famous Boy-Who-Lived should have, have gone to his non famous brother. Twenty points to Slytherin Mr Potter." Snape's eyes swept over the class room. "Well why aren't any of you writing this all down!" The room was suddenly filled with the sound of quills quickly scratching on paper.

Harry's eyes danced in light amusement as Daphne and himself made their potion. It was a simple boil curing potions, nothing really hard, just something to break them into the year. Harry discovered Daphne had excellent hand eye coordination when it came to cutting their ingredients. The course of the lesson went smoothly. Harry was just finishing the stirring required to add the last ingredient when he heard a rattling noise. Looking to his left he saw Edward's and the Weasley's cauldron shaking violently. Seeing his brother add yet another ingredient he yelled "EVERYBODY TAKE COVER!" And dragged Daphne down to the floor an lay on top of her.

As soon as the ingredient was added the couldron exploded violently. Everyone who had the sense to follow Harry's advice came out unscathed. Well all except Harry. A bit of metal embedded itself into his arm, just above the elbow. His brother and Weasley were covered in potion, which was causing nasty burns to form on their skin. Harry rolled off Daphne, hoisting her to her feet whilst holding onto his wound after he pulled the shard of metal out.

Snape swept over immediately to Harry and looked at his arm, noticing the deep gash he hiss out orders. "Hospital wing Mr Potter, and thirty points to Slytherin for protecting a student. Miss Greengrass please escort Mr Potter." Daphne nodded and wrapped her arm around Harry's waist as they departed from the room. Snape then rounded on the duo that caused the incident and vanished the potion off their bodies. No longer crying out in pain they gulped as Snape began to lay into them, berating their foolishness. "And forty points from Gryffindor for harming a student and not listening to instructions, Weasley, Potter."

Harry and Daphne had made the trip to the hospital wing in mostly silence. That was until, Harry staggered and almost collapsed on the staircase to the fourth floor, looking extremely pale. "Harry! Are you alright? I'm sorry! If you didn't protect me," Daphne was cut off but Harry shaking his head and starting up the stairs once more, she quickly ran to support him again. "Don't blame yourself, it was my fault for deciding to protect you in the first place." He staggered again, "leave me here, get Madam Pomfrey here, it will be faster, get her to bring some blood replenishing equipment."

Daphne nodded and sprinted down the hall as she heard Harry slide to the floor. Panicking and running quicker she threw the doors to the hospital wing open. Madam Pomfrey run out and saw the distraught girl. "Please, come quick! Harry is in the hallway bleeding heavily!" Gasped out the eleven year old red head. The matron ran passed the girl and gasped as she saw the young silver haired male in front of her. Levitating him into the wing she quickly closed his cut with magic and urged the barely conscious boy to take a potion.

The effect were immediate. Harry's skin began regaining color and his eyes didn't look so weary anymore. Soon he was moving slightly, refusing to go to sleep. Daphne stayed in the hospital wing with him. He was released an hour later with orders to take it easy. The good thing was as it was Friday. They walked into the great hall just as the food was being set on the table. Quickly grabbing seats Harry sat down and proceeded to uncharacteristically stuff his face.

"Wow Harry, slow down!" Exclaimed Tracey who was on the opposite side of the table. Harry didn't slow down as he flipped the girl off. Swallowing he gave her a pointed look. "Hey I just protected your best friend, took a six inch piece of metal out of my arm and almost passed out from blood loss. I think I have a right to eat like a pig." Tracey didn't have a come back to that so she engaged Daphne and Blaise in conversation, which Harry ignored.

Harry was broken from his memories by Daphne poking him in the side. He looked over to see the other girls finish eating and looking at him expectantly. "Sooo, what where you thinking about? We had been calling you for ages." Stated Tracey as Harry's eyes quickly refocused. Standing up Harry glanced at the girls and sighed. They were all looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "I was reminiscing, no need for concern." And with that Harry stood up and walked out of the great hall.

Later that night in the common room Harry could barely believe a whole week had gone by already. Reflecting back on it he smiled. Not even a week and he was already being hailed a prodigy. The only one who was keeping up was Granger and that was solely because of the theory, she couldn't put the power he could behind spells. He suddenly realized he hadn't written to Rose yet. Retrieving a quill and some parchment Harry quickly settled down and began to write.

Dear Rose

How are you? Hogwarts is pretty amazing, better then I thought. Trust me when I say your going to be awed when you start in two years. You may think I'm writing to taunt you but you know I would never do that. I bet the two years you need to wait will go in the blink of an eye.

