Chapter 2
Booth walked out and tried not to let his emotions show. "Bones was kissing someone?"
"Yeah," Angela's eyes danced—happy that her friend might be getting some action after being celibate for so long and hoping that it would make Booth jealous enough to do something. She was completely unaware of the turmoil he was going through. "And he was hot. I mean like Harlequin hot."
"Why didn't you ask her?" Nigel piped up.
"Because I can't. After they were done kissing, she hopped in his car and they drove off. It was a Mercedes convertible," her eyes sparkled.
Booth gulped. He knew Bones wasn't impressed with stuff like that but Angela had said she was kissing another man and he didn't like it. But so quick to finding another man after letting it out with Cam…she had to have known the guy.
"I'm sure she'll tell us when she comes back," he said. "Everyone is still planning to go to dinner tonight so I'm sure she'll tell you then. OK," he clapped his hands and started to walk away. "I'll see you guys tonight."
At the bar, Booth scanned for Bones but could not see her anywhere. Everyone else was having a good time and though he knew they were curious about where she was and whom she was with, Booth knew that it wasn't eating them up inside like it was hi. Outwardly he knew or hoped that he appeared to look the same. On the inside though, he was dying.
Had he possibly destroyed his chance with her by making that rash decision about a line so long ago? Would he have done the same thing had he known that she was in love with him back then? He knew he would have broken up with Cam in an instant if he had known. Yes, he had been scared about what could happen to her because of him and yes, it was irrational.
He had made the line just as much—if not more for the reason that he could tell that she was starting to see him as a man and possibly a sexual partner. Only, he knew he couldn't be just a sex buddy with her. He needed more. At the time, he didn't believe that she could give him more. How wrong he had been!
Three years and her feelings hadn't changed. Three years and she was writing poetry about him. He should have known that if he gave her the chance, she wouldn't disappoint. Temperance Brennan had one of the biggest hearts he knew. She just needed someone she could trust. And now, he was determined to show her that she could trust him.
Booth sensed her walk in—he could smell her perfume. She was wearing the same clothes she had when she left work a couple hours earlier. When her eyes met his, he smiled and stood up—picking up two drinks and walked to her.
"Thanks." She took her drink and took a sip. Her eyes were a bit hazy.
"What's wrong?"
She smiled at him. "So soon?"
"You're pretty easy to read Bones." She nodded towards a booth in the corner that had just been vacated.
Once they were seated "I need a favor. But I can't tell you much. It's not my secret to tell you." He nodded and waited.
Brennan bit her lip. She hated lying to him—but it wasn't her secret and Kyle had been implicit that she did not tell him or anyone. "There's a CIA agent was found dead earlier this week. Matt Sine. They say it was suicide."
Booth took a sip. "I remember hearing about it."
"I knew him. It's been awhile—I haven't spoken to him since before you and I met. But he didn't commit suicide. He wouldn't have. Someone gave me these." She opened her purse and slid out some documents and a microchip. "He was working on something that got him killed. It was someone on the inside. Because of my relationship—previous relationship," she amended, "with him it would make sense that I would want to look into it. But it needs to be official."
"So you're asking me to take over a CIA case."
"For someone you haven't spoken to in what? Six years?"
"It's been nearly ten, but yes," Brennan sighed. "I wish I could tell you more. But I don't want to have to lie to you. And anything else I would tell you, while it would be a version of the truth, it would still be a lie."
"What about your source? The one he gave you these?" he motioned towards the file and micro chip that she had slid to him.
"He doesn't trust the feds."
Booth let out a laugh. "Well, the feds don't trust the CIA."
"He as—Ky-," Brennan stopped. "He has good reason not to trust the FBI. As good as my father does. I told him I wouldn't do this without you. Please…just trust me Booth and when I can tell you the rest, I will."
Her eyes were begging and he could tell that she needed him so he found himself agreeing to make the call. He spotted Angela and Cam coming towards them and grabbed the files and chip, sticking them inside his coat pocket.
"So," Angela sat down next to Brennan and Cam sat next to Booth. "Details please."
Brennan looked at her blankly. "About what?"
"Oh don't even try it Bren. I saw you kissing someone today. A very hot someone I might add. So spill."
"Don't Angela me. I have been dying for the past couple of hours. Who is he?"
"An old friend. He needed my help with something.
Booth felt his stomach tighten. The man she had been kissing was her source. Her reason for asking him for this favor. He didn't like it.
"Yeah, help with his tongue in your mouth?"
Booth felt himself grow tense. Brennan, unaware of what Booth was going through but feeling Cam's gaze on her, straightened, "Angela—what exactly did you see?"