'Ello! I really like this OC so far. She seems so cool! X] This was the OC I made up for my Ikuto fanfics, originally, but I just tweaked it here and there and VAMPIRE! I love vampires! Which I will rant on at the end of this chapter……be prepared :]

~Ch2: Modeling, or seducing?~

I sighed as I walked into my bathroom to change into my nightgown. I looked into my big selection of comfortable, yet pretty nightwear. I looked for something that is MAXIMUM comfort, since I was just oh-so-tired from smiley at the concert. Oh yea, and singing too. 'Ah ha! Found what I need!' You thought triumphantly as you pulled out a black and pink tank-top that said: "Love kills". Then, you took out a black boy short. This was perfect! It was comfortable too. I should really start wearing this things instead of those lacy nightgowns.

I walked over to the bathtub and filled it with lukewarm water. 'Nothing is more relaxing than a hot rose bath,' I thought. As you were slowing sinking your head into the water, you heard the door open, then someone's voice.

"Rin-chan, you still didn't answer if you wanted to model with me for one shot," stated a clearly bored Shiki. He made walking into a bathroom while a girl was taking a bath COMPLETELY NORMAL! Well, newsflash for you, that. Is. Not. Normal. At. All.

"Perfect timing," I was full of sarcasm and rolled my eyes. Not that he would see, of course. I was behind the shower-curtains. "Now go out. You're disturbing me."

"The manager wants the answer now," He sounded nonchalant like always, "if you don't answer, I'll just look pass the shower curtains…" Was he seriously threatening me? What the hell?!

"OK OK OK, now go away," It might have sound rude, but come on people! I was just interrupted….in the bathroom…..by a model………while I was taking a bath. Ok, that might not sound too bad, but still. I heard that someone walked out the door and closed it. 'Phew'

I got out of the bathtub soaking wet and I dried myself with a fluffy white towel. Then I got dressed. I blew-dry my hair and then plopped onto the bed, into a deep sleep.

"Honey, you aren't a normal vampire," my mother calmly said.

"Why not?" I asked out of pure curiousity. It WAS me, wasn't it? Except it was a younger version of me.

"I'm not sure why though, but you are a rare type of vampire, a priestess."

"A priestess?" My mom just nodded.

I woke up at around 3pm. 'Ugh. I need to ask my mom about what I am. Maybe I can do that after the………shudder…photo shoot with Uncle……the thought just makes me tremble.' I was practically talking to myself in my head as I got dressed in the Night Class uniforms. The only thing that I did that was different from the rest of the vampires was leaving the top two buttons unbuttoned. It gave me more of a 'rawr' look, if you know what I mean. (probably not tho -.-) I got into my black stilettos and took my books with me as I went down to eat breakfast. When I got there, most of the noble vampires where already eating. I glared at Shiki, remembering what happened last night…er, morning.

I walked over to Rima, who saved me a seat. Which was, unfortunately, next to Shiki. Not that I minded of course. He was absolutely gorgeous, like the rest of the vampires, but seriously, he just WALKED IN ON ME when I was having my relaxation time.

Basically, breakfast was boring. No one talked and we just ate. Joy to the world. After I finished, I just gave my empty plate to the maid and went to the gate, which were about to be opened. Damn, I'm just gonna say, those girls were hell. As soon as the gate cracked open enough for them to see Kuran's face, the ear-splitting squeals begin. The prefects suck at controlling them. It's not that I don't feel sorry for them. I do, but I cannot lie (oh yes I can) that they suck.

When it was my turn to walk out, all I heard was.



"STAY BACK, GUYS!" (Yuuki)




You just kept your bored face and walked to the main building. Most of us really don't like going to school every day, excluding Aido. I swear, that boy was made for attention. Sure, I like attention too, but not being mobbed. Clearly these girls think that screaming their heads off is attractive. It's not.

Once we got to the class, it was 6 o'clock. Great, time for a photo shoot. Me, Shiki, and Rima were excused from class to go to the studio for the modeling of vampire/goth styled clothing made by Mrs. Tsukikage, my mother. I got my black, laced umbrella as Rima grabbed her pinkish/white one. Vampires are sensitive to sunlight and can get sunburned easily. Shiki didn't bring one. Oh well, that's too bad for him…..actually I ended up sharing with him. Most girls would be screaming and possibly fainting that they are actually under the same umbrella and touching a celebrity, but I'm not like most girls. Hello? Just so you haven't noticed! I'm a singer/vampire for goodness sake.

