The room was cold, white and sterile. Nothing out of place (well more there was nothing to be out of place); quite, and still. Usually, Spock liked this. Usually. But not now. Not when he was waiting, alone, in this cold white room filled with only a few stiff, uncomfortable chairs. Spock resorted to sitting on the floor and meditating. Though, it was difficult, even for him, to meditate for 40 hours straight.
He was waiting for Kirk to be through with the transformation process back into a human. Spock missed the human Kirk. Missed the smile; the strong arms; the chess games; he just missed Jim.
Spock had fallen asleep, eventually, in one of the chairs, though he sat up straight, head tilted down and arms crossed. Unmoving and waiting desperately for all of this to be over.
Spock would not openly admit this, but he had fallen for his captain. Had before he had been turned into a dog. The only reason Spock was apprehensive about having the captain back was that it would go back to the 'strictly just-friends' relationship before these strange events.
A young red headed nurse gently shook Spock awake. Spock stirred (read: jumped) awake, eyes shooting open and landing immediately on the woman. "Nurse?" He said calmly. She smiled sweetly.
"Kirk will be out in just a few minutes. It's all over." She said warmly, handing Spock a PADD before scooting off. Spock's heart skipped a beat and his eyes landed on the PADD screen.
"Patient J. T. Kirk has been fully reverted to his normal status with minimal affects to physical and mental body; with one exception-"
The doors swung open, a group of doctors and scientists entered, all tired and worn-out. Spock stood (read: jumped out of his chair) to greet the doctors. They parted to show a very exhausted looking James Kirk. Ruffled blond hair and all. And more!
Spock quickly moved standing before his captain, who was smiling and wagging his tail. Wait.
Spock looked down, a blond dogs tail was pertruding from Jim. Spock blinked. "Ah, yes, it seems we could go no further than that. He will have the tail still…" A doctor informed.
Jim smiled a little more, and looked up to Spock. "I like it." Jim shrugged, before reaching up to give Spock a little pat on the shoulder. "Come on, lets go. I am hungry." He chuckled. Spock nodded, and once he turned, facing away from everyone else, he cracked a smile.
Jim ate like an animal, and then slept like one.
Spock sat on his bed, reading over his personal PADD, Jim asleep in the adjacent bed. You have unread Emails. It informed him.
I want the medical files and to know how Jim is.
Please give Jim our love! We miss him!
Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Chapel
Hope it went well, I want to hear how the operation went.
Spock looked to the sleeping Jim. No he wasn't sleeping anymore, but laying on his side staring at Spock. "Can I get you anything Jim?" Spock asked, head tilting.
Jim just shrugged and shifted in his spot. "I can't get comfy… I liked how I laid down as a dog better." Jim pouted, sighing a bit, tail giving one swish before landing with a 'thump' on the bed.
"I'm not sure if there is much I can do for you." Spock admitted, eyebrows knitting together slightly.
"Come here."
"Come here~" Jim smiled now, tail starting to wag as Spock approached the bed. He reached up, grabing Spock's hand and pulling him down onto the bed next to him.
"Jim, I don't understand-"
"I want to snuggle."
"What exactly" Spock shifted, Jim wrapped his arms around Spock's waist and was hiding his face In the crook of his neck now. Spock shivered as Jim's breath tickled his neck. "Is this 'Snuggling'?"
"It's like cuddling. Only better."
"I see…"
"Just… go with it…"
Spock reached up, petting back Jim's hair from his face. Jim sighed a little. "Keep doing that." So Spock did, lovingly petting Jim's head as he slowly fell back asleep.
It was the middle of the night, Spock was awakened (still on Jim's bed) as he felt something hovering over him. His eyes cracked open to meet dazzling sky blue eyes before him. "Hm?"
Jim smiled and he leaned his face down so it was only an inch or two away. "Did I wake you?"
Jim chuckled, "I'm sorry."
And then
Lips meet forehead.
Soft lips pressed against Spock's temple in a soft, sweet kiss before pulling away. "Go back to sleep."
"But-" Spock started to protest, Jim put a finger to his lips.
"I'll be here in the morning." A dazzling smile. "With more, if you want." A wink.
The shifting of blankets and pillows, then stillness.
Spock looked down to the sleeping figure that was curled up into his side, arms and legs wrapped around his own figure possessively.
And Jim was right.
Spock woke the next morning to a human Jim (and kisses to go with).
~And They Lived Happily Ever After~
It's finally over.
I hope you guys don't hate me for long its taken to get this ending out... It wasn't intentional, i swear.
I hope this ending lives up to the rest of the fic.
I do hope you liked it. Not nearly as good as 'The Feline Way' but i still really enjoyed this and I hope you did too. My purpose is to please you folks. So I hope that i have.
Thank you for staying through and reading this. I cannot thank you all enough, for your amazing support. Not just for this, or 'The Feline Way' but for all of my work.
Much love and thanks,