Sorry its taken so long for this update, guys. Thanks for your patience. I hope I don't ramble too much. Let me know. :) Oh. And a special thanks to tonygibbsfatherandsonluver22. :)

They had barely gotten away from the warehouse when McGee's cell phone started ringing. He looked at the caller idea; it was Ducky. McGee relayed this information to Gibbs before picking up and putting on speaker phone.


"Timothy, listen. If young Anthony's injuries are as bad as you described I think that a trip to the hospital is in order. I know how he dislikes them, but he must at the very least have a concussion, if he is drifting in between unconsciousness."

"Alright Duck. We'll meet you there." Gibbs interrupted

"Thanks Ducky" McGee said and hung up the phone "Tony's not gonna like this…" McGee muttered

"I don't give a damn what he likes!" Gibbs yelled

"You know I can hear you both, right?" Tony asked from the back seat

"Tony!" Gibbs and McGee both exclaimed turning in there seats

"Boss! Eyes! Road! Don't wanna die today" Tony said weakly

"How are you feeling Tony?" McGee asked "You don't look so good."

"Gee. Thanks Probalicious." Tony muttered "I feel fine. Do I really have to go to the hospital? It was only a moment I had back there. Yeah. There is a possibility that I COULD have a concussion, but we all know how to handle it, right?"

"DiNozzo. Don't mess with me. Ducky said hospital. Hospital it is. You also said that your knee hurt as I practically carried you to the car." Gibbs growled at his agent. He was secretly relieved that Tony was no longer on the bad side of semi-consciousness.

"Oh. Hmph. That's interesting." Tony mumbled. He had not meant to tell that bit of information to anyone, let alone Gibbs, but he knew that his knee was in pretty bad shape now. Especially since he saved that little girls life, it throbbed and ached even though he was just sitting here. Oh he was going to be in so much trouble when the doctor told Gibbs that all the damage hadn't been done earlier.

They finally arrived at the hospital ER and Gibbs and McGee came around the side of the car to help him in.

"No. I'm fine. Thanks. No. I don't need your help." He muttered weakly starting to feel awful again.

"Shut up DiNozzo." Gibbs told Tony as he and McGee caught Tony before he face-planted in the cement. He had tried to get out of the car by himself. They very slowly made their way into ER where they met Ducky.

"Anthony, my dear boy. What have you gotten yourself into now?" Ducky asked Tony as he walked up. He was slightly concerned at how pale and weak Tony appeared.

He turned to Gibbs as he said, "I called ahead, Jethro. There is a room and doctor waiting for our Anthony."

He led the way to the room with Gibbs and McGee following, almost dragging Tony once again. A doctor met them at the door asking what happened. Together Gibbs and McGee recounted the story to the doctor.

"Ok." The doctor started "Lets check him out" He started looking Tony over as Gibbs kept a firm grip on his shoulder in case he decided to take a dive for the floor.

"Special Agent DiNozzo?" the doctor asked "Can you tell me what hurts?"

"Well doc," Tony started coming a little more aware "I do believe I have a concussion, yeah? "


"Well ok then. I know how to take care of those, so thanks doc, but Ill be going now." As Tony went to stand and take a step, his knee buckled and he grabbed onto Gibbs to stop himself falling.

"Well. What do we have here? Please pull up your pant leg Agent DiNozzo. I need to see what's going on with your knee." The doctor said to Tony as Gibbs helped him sit back down.

"Really, doc? I'm sure it's a sprain. Ill ice and wrap no big deal. Come on, Duck?" Tony pleaded looking past the doctor to Ducky, hoping for support.

"Now Anthony. You can argue with the good doctor and be stuck here for hours. Or just give in. There is something wrong with your knee, and the sooner we find out what it is, the better." Ducky scolded lightly

"Sit down and shut up, DiNozzo, or I'll have your badge." Gibbs said deadly quiet, so only Tony could hear him.

"Sitting down and shutting up, Boss. Have at it, doctor." Tony told the doctor who was observing what just went down, thinking he wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of the Agent's Boss.

"Ok. Roll up your pant leg, please." He instructed the injured agent.

"Hmmm. Doc. I think I'm going to have to take my pants off. I can't roll them that high…?" Tony asked the doctor almost nervously.

"That's fine. Proceed."

Tony looked down as he dropped his pants to his ankle. He tried to ignore the collective gasp as everyone took in his knee. It was quite obviously swollen and very bruised.

The doctor probed Tony's knee apologizing when he hit a tender spot that made Tony gasp.

"Well. Special Agent DiNozzo I think you've probably torn some tendons or ligaments, I'll know for sure what's going on after we get it x-rayed." The doctor said as he rolled an x-ray machine over.

After the x-rays were taken the doctor and Ducky left to get them developed and look at them.

"McGee." Gibbs said realizing he was standing in the corner of the room "Go find Ziva and the little girl. They're here somewhere. Then come back and update me."

"On it Boss." McGee said as he turned and left the room.

Gibbs turned back to Tony as he pulled his pants back up.

"DiNozzo. How is that you always get into trouble?" he asked his senior agent.

"I don't know Boss." Tony whispered

Gibbs looked at his pale complexion and suddenly remembered he also had a concussion.

"Sit down, Tony, before you pass out."

"DiNozzo's don't pass out." Tony mumbled, but sat down anyway

Just then the doctor and Ducky walked back in.

"Well the good news is you won't be needing surgery, Anthony, but you will be needing crutches for a while. You have torn a ligament dear boy. The interesting thing is, though, that it doesn't look like you did it today…?" He gave Tony a hard look. Well. As hard of a look as Ducky can give a person.

Gibbs turned to Tony "DiNozzo." He said in a menacing voice. Tony knew he was caught and should just come clean, so looking carefully at his shoes which kept blurring in and out he said to the room at large "I may or may not have came to work at 4 this morning, and I may or may not have gone down to the gym for a couple of hours to work out, I also may or may not have miss stepped when I was fighting the punching bag, and hurt my knee…"

Gibbs stared at Tony is disbelief. Tony had come into work at 4 o clock in the morning to work out in the gym. How could Gibbs not have noticed how badly this case was bothering him? How could he not have done anything about Tony's knee?

"Well." The doctor recovered first "You have done more damage, especially since you've walked all day AND took that heroic dive, but luckily as Doctor Mallard said, wrap it, ice it, and crutches for a while, and you'll be ok."

At that time McGee walked back into the room with Ziva and the young Alice. She looked pale and held Ziva's hand but didn't seem to be terribly injured.

"The doctor says she can go as long as someone keeps an eye on her and at the first signs of anything bad, brings her back." Ziva told Gibbs.

"Great. Let's all go back to my house." Gibbs said just as the sound of a gun and people screaming went off in the lobby…