Okay, I don't own any characters and Gabyvel may help with later chapters. I don't own anything but the plot!
I don't think everyone fully thinks things through when they hold meetings. Sure, we were talking about vacations for the shows. Sure, I always dreamed of going to paradise. Sure, I've dreamed about going somewhere with Chad. But I never dreamed of going to Key West, Florida with So Random! and Mackenzie Falls because of budget cuts. I never dreamed of staying at the Radisson hotel near the drama snobs.
I never dreamed of living in the same building as Chad.
Well, not recently and not for vacation.
Marshal called me and my cast into his office to discuss this year's vacation, which would be canceled due to budget cuts and debt. I was extremely depressed until a brilliant idea popped into Zora's head. I went to a whole new level of depression after she suggested this said idea.
A two-week vacation with Chad to the most relaxing place on Earth; Key West, Florida.
I stared at my nails as I walked back to my dressing room thinking about what the room assignments would be. Me and Tawni? Nico and Grady?
"Hey Tawn, so are you excited about this trip?" I looked up to see Zora unscrewing a screw on Tawni's vanity desk. "Zora? What are you doing?"
"I'm messing with Tawni," she huffed, twisting another screw loose.
"Wh-hy?" I drug the word out, frozen in my spot.
"Because… she dumped pudding on me for getting us a vacation. Revenge is my thing right now, wanna get some?" she turned to me smiling evily.
I shook my head and sat down at my own desk cautiously touching it, applying the pressure needed. "You didn't- you didn't mess with mine, did you?"
"No," she continued messing with the desk before standing up and wiping off her hands approvingly, "That'll do."
I grimaced as she dropped her tools into a light green beach bucket filled with different contraptions. She picked up the bucket and skipped out of the room, her pigtails bouncing flawlessly. I watched the energetic eleven-year-old and shook m head, Note to self: don't mess with Zora.
Second note to self: you already knew that.
"Hey Sonny," Nico popped in, "So, when exactly do we leave?" he plopped down at Tawni's vanity and placed his feet on the desk, propping his hands behind his head.
"Uh, Nico." I held out a hand as if I was going to touch him.
"Yeah?" he raised an eyebrow. I was about to warn him about the death trap set by the evil genius, but when my mouth opened the chair fell apart. Nico dropped to the floor with a thud and Zora came in pumping the air screaming 'Yes!'
She looked at him prepared to laugh, but instead she glared, "You ruined my trap!"
"Oh, I'm so very sorry!" he retorted sarcastically, "Not that I'm hurt, no, don't worry 'bout me and my now aching back."
"Well, I won't!" she huffed out of the room as Tawni walked in past her. As soon as she laid her eyes on the boy, she burst out into a fit of laughter.
"What… What happened," she paused to giggle, "to you?"
"Zora messed with your chair," I explained turning to my own mirror.
Tawni burst into a fresh wave of laughter as she walked over to Nico and pulled him up, pushing him out of the way to check her make-up. Nico narrowed his eyes at the strange girl and straightened his jacket, "So Sonny, what time?"
"Um, I think two days or maybe it was three… I was distracted." I shrugged pulling on my baby bonnet. I noticed Tawni and Nico turn towards me suspiciously with evil smirks growing simultaneously on their faces. I stopped tying the knot to hold the hat in place and turned to face my friends, "What?"
"So, you were… distracted?" Nico asked stepping closer and intertwining his fingers mischievously.
I nodded dumbfounded and watched Tawni waggle her eyebrows suggestively, "So, you were… distracted?" she mimicked his motions. I nodded again.
"Yes, guys, I was distracted." I turned back to my mirror as the kept coming towards me smirking. I leaned forward to avoid their uncomfortable atmosphere.
"By what?" Tawni nudged forward innocently inspecting her surroundings.
"By…" I turned back to them understanding what they were doing, "Chad?"
"I knew it!" she high-fived Nico and pulled her fist back, "Yes!"
"Because he was flirting with Portlyn and making fun of me," I added nonchalantly.
"Oh," she frowned but her face quickly brightened, "So you were… jealous?" she smiled.
"No, Tawni, I was not jealous." I slammed my lipstick on my desk and stood up to face them, "I don't like Chad. I don't get jealous when he flirts with Portlyn. I don't care if he jumped out of the parasail in Florida. I don't care, I don't care, I do not care."
Nico looked at me bewildered, "Wow Sonny, didn't know you could stand up for yourself." He smiled and nodded, "Good for you." He kept smiling as he left the room.
Tawni stared at him with her arms crossed. "So, were you really jealous?" she turned back to me smirking.
I sighed and shook my head, "Well," I hated to admit it, but no one was around, "Since you already know,"
"Because I know everything," she flipped her hair and smiled brightly.