Anyway how are you doing? Is everything OK at home? I got a howler from dad, was pretty amusing. As for what house I'm in, well, I'm in Slytherin. It isn't so bad, just don't let people walk all over you because your a half blood. I'm surprised another howler hasn't come because I'm a Slytherin. Edward said he sent a letter saying I was, oh well.

Already been in the hospital wing due to Ed's ineptitude at potions. Made a cure for boils potion explode somehow and I got a six inch shard of metal in my arm. Wasn't very pleasant I can tell you.

Have you snuck any books out of our library recently? Its always good to get a big head start, I have already been called a prodigy in charms. Guess I have mother's talent in it. Transfiguration is interesting. The books really don't explain it well. Trust me when I say its all about the intent. You have to visualize and have the will to transform an object. DADA sucks, badly, the teacher is useless.

I'm not sure if I'm coming home for Christmas. If I do you are going to be the only reason I return. Chalice says hello by the way. I think she misses you, but is to stubborn to admit it. I miss you as well.

By the way please do not open this in front of the adults. Would be pretty awkward to explain why you receive letters. Apparently I made mother cry at the train station. Is this true? That what the howler on Monday said anyway. If so please apologize to her on my behalf. The howler was quite amusing from what I heard, I just set it on fire a few seconds after the screaming started. A stupid thing to send a howler about.

Tell me what happens at home Rose, I promise to write again soon.

Harry Potter.

Harry quickly folded the letter up and walked out of the common room. He had an hour to get to the owlery and back before curfew. Walking briskly up to the great hall and proceeding to the west tower, Harry quickly located a suitable owl. Tying the letter to its leg he told the owl who to search for and gave it an owl treat he had stolen from Draco. The owl hooted happily before it took off into the sky.

Harry watched it fly into the sky before turning around and hurrying back to his common room. He looked at his watch and saw he had about thirty minutes to get back. Harry looked around and gathered up some dead mice then jogged back to the great hall and began to descend the stairs into the dungeons. He stopped three corridors away from the common room entrance when he stopped suddenly. He spun round looking down an empty corridor. He shrugged and turned away, slowly walking to his destination when he was grabbed from behind and yanked into a class room.

Nymphadora Tonks was a clumsy, happy go lucky Hufflepuff. Always giving a willing smile and making a joke or two. She took her studies very seriously, hoping to join the auror corps as soon as she left Hogwarts. She never really thought about the opposite sex. Being a metamorphmagus had that effect. Boys always wanted her to turn into someone else, never bothering to get to know what she really looked like. She hadn't shown anyone but her mother and father what she looked like for the past four years.

This ended up leading her train of thought to the twin of the famous Edward Potter, Harry. She was stunned when he changed his hair and eye color to match his house colors when he walked to the Slytherin table. It was the first time she had actually seen another metamorph before and it made her swell a bit with happiness, knowing that she wasn't alone in that aspect of magic. Sighing she stood up from her position near the lake and headed back to the castle.

She was stunned when she saw the object of her thoughts open the doors to the great hall just as she was approaching it. Making a split second decision she decided to follow him. Casting a disillusionment charm over herself she quickly followed the boy. She had been tailing him for a while when he suddenly stopped and spun around looking back down the hallway. She froze, a mere boy of eleven had sensed a disillusionment, granted she had been following for a while but still. The rumors were correct, this kid was a prodigy. She saw him turn around and walk slowly. She crept closer to him and as he walked by a door she grabbed him and dragged him into the room.

Harry felt his back hit a wall and the foreign hand leave his arm. Spinning around he saw the most stunning woman he had ever seen. Standing at five foot five with long lavander hair, that reached to the small of her back and pink eyes with a curvy figure, Harry guessed her to be sixth or seventh year, a Hufflepuff, given the crest on her uniform. "Well I must say this is a turn around, isn't it meant to be Slytherins dragging Hufflepuffs into class rooms not the other way around?" Asked Harry bluntly and he prepared to flick his wrist, prepared to send his wand to his hand if necessary. The woman hadn't drawn hers yet and maybe he could get out of the situation peacefully.

Tonks studied the boy in front of her, he stood at four foot eleven average height for an eleven year old, then again, nothing could be correct about this boy his now, silver hair and green eyes were reversed from earlier. She watched him shift his wrist slightly and make a quip about it being the opposite way around. She was shocked at his apparent ease, he wasn't worried at all. "Shouldn't you be scared kid? A seventh year has just hauled you into a class room and your alone." She watched the first year look at her and smile, seemingly completely at ease.