Anyways, once we got into the cool (as in temperature) studio, most people stared at us like Wow. Those are the most gorgeous beings on earth or something like that. I just sighed and went into my Uncle's office, which was Rima & Shiki's manager.

"Hi Rin-kun!" He exclaimed happily. Knowing him, he probably has a weird thought for the pictures in his mind.

"Yo," I just replied cooly. Just then, Rima and Shiki came in.

"Rima, Mrs. Tsukikage just designed the a dress that you would look just stunning in!" My uncle immediately got to work. Oh yea, he's a vampire too, just to let you know. He took out a picture of a dress in a mannequin. It was an over the shoulder dress with puffy shoulders and ended at the knees. It was pure white and looked like it was made for an angel. Seriously though, Rima looked literally heavenly in it.

"And as for you two," my uncle pointed at me and Shiki, "The new line of vampire/goth outfits." He took out two outfits. One for a girl and one for a guy. Shiki's outfit was something with chains and black stuff. It was my outfit I paid more attention to. (Duh, I'm going to be the one clothed in it) It was so sick. It was like a corset top and a short, skirt, but it was a dress. It was black with white lines for decoration. It was a halter top. Between the two straps of the dress, there were strings that went criss-cross like a shoelace. Ok, they were basically above my boobs. My whole entire back would be showing, but it also had the criss-crossing of strings as well.

"I'm going to go to the girl's locker room to strip," I sounded like doing that was normal. (Actually, it is. I mean, don't you strip off your clothing before you showered? Or do u shower with your clothing on 0.0) The two guys just nodded and Shiki went over to the guy's dressing room.

Once I got into the girl's dressing room, I immediately took off my clothing, aka school uniform, and slipped into the mini-dress. 'Hm, not bad, not bad at all,' I thought as I looked into the mirror. Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a cocky arrogant bitch that everyone loves. I put on black stiletto boots and walked out of the room.

I had to admit, Shiki looked stunning in an all black outfit. It made his hair look more red.

"Rin-chan, Shiki-chan," my uncle motioned us to come over, "Ok, we want a sexy, love scene for the first one."

I did was what I was told to do. Ok, I didn't. I just stood there with a brow raised as Shiki puts his arms around my waist.

"you know, you really should start posing," he whispered into my ear. For the first time in my life, I realized how sexy his voice sounded. 'Holy shit, girl! Snap out of it. Love sucks and ends up in blood.'

After many trial and errors, we ended up with a particular shot. We were on a red, velvet couch. You know, like the antique looking ones. I was sitting between his legs and looking up at his face while his arms were wrapped around me. Ok, basically, it was a seducing scene.

"You know, mom will kill you for making me seduce a guy," I pointed out.

"Hehehe….no she won't," My uncle flopped his hands.

"Sure, sure," I just said nonchalantly and went on with the next photo shoot.

"For the next shot, Shiki has to pretend to bite you and you are gonna have to look like your being hurt, but pleasured at the same time," my uncle stated oh-so-calmly. If I were eating/drinking something at the moment, the contents would have been all over his face. Joy.

I lied down on the couch, the same couch as the other one and rested my head on the armrest thinga-ma-bobby. Then, Shiki got hovered over me on all fours.

"Sorry if I actually bite you. You smell delicious," he sounded like saying that was natural, something you say every day. Clearly, it's NOT. I just ignored his comment and went on with our pose as he got closer to my neck.

Luckily, nothing happened to me. He didn't suck me senseless………as gross and wrong as that just sounded….. sucking as in sucking blood. Ok, that definitely clarified it. I looked over at both the pictures. They looked very slutty and kinky. 'Mom is gonna murder me.' Then, as if on cue, your mother walked in.

Woot! I hope you likey! Please review!

Ok, my rant about vampires, for those who care -.-

I especially love the vampires in Marked by P.C. Cast. It's so much cooler than the vampires in Twilight, but I still adore Twilight. I just think Marked & the rest of the house of nights novels r cooler. Don't hate me for that Ok, anyways, the vampyres (yes, that's how you spell it in marked) are super cool beings. They get a mark of their goddess when they turn to fledglings, aka: to-be-vampyres. They can die/live during that process. Even if you are a fledging, you might have the affinity to control one, if not all of the elements: water, fire, earth, air, spirit. For people who read my fanfic but wants to skip the rant, you MUST read this part: Rin is a type of this vampire, but a little different, which I will explain later.

Ja ne!