"Right- well, I guess I was a little, tincey-wincey bit jealous," I twisted my hand in a 'so-so' motion. "But only because of how Portlyn is so… rude and Chad doesn't really like her. So, it's only because they don't go together and there's a girl out there who is right for Chad. One who deserves him…?" I shrugged and sat back down. Good cover up!
"Oh come on Sonny! Please, just admit it full out, no more cover-ups! Tell me the truth!" she begged.
"That is the truth Tawni," my voice raised a few octaves. She shook her head and bounced out of the room.
"Would the cast of So Random! please report to my office? Thank you!" Marshal cut off the speaker.
I smiled and skipped off to his office. As I looked down at a cord, I bumped into something, well, someone. As I made contact with the floor I looked up to meet to bright blue orbs, "I-I'm so sorry."
"What's up Munroe?" Chad held out a hand and raised an eyebrow. My body wouldn't obey so all I could do was stare at his extended hand. Both of his eyebrows rose as he waited for me to respond.
"Uh," I shook my head and grabbed his hand, "Right, just going to Marshal's… office." I smiled nervously as he pulled me up. No fighting. So far, so great.
"Anyway, when is your trip to wherever?" he shoved his hands into his pockets and smirked cockily.
"Chad, did you pay attention in the meeting at all?" I raised an eyebrow.
He looked up in thought and then back at me, "Nope. So, what was it about?" he rocked back and forth from his toes to his heels; not nervously, just impatiently.
"Really Chad, really?" I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, "Okay, well, because of the budget cuts Mr. Condor was going to cancel all vacations but yours, of course," he nodded and straightened his jacket cockily, which caused an eye roll from me, "but Zora got a… brilliant… idea."
He just kept staring at me awaiting my continuation, "What's the munchkin's idea?"
"Oh right! Well, my cast is going on vacation with your cast!" he gasped as I smiled brightly, "To Key West!" he gasped once more, "At the Radisson hotel!" I concluded. I could swear Chad was about to faint.
"Are you kidding? You're kidding, right?" he widened his eyes then closed his eyes to regain his composure. After a deep breath, he opened his eyes and forced a smile, "Key West?"
He shook his head as he walked past me, "Sonny Munroe, please report to Marshal's office ASAP!"
I laughed and went on my way to Marshal's office down the hall. As I walked through the doors everyone looked up at me suspiciously. "What's got you so giddy?" Tawni wiggled her eyebrows.
"My new… sketch idea." I smiled and turned to Marshal, "So what are we talking about?"
"Can you stay at the studio to watch Dakota over night?" he pleaded.
"Me? Watch Dakota?" I began laughing until I noticed his serious expression, "Wait, you're not kidding? Why can't Tawni stay?!"
"I am not staying with the devil child! Someone would die and I can promise you'll be seeing me the very next day." She crossed her arms and nodded.
"Well, fine." I turned to my guy friends, "How 'bout you… guys?" they stared at me with wide eyes and arms crossed. "Okay, well, how about- never mind." I turned away from Zora as soon as the thought occurred, "Fine, I'll do it." I grumbled.
"Good Sonny, well you should pack for the trip and tonight." He smiled, "the plane takes off tomorrow at ten."
I nodded and watched everyone leave to go get some lunch. Marshal nodded to me before faking a tear and walking out for some pie. After looking around the professional office I sat down at his desk and fiddled my thumbs around, watching them intently, bored and slightly depressed.
"Well, better go pack," I mumbled. As I began to stand I heard footsteps from down the hallway. My eyes widened as I sat in the chair and spun around to face the wall.
"Hey, producer guy, we have a problem," a familiar voice barked, "Look, as much as I look forward to hanging out with your little cast, I don't think we'd get along very well. That Sonny has got my friend wrapped around her finger and bad things could happen."
I wheeled around to face Devon, his eyes wide with embarrassment as red reached up into his shocked face, "What friend would we be speaking of?" I leaned forward and folded my hands neatly on the desk.
"Uh, that one guy… from that one place?" he smiled sheepishly.
"Right. So this has nothing to do with 'Mack Falls'?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked. He shook his head vigorously, "Oh, well, Marshal's in the, um, commissary." I smiled weakly.
I'm unsure of what caused me to believe him, but whatever it was I was very disappointed. Chad couldn't like me then.
"Tawni, what are you doing?" Nico looked at me strangely.
"I'm trying to decide what to wear to Florida. I already know what I'm wearing for the plane ride but not for when we arrive at the hotel. And then I need something for dinner that night. If we go swimming then I don't know what to wear as a cover. Wanna help?" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Uh, no." he looked at me almost in disgust.
"Fine, then get out of my dressing room." I pushed him by the shoulders and shut the door to have privacy going through my things.