"I'm not particularly worried, if you intended on harming me your wand would be out by now. I assume we are going to chat so I'll kick things off. Hey I'm Harry Potter, that can't be your natural hair and eye color, seriously, well if it is then awesome I think it looks cool." With that Harry changed his eye and hair color to match, except making his hair short and spiky. Tonks laughed at him, a high melodious laugh. "Observant, and thanks for the compliment, glad people like my metamorphs. Though I do think the color specifics make you look girly. By the way I'm Nymphadora Tonks. Call me Tonks I hate my first name." Harry gaped and began laughing with her.

"Yeah I imagine I look like a poof, nice name, surname that is, I doubt your the type of girl who does things like that. But your also a metamorph you say? Prove it." Stated Harry as he stared at Tonks. He then watched her hips widen slightly, her breasts become smaller and her hair turn to a fiery red. "Well thats proof enough for me. So, is this the only reason you dragged me into a deserted room. We really need to get back before curfew starts." Tonks looked at the watch on his hand and cursed. She hadn't realized it was so late.

"Damn I didn't realize the time. Look we really need to talk sometime. Its really exciting to meet someone like myself. Could we meet up tomorrow? Say the library at noon?" Harry took in Tonks' posture, she was uncomfortable, he didn't understand why. Looking at her hopeful face Harry just nodded in agreement. He watched the beautiful woman let off a beaming smile, change back to the way she was before and give him a bone crushing hug, all within five seconds.

Thanking Harry quickly, Tonks ran out of the room, well attempted to, she tripped over a stray speck of dust. Picking herself up she left, leaving a highly amused Harry to walk out of the room and to the common room. Muttering the password and walking through the door, he was once again, tackled by an excitable Daphne. "Harry! Where did you go?" Asked the red head. Harry rolled his eyes the girl and pushed her off him and picked himself up from the floor. Hoisting her up he replied. "Well I was on my way to the owlery to owl my sister, then on the way back I got kidnapped by a seventh year Hufflepuff, because she wanted to talk, then I walk through the door and get flying tackled by you."

Daphne's eyes widened. "Damn! I knew I was forgetting something! I promised to write to Astoria!" With that the girl ran off up the stairs to the girls dorms. Harry watched, mentally slapping his forehead. Why were girls so hard to understand at his age? Would he understand them at all? He decided to turn in early after finishing his transfiguration essay.

Chalice slithered out from the bed when he shut his door to his dormitory and hissed out. "Chalicccce I have food." Harry watched as his baby serpent slid across the room and devoured the five dead mice he had chucked towards her. He watched her eat them all whole before giving a satisfied hiss. "Thank you massssster, I was getting hungry, pity they were dead though."

Harry shrugged apologetically. "Sssssorry, once I know a freezing or sssstunning ssssspell, then you can practiccce hunting on them." Harry lay down on the bed, casting a colloportus on the door, to ensure no one walked in, allowing the snake free movement around the room. He bought out his half finished essay and began to complete it.

Half an hour later he put down the completed piece of work and watched as Chalice decided to use his lap as a pillow. He bought out a standard book of spells that he had borrowed from the library and flipped to the blasting section. He needed a more powerful offensive spell then flipendo, though it was fun sending his opponent on his ass.

He continued reading well into the night, stroking Chalice unconsciously, getting a contented hiss from the serpent. A blasting curse that caught his eye was called Frendo. It was apparently the weaker version of confringo, which was published in older spell books. Instead of blasting through and into things, this spell hit the target with a crushing force. Not enough to kill a human but enough to bruise or break bones. Deciding he couldn't practice in his dorm Harry decided to find a empty class room before he met up with that Hufflepuff, Tonks, tomorrow. Deciding to turn in early he stripped to his underwear and crawled into bed, Chalice curled up beside him.

Pounding on Harry's door shook him from his sleep. "Harry, time to get up or you'll have to wait three hours for lunch! Breakfast will be over in ten minutes!" Casting the tempus spell he noticed it was almost ten in the morning. Sliding out of bed and pulling his robes and grabbing his spell book he unlocked the door and saw Tracey and Daphne waiting for him. "Thanks for the wake up call, lets go." A small hiss came from the bed as Chalice quickly slid up his leg and wrapped around his torso. Shaking his head as Tracey stroked his torso, from where small hisses of pleasure came from, he lead the girls down stairs.

