Day 2
"Oh, slave boy!" Eiri called, before leaning towards Mika and whispering, "Wait till you see this..."
It was at that moment that Tatsuha walked in wearing a maids outfit complete with black high heels and a pink feather duster, "What is your request Lord Eiri?" He was as pink as the duster.
Mika was laughing until tears where streaming down her face, "How the hell d'you get him to do this?"
Tatsuha looked pleadingly at Eiri, who grinned evilly and said in a creepy voice "I know.... too much.." The feather duster was now nothing compared to the hue of Tatsuha's face and Mika looked as though she where about to pass out with laughter.
"Now then." Said Eiri clapping his hands together with delight, "Tonight I have a job for you."
Tatsuha shook his head from side to side frantically, "I'm busy tonight."
Eiri raised an eyebrow, "Oh really? How so?"
"I'm going out."
"Where to?"
"Oh, you know.." He gulped, "A bar or something."
Mika and Eiri exchanged glances before laughing, "Remind me," Began Eiri "How old are you?"
Tatsuha gulped, "We'll I look a lot like you, especially now..."
Eiri scoffed "No way in hell am I letting you borrow My I.D."
"Awww, come on, you never minded before!"
"Yeh, you know when I borrowed it..... without your knowledge.... durr.." He concluded uncertainly.
Eiri glared at him.
Later that evening Tatsuha found himself, still wearing the maids outfit and waiting on his, brother, his sister and her fiance, who was slightly startled by the whole thing. Eiri and Mika where struggling to contain there laughter, as they called "Maid!" and "Slave boy!" Tatsuha was very glad his parents were away for the week. At least there was a plus he thought, as he was able to talk to Tohma, who was (or rather had been) after all, a keyboard player for Nittle Grasper, but in spite of this Tatsuha found that he didn't like Tohma that much, despite how close he was to Eiri and of course Mika, so maybe this wasn't the opportunity to get close to members of his favourite band he had waited for .
When he was done waitressing Mika and Eiri made him wash up and it was 2..00 am before he made it to bed, slamming the bedroom door behind him. He was in the process of removing his costume when Tohma opened the door, "Excuse me, could you not be so loud? I mean it's not like we're sleeping, but y'know it's a bit of a mood killer..." Tatsuha struggled not to gag and instead gritted his teeth, Mika must have put him up to this.
A/N Oh God... sorry for the wait, I swear I'll update again soon(ish)