I made my way to my closet and began ravaging through the dresses and shirts. Skirts flew through the air behind me and landed lazily on my lounge chair. This was going to be a long day.
"Sonny?" my mom called from the kitchen, "Come eat so I can drop you off at the studio!"
I clicked the last clasp on my suitcase and left the room in a huff. My hair was frazzled and tousled from my struggle with my suitcase and picking out so many clothes.
"Hey ma, what are we having?" I sat down at the dining room table.
"Pizza!" she smiled turning around to reveal the large plate of pepperoni pizza with mozzarella cheese sprinkled on it. "Sonny, what's up with the new do?" I crossed my eyes, trying to look up at my hair. I shrugged and took a slice of pizza, "Sonny, manners."
I laughed and dropped the piece onto my plate carelessly, "Mom, have you ever been to Florida?"
"Nope, heard it's great though." She smiled and took a bite of her slice.
"Sounds… great." I nodded and took a bite, quickly retracting and blowing on my dinner, "Hot."
Mom laughed and took another bite, "You couldn't tell when you picked it up?" I laughed along with her and took another bite.
"Thanks mom!" I waved as I walked into the studio dragging my suitcases behind me. I can't believe I'm watching the devil.
"Dakota?" I walked to my dressing room and dropped my bags onto my lounge chair looking at the ground. "Dakota, come on!" I looked up to see a shadow. "Well, you're too big to be Dakota, so should I cower in fear or hit you with Tawni's new perfume bottle?" I crossed my arms and stared at the shadow.
"Sonny?" I heard Dakota's little voice from behind me.
"Yes, ma'am?" I turned around.
"What are you doing here? I thought I was meeting you in the Mack Falls set?" she flicked the light switch.
"Why would I meet you at 'Mack Falls'?" I raised an eyebrow at the midget.
"Because I wanted to go through Chad's dressing room with you." She smirked and crossed her arms.
"Why? First, that's kinda weird and second, that's mean." I paused to think, "Oh, I could totally get blackmail!" I smiled evily.
"Thanks Munroe," a very familiar voice came from behind me.
I turned to the 'shadow' and crossed my arms, "What are you doing here? And in my dressing room!" I turned to glare at Dakota.
"Same as you," he replied trying to recapture my attention, "watching the de- sweet, young girl before us." He smiled forcefully at Dakota.
"Oh, Chaddy," she smiled as he cringed in disgust.
"As much as I hate to interrupt this… whatever it is, why am I here if you have Chad?" I looked at the devil child beside me.
"Because, daddy doesn't think it's a good idea for just Chad to be watching me but he also thinks you would… bore me." I glared at her and Chad laughing together.
"You know what? Why don't you just stay all alone with Chad and I'll go home!" I turned to leave but turned to face them for a second, "Why are you even here?"
"Daddy has a trip for tonight," she smiled, showing off her gaps.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and grabbed my suitcases, turning back towards the door. About halfway down the hall I stopped to someone's protest.
"Sonny! Come on, I can't handle that thing by myself!" I turned to him and rolled my eyes.
"I believe you two will get along just fine," I nodded and began my walk to the exit once more, "And you can even go through Tawni's stuff while you're at it. I give you my blessing." I snarled.
"Come on Sonny, really? I cannot get along with Dakota de vil." He grabbed my wrist from behind, "Please stay?"
I felt a blush burn through my face and fire burn up from my arm, my heart pounding wildly. "Look Chad, I'll stay if you promise to stay on my side." I looked up at him expectantly.
"Your side?" he narrowed his eyes.
"Yup, you side with me whenever it comes to odds between me and Dakota. Deal?" I pleaded for his help silently.
"Fine," he sighed and held out a hand. I took and made my way back to my dressing room.
"Okay, Dakota, why don't we go play a game?" I clapped and pushed my suitcases behind my changing curtain.
"Like what?" she twirled Tawni's lipstick in the air and twisted it around her evil, little fingers.
"Um, how about hide-and-go-seek?" I raised an eyebrow and carefully snatched the tube from her. The little girl looked up at me in disgust.
"I think-" Chad interrupted her.
"I think it's a good idea." I turned to smile at him and mouthed thanks. He nodded and winked causing me to blush once more.
"Fine," she growled, "You count and me and Chaddy will hide." She smiled and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the room and down the hall.
"Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4…" I snuck towards the door and made my way to the prop house.
"10, 11, 12, 13…" I popped my head into the room to see it completely empty. I searched the picture booth and the sarcophagus; even crawled up the slide to search upstairs.
"29, 30, 31…" I peeked into Marshal's office and behind his desk. My search managed to make it over to Mack Falls.
Okay, long chapter with some Channy! Review and tell me what you're thinking. Hope you enjoyed, or just don't read if you don't want to :)
~High Fiving Jesus~