They departed from the great hall at half past ten. "So Harry, what have you got planned for today?" Asked Tracey inquisitively as they wandered outside towards the edge of the forbidden forest. It had taken a while but Tracey and Daphne had been persistent enough to crack through Harry's outer shell. It was a small crack, but he would now hold some semblance of a conversation with them.

"Well I'm meeting a Hufflepuff seventh year at noon. She is a metamorph like myself. If I'm lucky I could coax her into teaching me some more advanced spells. After that I'm going to practice the blasting curse, Frendo. Powerful enough to bruise bones. Thought it would be a good offensive spell. What about you two?" Asked Harry in his usual controlled voice.

The two girls looked at each other and sighed. "We need to catch up with our homework. When do you do yours anyway, we see you working in the common room but that isn't enough time to complete everything." Questioned the two girls. Harry glanced at the pair of them before leaning again the outer most tree of the forest, staring at the sky. Shrugging he just muttered, "Do it in my dorm before bed. Relaxes the brain and I sleep easier."

The girls accepted the answer and the conversation moved to more mundane things, like witch weekly. Harry, of course, was not interested in this whatsoever and the girls knew better then to try and include him as they would just get blanked. Chalice emerged from the sleeve of his arm and slithered over to Daphne, flicking her tongue over the girl's lap, before hissing in content and curling up on the girl and gentle hisses came from the creature, signifying its slumber. Tracey looked on in surprise, Daphne smiled happily, petting the snoozing creature and Harry just dozed.

This carried on for the next hour. The girls were heavily engrossed in conversation when suddenly a mutter was heard from Harry and the time and date appeared above their heads, reading twenty to twelve. Harry got up and stretched, Chalice, noticing her master's movement quickly slithered around his torso again. "Well, I'm off to meet Tonks at the library, I suggest you two get started with the homework, maybe I'll help you once I get back." With that Harry walked off, leaving the two girls to jog to catch up with him.

They split up at the great hall, the girls heading down towards the dungeons, whilst Harry ascended the stairs to the library. He slid through the door at five to twelve and waited patiently for the young woman he was meeting to show up. Taking a seat next to the entrance so he was easily spotted by her he pulled out his book and began to read about the spell he would be practicing later. Madam Pince smiled at him as she passed and he nodded back politely. He had gotten on her good side by inquiring about the library on his first actual day.

Time flew quickly when Tonks arrived. Conversation flowed easily between the two of them. Harry actually started to warm up to the bubbly woman. It was hard not to, with her easy going and constantly happy attitude. Soon enough the time rolled around to half past one and the both headed to the great hall, still chatting amicably. Well Tonks was chatting, Harry was just happy listening to what the older metamorph had to say.

After saving her from falling down the stairs when a cat tripped her over Harry decided to finally ask the question that plagued him. "Tonks, I was wondering, could you help me with my school work? Its just I would prefer to learn a few higher tier spells to make sure I pass this year." The older metamorph looked complacent for a while before smiling at the younger one. Grabbing him into a hug, crushing his face into her breasts she spoke. "Of course I'll help you. It won't be much though as I'm studying for my NEWTs and I want to become an auror. I'll contact you with a time and place though." Harry just nodded in understanding before finally removing his head from her chest, blushing slightly.

Tonks noticed this and realized where his face had just been. She winked back, causing him to flush slightly harder, before his occumlency training kicked in again and it rapidly vanished, leaving him with a nonchalant look. Pushing open the doors to the great hall they were met with stares. It took a couple of seconds for the morphing duo to realize why they were staring. It wasn't common you saw a first year Slytherin hanging out with a seventh year Hufflepuff, also the fact they looked similar didn't help.

Tonks waved goodbye to Harry and walked to the Hufflepuff table to join her friends. Harry nodded in return and sat down at the end of the Slytherin table, since he couldn't spot Daphne or Tracey anywhere. After he had finished lunch he grabbed a bag from the end of the table and scooped some food into it, afterwards heading to the dungeon. Entering the common room he noticed Daphne and Tracey huddled in a corner.

Walking over to them he tapped them on the shoulder. Both girls jumped as he whispered into their ears. "Meet me in my room." They spun round to see Harry stood behind them. Ten minutes later Harry was reviewing their essays, while they ate the food he had bought them. A few minor corrections here and them and he handed it back to them. "You are doing OK so far, I think this would be marked as an EE, you don't really need my help, you are both fully capable of doing this." Spoke Harry as he lay down on his bed chalice curled up in her new 'nest', as she called it, under his bed. Harry wondered how Rose had reacted to his letter.

