I'm a bad author. Well... bad updater. My writing skills are fair I suppose. Anyways... I've accepted this. Hopefully you will too. Enjoy. Oh and this is John POV. Hehe!

Disclaimer: I don't own. Consider it disclaimed.

We walked through the door of the SPR offices and made our way to the seats provided. We were on time thankfully. Had we been late, Naru… er, Kazuya would have been fuming. I sat next to Ayako and watched as Kazuya flipped through a folder and Mai brought out tea. The Japanese tea was odd to me but I drank it with no complaint.

"This case is going to be different from any we've been through before. When I tell you the information we have, you are more than welcome to leave. I will not force you into this case."

I heard those around me gasp and in truth, I had to hold one back. Kazuya was giving us the option to leave a case? While we never felt that we had to participate in a case, there had never been a time when Kazuya verbalized our permission to leave. I took another swallow of the tea and readied myself to hear the specs of this case.


"So you can see why I have offered you the option to be dismissed from being here."

I thought carefully over my past. I had made mistakes. I was not perfect. However, I had made confession and did my penance. I had really nothing to be afraid of. I would do the case.

I looked around at the others. They were debating on their choices also. I steeled my nerves and spoke.

"Shibuya-san, I will stay. I will do this case."

After a small nod of gratitude from Kazuya and a moment more, the others assented. After me, Mai spoke up followed by Monk, Ayako, and finally, Yasuharu. Everyone knew that Lin would not leave Kazuya's side. We all turned and looked at Masako. She was staring at Shibuya-san with a look of horror.

"Ka-Kazuya… what abou-"

"I know the risks, Hara-san. If you will give us your decision, we can move on with our meeting."

She blushed a dark color that was not hidden behind the kimono sleeve and nodded her assent.

"Given the nature of the case, we will spend a few moments for confession. It would be better if we got a few things out in the open before heading to this house."

Mai spoke up. "Why are we doing this now?"

Kazuya looked perturbed. "You, Mai, of all people, should know why. Any secrets are fuel for the Ghost. If you should choose to keep them to yourselves, you put your life at risk. Plus, it will give us a bit of a recuperation time so that we aren't caught off our guard in the presence of the spirit."

We all seemed a bit shocked that Kazuya took the time to explain, albeit the condescending tone was not a surprise. Mai looked abashed and nodded. Silence reigned for a moment while Kazuya stared at Mai thoughtfully. He was interrupted by Ayako's huff. "Are we just going to sit here or is someone going to get this started?"

She was rewarded with a disapproving glance from Kazuya. "Since you seem so eager, Matsuzaki-san, you will begin. What could our Ghost use against you?"

Ayako's frustration melted and she paled a bit. "Okay… I've… I've…. Had an accident. I was drinking one time when I was called in… My patient needed emergency surgery. I was nowhere near capable of performing the surgery. My patient didn't make it. I told the family that there was nothing I could do to save her… even though the fault was all mine. I could have saved her if my mind had been stable…"

She nearly didn't make it through her confession before choking and burying her face in her hands. The sobs wracked her body as I moved over to her and put a comforting arm around her. Monk stared in shock as the others just looked uncomfortable and introspective. This case had yet to begin and we were already having a time of it. I could only hope that we got this out of the way with as little damage as possible.

So I hope it wasn't TOO short. I know this preliminary stuff is taking a ridiculously long time but I'll get there..... reviews please!