Hey! Thanks for the reviews! Today is a two hour delay because it finally SNOWED! Yay, yay, yay! I just hope they change the two hour delay to off because it's seven and I didn't even straighten my hair yet. Anyways, I haven't posted in forever because I was super duper busy, but yeah I'm sorry and enjoy!

They set up a little blue shield so I can't see my own stomach being cut open. Oliver squeezed my hand.

My mom was hugging me and we were all waiting for the c section to be over.

"When is she going to be out?" Oliver asked.

"About 30 minutes."


Oliver held my hand a little tighter when Mr. Stewart walked in.

"You decided to come?" Miley asked him, and hugged him.

"Well, yeah. I mean these kids almost live at my house, and I've gotta be here."

He said hi and good luck to both of us, and went in the waiting room.

I hugged Miley and Oliver at the same time.

"Lilly, we are going to be parents," Oliver said with a smile, "And we can move into the apartment in a couple weeks, and get married when ever we want."

My mom was too emotional to notice Oliver talking about the apartment I never told her about, "Yes, you guys will be parents. My own daughter."

"Okay she's almost out."

"She is?" Me and Oliver said excitedly.

"Yes, she is."

And they took out a little pink baby, and weighed her.

"Seven pounds, two ounces. She is very lucky, she was born early but shes still okay."

I gazed at Oliver, "She's okay."

"I know."

"You did a great job, now would you like to hold her?" The doctor said with an amiable smile.

I sniffled, "Yeah."

I held the little baby in my hands and smiled. Oliver reached over to squeeze her little hand, my mom cried and rubbed her hair, and Sheryl just looked at all of us with a huge smile and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Shes beautiful," Miley said.

"I know." I said.

"What should we name her?" Oliver asked

I took the little baby names book Sheryl brought and looked through it.

"Hmm," I said, "Names that mean love, we have to name her a name that means love."

"Which one?" Oliver asked?

"How about Caelyn Olivia Oken?"

"Caelyn. It's pretty."

"I know, and Olivia is for you."

Oliver nodded and looked at me, "Lilly."

"Yeah?" I said, still looking at Caelyn.

"I love you, and Caelyn."

I nodded, "Me too."

AWWW! Hehe, I love the ending. By the way, this is the ending of The Little Pink Plus Sign, from now on the stories will be in The Little Pink Blanket! So review this one on here, and then I'll make the new one which will be a sequel to this one! I hope you liked it!