The day had started off slow for young Rose Potter. She hadn't spoken to her father since the departing of the Hogwarts express. She hadn't had much contact with Lily either, preferring to day dream the days away, remembering the times with Harry. She remembered the way he comforted her when she was sad, the way he looked at her when he was proud. In many ways Harry was like a father to her, given her dad paid more attention to Edward then anything.

She was having breakfast, listening to James and Lily discussing how well they thought Edward was doing at school. Harry wasn't mentioned once, but then again Harry hadn't been mentioned after the argument her mum and dad had after he sent that howler to school. She was just about to left the table when a hoot came from the window. The family looked over to see a owl fly through the window and land in front of Rose, holding its leg out. Rose recognized the writing immediately and was about to open it when a small piece of parchment dropped in front of her.

Picking up the piece of paper she read it. On it where the words, "do not open in front of the family." She tucked the letter into her pocket and took her cutlery to the sink before leaving the kitchen. Just as she got to the door she heard her father call out to her. "Hey Rosie," here she shuddered, she hated that nickname. "Who sent you the letter?"

"I was told not to open it in front of anyone, and if you can't recognize your son's had writing then there is something wrong with you." Replied the younger red head haughtily as she continued to walk out of the room. This got Lily's attention immediately as her daughter left the room. With a wave of her wand she cleaned the rest of the table and followed the younger female out of the room, leaving a bewildered James reading the daily prophet, wondering what he had done to upset his only daughter.

Rose quickly walked into her room and shut the door. Hastily opening the letter she began to read, a content smile on her face knowing her brother hadn't forgotten about her. She looked at the howler part and giggled, however she was also worried. Edward had indeed sent a letter home saying Harry was a Slytherin and James was about to march straight to Hogwarts himself, only to be stopped by her mother. He then decided to send a howler, except Rose had conveniently borrowed Godric earlier to send a letter to Sirius.

Shaking herself out of her reverie she got off the bed and opened the door to find her mother. She was intensely surprised to see her mother about to knock on the door. "Mum? What are you doing here?" Asked the younger red head inquisitively. Lily looked at her daughter and saw the small smile on her face, making the older red head relax. Evidently the letter was a good one in her daughters view. "Mum, Harry said he is sorry for making you cry on the platform." Spoke up Rose once again.

Lily smiled, partially at the young girl's happier voice, and partially because her son felt the need to say sorry. "Thats alright, it wasn't his fault, maybe he just had something on his mind?" Asked Lily as she looked at the thoughtful face of her only daughter. Rose remembered back to the train station and shook her head. "I don't think thats it mum, he said good bye to me before he left. He also hates dad now, understandable since he got a howler on the first morning of school."

Lily frowned sadly. "To be honest, I think your brother has disliked James greatly for a long time, he seems cold to me as well sometimes." Rose just looked at her mother incredulously, she thought her mother was smart, how could she not of figured this out yet? "Mum, have you ever wondered why Harry seems to dislike you two so much? I know your smart, figure it out, I did." This caught the mother of three's attention, however Rose had already shut her door again, leaving her confused mother on the hall way.

A//N OK, something just doesn't feel right about this chapter to be perfectly honest.

But anyway I've posted it up and to be honest I want your opinion. Is it crap or not? If it is I'll pull it down and do a rewrite. Telling me where I messed up would also be a big bonus. Like I said I am not happy with this chapter what so ever.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter more then I did writing it, was extremely hard for me to do so. Just didn't seem to flow.

Pairings are undetermined. Me and Hakkyou no yami are currently bouncing ideas off of each other. Been a few unique ones but I'm not entirely sure if they will be used or not.

OK I'm sure you'll have some questions. I'll answer them now to make sure I cover the more probable ones

Q1: Why didn't Snape just heal Harry

A1: Well to be honest Snape still holds a grudge on James, therefore he will not actively help out Harry until later, when he can look past his resentment, if he can look past it.

Q2: You are making Harry open up to fast.

A2: Trust me, I used to be pretty cold, but the personality I use as a base for Daphne is my best female friend, and she broke my shell within two weeks.

Q3: Why bash James so much.

A3: Well to be honest James wasn't much of a saint. A bully, arrogant, cocky. I hate people like that. Plus with one of his boys as famous as they are, it doesn't take much for people to slip back into old ways.

I think I covered everything. Like I say at the end of every chapter I am dyslexic, so spelling and grammar mistakes? Extremely sorry, I weeded out all the big ones I could find.

Also, a big Kudos to every writer with a decent Harry Potter fic, honestly this is the hardest story I have ever written, and I love writing it.